论文笔记(4)—"Personalized Cross-Silo Federated Learning on Non-IID Data"
In their dissertation, in order to specialize clients' models, an intermediate result \(U^k\) was computed as an aggregated model and forced clients' model \({\mathbf W}\) to be closed to \(U^k\).
Concretely, they solve the following problem:
where \(A\) is a kind of similarity measure. The objective function is alternatively optimized by optimizing \(U^k\) and \({\mathbf W}^k\). First, \(U^k\) only depends on the second term \(\sum A(\Vert{\mathbf w}_i -{\mathbf w}_j \Vert^2)\),where \({\mathbf w}_i\) denotes \(i\)-th column of \({\mathbf W}\) and the total number of clients is \(m\). \(U^k\) is computed by
Then, \({\mathbf W}^k\) is the solution of
The complete algorithm procedure is following
Note: \(W^{k}\) is the optimal solution of the above problem in k-th step. In my opinion, it's unlikely to find a closed solution and needs multi-local steps to find \({\mathbf W}^k\). Because authors didn't publish their code, I can't check the optimal condition of \({\mathbf W}^{k}\).
For simplicity, there is only a convergence analysis in convex setting in this blog. Before elaborating the process, let take a look at their assumption:
\(L-\) smooth is the only required condition and their analysis is based on that solving \({\mathbf W}^k\) is feasible.
As discussed in my previous bolg, we should prove \({\mathbf W}^k\) is convergent to \({\mathbf W}^*\) along with \(k\to \infty\). According to the definition of strongly convex, we have
plugging in \(U^k = {\mathbf W}^{k-1}-\alpha_k\nabla{\mathcal A}({\mathbf W}^{k-1})\),
we can have
we still should find the relationship between \({\mathcal F}({\mathbf W}^{k})\) and \({\mathcal F}({\mathbf W}^{k-1})\).
- In their work, authors recognized that the similarity measure \(\Vert {\mathbf w}_i-{\mathbf w}_j\Vert\) is improper in deep network.
- As above said, find \({\mathbf W}^k\) in a closed form is difficult in most scenario
- The message passing mechanism is ambiguous for me