好,终于从Service side上浮到了浏览器里,又是JavaScript的编码,直接和用户接触的“表现层”:
function AddUser() { ....UserService.AddUser(....);... }
想到几个月前在Channel 9看的一段介绍“Codename Volta”的视频,Volta的目标似乎就是消灭这中在N层代码中的冗余:
From Web "Meijer doesn't envisage having to distribute a runtime engine such as .NET, the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) or Flash. Rather, he wants to use what is already available. Therefore he envisages .NET IL (intermediate language) binaries becoming a universally executable format. The runtime could be the CLR (Common Language Runtime), or the JVM, or the Flash player, or the browser. This would be transparent to the developer, because some intermediate piece would translate the .NET IL to JavaScript, or Java, or a Flash SWF. or somehing else." 

"You can write code that targets Silverlight, as an example, and if the target browser doesn’t support Silverlight, the code will be “converted” to a DHTML / CSS / Javascript implementation on the fly. In fact, that implementation can be tailored to the unique requirements of the browser, and functionality can be boosted or reduced depending on what that browser can handle."

觉得现在的软件开发还是有许多的不理想的地方,有许多的无用功,幸好已经有很多技术和工具已经在慢慢改变那些不足了。但愿10年后,Software Engineer已经完全是另外一个意义的工作,“代码工人”这个称呼将不复存在。。。

PS:发现Channel 9页面上的播放器改成Silverlight的了~,在我的Firefox上运行良好。~
Posted on 2007-10-02 23:22  Adrian H.  阅读(683)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报