《机器学习实战》学习笔记第五章 —— Logistic回归




1..吴恩达机器学习笔记(二) —— Logistic回归

2.吴恩达机器学习笔记(十一) —— Large Scale Machine Learning




 1 # coding:utf-8
 3 '''
 4 Created on Oct 27, 2010
 5 Logistic Regression Working Module
 6 @author: Peter
 7 '''
 8 from numpy import *
10 def sigmoid(inX):
11     return 1.0 / (1 + exp(-inX))
13 def gradAscent(dataMatIn, classLabels):
14     dataMatrix = mat(dataMatIn)  # convert to NumPy matrix
15     labelMat = mat(classLabels).transpose()  # convert to NumPy matrix
16     m, n = shape(dataMatrix)
17     alpha = 0.001
18     maxCycles = 500
19     weights = ones((n, 1))
20     for k in range(maxCycles):  # heavy on matrix operations
21         h = sigmoid(dataMatrix * weights)  # matrix mult
22         error = (labelMat - h)  # vector subtraction
23         weights = weights + alpha * dataMatrix.transpose() * error  # matrix mult
24     return weights
26 def stocGradAscent0(dataMatrix, classLabels,numIter=150):
27     m, n = shape(dataMatrix)
28     alpha = 0.01
29     weights = ones(n)  # initialize to all ones
30     for j in range(numIter):
31         for i in range(m):
32             h = sigmoid(sum(dataMatrix[i] * weights))
33             error = classLabels[i] - h
34             weights = weights + alpha * error * dataMatrix[i]
35     return weights
37 def stocGradAscent1(dataMatrix, classLabels, numIter=150):
38     m, n = shape(dataMatrix)
39     weights = ones(n)  # initialize to all ones
40     for j in range(numIter):
41         dataIndex = range(m)
42         for i in range(m):
43             alpha = 4 / (1.0 + j + i) + 0.0001  # apha decreases with iteration, does not
44             randIndex = int(random.uniform(0, len(dataIndex)))  # go to 0 because of the constant
45             h = sigmoid(sum(dataMatrix[randIndex] * weights))
46             error = classLabels[randIndex] - h
47             weights = weights + alpha * error * dataMatrix[randIndex]
48             del (dataIndex[randIndex])
49     return weights
51 def classifyVector(inX, weights):
52     prob = sigmoid(sum(inX * weights))
53     if prob > 0.5:
54         return 1.0
55     else:
56         return 0.0
58 def colicTest():
59     frTrain = open('horseColicTraining.txt')
60     frTest = open('horseColicTest.txt')
61     trainingSet = []
62     trainingLabels = []
63     for line in frTrain.readlines():
64         currLine = line.strip().split('\t')
65         lineArr = []
66         for i in range(21):
67             lineArr.append(float(currLine[i]))
68         trainingSet.append(lineArr)
69         trainingLabels.append(float(currLine[21]))
70     trainWeights = stocGradAscent1(array(trainingSet), trainingLabels,500)
71     errorCount = 0; numTestVec = 0.0
72     for line in frTest.readlines():
73         numTestVec += 1.0
74         currLine = line.strip().split('\t')
75         lineArr = []
76         for i in range(21):
77             lineArr.append(float(currLine[i]))
78         if int(classifyVector(array(lineArr), trainWeights)) != int(currLine[21]):
79             errorCount += 1
80     errorRate = (float(errorCount) / numTestVec)
81     print "the error rate of this test is: %f" % errorRate
82     return errorRate
84 def multiTest():
85     numTests = 10; errorSum = 0.0
86     for k in range(numTests):
87         errorSum += colicTest()
88     print "after %d iterations the average error rate is: %f" % (numTests, errorSum / float(numTests))
90 if __name__=="__main__":
91     multiTest()



三.Batch gradient descent、Stochastic gradient descent、Mini-batch gradient descent 的性能比较


1.Batch gradient descent

 1 def gradAscent(dataMatIn, classLabels):
 2     dataMatrix = mat(dataMatIn)  # convert to NumPy matrix
 3     labelMat = mat(classLabels).transpose()  # convert to NumPy matrix
 4     m, n = shape(dataMatrix)
 5     alpha = 0.001
 6     maxCycles = 500
 7     weights = ones((n, 1))
 8     for k in range(maxCycles):  # heavy on matrix operations
 9         h = sigmoid(dataMatrix * weights)  # matrix mult
10         error = (labelMat - h)  # vector subtraction
11         weights = weights + alpha * dataMatrix.transpose() * error  # matrix mult
12     return weights
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2.Stochastic gradient descent

 1 def stocGradAscent0(dataMatrix, classLabels,numIter=150):
 2     m, n = shape(dataMatrix)
 3     alpha = 0.01
 4     weights = ones(n)  # initialize to all ones
 5     for j in range(numIter):
 6         for i in range(m):
 7             h = sigmoid(sum(dataMatrix[i] * weights))
 8             error = classLabels[i] - h
 9             weights = weights + alpha * error * dataMatrix[i]
10     return weights
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3.Mini-batch gradient descent

 1 def stocGradAscent1(dataMatrix, classLabels, numIter=150):
 2     m, n = shape(dataMatrix)
 3     weights = ones(n)  # initialize to all ones
 4     for j in range(numIter):
 5         dataIndex = range(m)
 6         for i in range(m):
 7             alpha = 4 / (1.0 + j + i) + 0.0001  # apha decreases with iteration, does not
 8             randIndex = int(random.uniform(0, len(dataIndex)))  # go to 0 because of the constant
 9             h = sigmoid(sum(dataMatrix[randIndex] * weights))
10             error = classLabels[randIndex] - h
11             weights = weights + alpha * error * dataMatrix[randIndex]
12             del (dataIndex[randIndex])
13     return weights
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1.在训练数据集较小且特征较少的时候,使用Batch gradient descent的效果是最好的。但如果不能满足这个条件,则可使用Mini-batch gradient descent,并设置合适的迭代次数。

2.对于Stochastic gradient descent 和 Mini-batch gradient descent 而言,并非迭代次数越多效果越好。不知为何?


posted on 2018-08-10 15:48  h_z_cong  阅读(458)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
