Xiao Peng

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QT setFocusProxy

Posted on 2007-10-15 14:35  勇敢的鸵鸟  阅读(4361)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

void QWidget::setFocusProxy ( QWidget * w ) [virtual]

Sets this widget's focus proxy to w. If w is 0, this function resets this widget to not have any focus proxy.

Some widgets, such as QComboBox, can "have focus," but create a child widget to actually handle the focus. QComboBox, for example, creates a QLineEdit.

setFocusProxy() sets the widget which will actually get focus when "this widget" gets it. If there is a focus proxy, focusPolicy(), setFocusPolicy(), setFocus() and hasFocus() all operate on the focus proxy.

See also focusProxy().

将该widget的focus proxy设置给w。如果w为0,该函数将此widget设为没有任何focus proxy。


setFocusProxy()用来指定当该widget获得焦点时实际上由谁来处理这个焦点。如果某个widget拥有focus proxy,focusPolicy(),setFocusPolicy(),setFocus()和hasFocus()都是对focus proxy进行操作。