如何解决LodRunner中报错关于Error -10489
如何解决LodRunner中报错关于Error -10489 : Exception was raised when calling per-thread-terminate function":
关键词:原创 如何 解决 lodrunner 中 报错关于 error 10489exception raised whencalling per-thread-terminate function
[原创]如何解决lodrunner中报错关于error -10489 : exception was raised when calling per-thread-terminate function
在用loadrunner实施性能测试时,采用goal模式加压,存在如果持续长时加压时loadrunner的controller会报error -10489 : exception was raised when calling per-thread-terminate function错误;
unlike the earlier windows versions, windows 2000 and windows xp have the default environment set to c:\document and settings\<user-name>\local settings\temp instead of c:\windows\temp. this long path with a space can cause several problems for loadrunner. to resolve the issue, change to a directory without empty spaces.