rule of UML

[prefix] classNmae <dataType>(if it's a template class) =<dataType>( alias of a bound datatype template)
prefix: utility,abstract

beside---(if this class is a template class but still not bind any datatype, you can draw a dotted line rectangle with a common data name like 'T')

attribute and method
[access right][constantly] Name : [dataType] [ = value ] [abstract]

access right : + public # protect - private
constantly : / read only
dataType : any type which exist in your project
value : initial value
abstract : en...h..just the literary mean

beside---if use ____ under Name , mean the Name is a static attribute or method


calcAge (in birhDate:int, out age:int)

in deafult situation is 'in'.if the method have return parameter,you must write a 'out' to mark it.

posted @ 2013-03-16 00:03  WINSTON-DEAN  阅读(111)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报