

  不知道是不是没有配置好eclipse上的Map/Reduce Locations,个人感觉和那些mapred.XXX.XXX的配置选项有关(如果哪位大神知道怎么配置可以让在eclipse提交的作业在集群上的所有机器中运行起来,希望能留下联系方式或发去我邮箱,互相交流以共同进步!)

  不过!只要生成jar(直接用eclipse的export->runnable jar就可以了)后,在terminal(我用的是ubuntu12.10)上hadoop xxx.jar XXX就可以发现在集群中运行起来了,而且速度和伪分布式比真的是像MOTOGP和竞走的对比呀!


    INFO mapred.JobClient: Task Id : attempt_201305071019_0002_m_000000_0, Status : FAILED
    java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: scut.chiuzzf.mapreduce.GetPageUrlJob$GetPageUrlMapper



2、集群运行过程中,以前一直可以运行良好的作业突然抛出 Java heap space 的错误如下所示

INFO mapred.JobClient: Task Id : attempt_201001061331_0002_m_000027_0, Status : FAILED 
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 
        at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask$MapOutputBuffer.<init>( 
        at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Child.main(

    一般来说,这个实际上是 Out Of Memory OOM问题。这有可能是程序逻辑的问题,在程序中申请的内存空间或者上一任务的内存空间没有释放,导致系统有运行时80%以上的时间用于gc。也有可能是分配内存太少导致的。

    由于hadoop的mapreduce作业的运行机制是:在jobtracker接到客户端来的job提交后,将许多的task分配到集群中各个tasktracker上进行分块的计算,而根据代码中的逻辑可以看出,其实是在tasktracker上启了一个java进程进行运算,进程中有特定的端口和网络机制来保持map 和reduce之间的数据传输,所以,这些OOM的错误,其实就是这些java进程中报出了OOM的错误。 



    针对二,hadoop的mapreduce作业启动的时候,都会读取Job中的配置(hadoop-site.xml),只要在该配置文件中将每个task的jvm进程中的-Xmx所配置的java进程的max heap size加大,就能解决这样的问题: 

3Dealing with lots of small files in Hadoop MapReduce with CombineFileInputFormat

Input to Hadoop MapReduce process is abstracted by InputFormat. FileInputFormat is a default implementation that deals with files in HDFS. With FileInputFormat, each file is splited into one or more InputSplits typically upper bounded by block size. This means the number of input splits are lower bounded by number of input files. This is not an ideal environment for MapReduce process when it's dealing with large number of small files, because overhead of coordinating distributed processes is far greater than when there are relatively small number of large files. Note here when the input split spills over block boundaries this could work against the general rule of 'having process close to data', because blocks could be at different network locations.

Enter CombineFileInputFormat, it packs many files into each split so that each mapper has more to process. CombineFileInputFormat takes node and rack locality into account when deciding which blocks to place in the same split so it doesn't suffer from the same problem of simply having a big split size.

public class MyCombineFileInputFormat extends CombineFileInputFormat {

  public static class MyKeyValueLineRecordReader implements RecordReader {
    private final KeyValueLineRecordReader delegate;

    public MyKeyValueLineRecordReader(
      CombineFileSplit split, Configuration conf, Reporter reporter, Integer idx) throws IOException {
      FileSplit fileSplit = new FileSplit(
        split.getPath(idx), split.getOffset(idx), split.getLength(idx), split.getLocations());
      delegate = new KeyValueLineRecordReader(conf, fileSplit);

    public boolean next(Text key, Text value) throws IOException {
      return, value);

    public Text createKey() {
      return delegate.createKey();

    public Text createValue() {
      return delegate.createValue();

    public long getPos() throws IOException {
      return delegate.getPos();

    public void close() throws IOException {

    public float getProgress() throws IOException {
      return delegate.getProgress();

  public RecordReader getRecordReader(
    InputSplit split, JobConf job, Reporter reporter) throws IOException {
    return new CombineFileRecordReader(
      job, (CombineFileSplit) split, reporter, (Class) MyKeyValueLineRecordReader.class);

CombineFileInputFormat is an abstract class that you need to extend and override getRecordReader method. CombineFileRecordReader manages multiple input splits in CombineFileSplit simply by constructing new RecordReader for each input split within. MyKeyValueLineRecordReader creates a KeyValueLineRecordReader to delegate operations to.

Remember to set mapred.max.split.size to a small multiple of block size in bytes as otherwise there will be no split at all.


13/07/05 10:40:20 ERROR security.UserGroupInformation: PriviledgedActionException as:chiu Permission denied: user=chiu, access=WRITE, inode="mapred":hadoop:supergroup:rwxr-xr-x
Exception in thread "main" Permission denied: user=chiu, access=WRITE, inode="mapred":hadoop:supergroup:rwxr-xr-x



    方法一:利用命令hadoop fs -chmod 777/chown chiu /home/xx/xx/tmp/mapred 来改变文件的权限,从而使文件可读写!





 1) 内部类没有标记成static;

 2) 在集群上跑的时候没有job.setJarByClass(xxxx.class);或job.getConfiguration.set("", "hdfs://");或job.getConfiguration.set("mapred.job.tracker", “hdfs://”);或job.getConfiguration.set("hbase.rootdir", "hdfs://");;

 3) 在伪分布式下跑的时候设置了上述第二项以后的集群设置;

 4) 用windows打包作业到linux下跑的时候出现这种情况;




posted on 2013-05-07 11:16  DeeFOX  阅读(1167)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
