1. 查看所有job
select job,what,failures,broken from user_jobs
select * from user_objects where object_type='PROCEDURE'
2. 为统计增加合计列
select o.platform_order_id,sum(o.system_cost),sum(o.platform_cost),sum(o.spreader_cost),sum(o.shop_cost) from bp_platform_order o where o.order_status=0 and o.business_type='G3' group by rollup(o.platform_order_id)
3. 将一列数据用 "," 拼接起来
select wm_concat(t.shop_id) from shop_info t where t.xx=11691
4. 枚举加权值
if (bitand(v_total_steps, e_apply_step.need_extradata)+0 = 0)
if (bitand(v_finished_steps, e_apply_step.need_extradata)+0=e_apply_step.need_extradata)
在执行任何DML语句之前,SQL%ROWCOUNT的值都是NULL,对于SELECT INTO语句,如果执行成功,SQL%ROWCOUNT的值为1,如果没有成功或者没有操作(如update、insert、delete为0条),SQL%ROWCOUNT的值为0
6. case... when
1 case var 2 when 条件1 then 3 if 条件1_1 then 4 return ****; 5 end if; 6 reutrn ****; 7 when 条件2 then 8 if 条件2_1 then 9 return ****; 10 end if; 11 reutrn ****; 12 else 13 return 9999; 14 end case;
7. 多条重复的记录,仅取出按需排序的某一条
1 SELECT Accountno 2 INTO OUTACCOUNTNO 3 FROM (SELECT Accountno, 4 AccountName, 5 ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY OPTIME DESC) ROWPOS 6 FROM Pub_Agt_Allinpay_Reg_Info 7 WHERE AGTPHONE = InAgtphone 8 AND STATE = '2') 9 WHERE ROWPOS = 1;
8. 连表更新
1 UPDATE table_1 a 2 SET col_x1 = (SELECT b.col_y1 FROM table_2 b WHERE b.col_n = a.col_m), 3 col_x2 = (SELECT b.col_y2 FROM table_2 b WHERE b.col_n = a.col_m) 4 WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM table_2 b WHERE b.col_n = a.col_m)
1 UPDATE table_1 a 2 SET (col_x1, col_x2) = (SELECT b.col_y1, b.col_y2 FROM table_2 b WHERE b.col_n = a.col_m) 3 WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM table_2 b WHERE b.col_n = a.col_m);
9. 从某表复制数据到另一个表
1 insert into PUB_SHOP_INFO 2 (MOBILE, -- 1 3 REAL_NAME, -- 2 4 ID_CARD, -- 3 5 SHOP_ADDR, -- 4 6 BELONG_TO) 7 select t.agtphone, -- 1 8 t.agtname, -- 2 9 t.agtidcard, -- 3 10 nvl(t.agtofficeaddr, t.agthomeaddr), --4 11 t.agtbelong -- 5 12 from pub_agt_info_s t;
10. 按某一个时间段进行分组统计
1 select to_char((trunc(sysdate) + 2 trunc((o.request_time - trunc(sysdate)) * 24 * 60 / 30) * 30 / 60 / 24), 3 'hh24:mi') || '-' || 4 to_char((trunc(sysdate) + 5 trunc((o.request_time - trunc(sysdate)) * 24 * 60 / 30 + 1) * 30 / 60 / 24), 6 'hh24:mi') period, 7 count(*) 订单笔数, 8 sum(o.order_fee) 订单总面值, 9 sum(o.success_fee) 成功总面值 10 from bp_platform_order o 11 where o.request_time >= to_date('20150119', 'yyyymmdd') 12 and o.request_time < to_date('20150119', 'yyyymmdd') + 1 13 group by to_char((trunc(sysdate) + 14 trunc((o.request_time - trunc(sysdate)) * 24 * 60 / 30) * 30 / 60 / 24), 15 'hh24:mi') || '-' || 16 to_char((trunc(sysdate) + 17 trunc((o.request_time - trunc(sysdate)) * 24 * 60 / 30 + 1) * 30 / 60 / 24), 18 'hh24:mi') 19 order by 1;