Unity2019.4.9及以上打包iOS13+版本xcode工程 设备运行应用Crash

Unity2019.4.9f1 在iOS13+的系统版本下的CrashLog,iOS13以下不会,Developer证书直接打包的真机上可以启动应用,但是关闭应用后再打开就Crash
[com.xxx.xxx] Executing termination for reason (none) with request: <FBSProcessTerminationRequest: 0x282d170c0; label: "watchdog provision violated"; exceptionCode: "Watchdog Violation (0x8BADF00D)"; reportType: CrashLog; explanation: "process-launch watchdog transgression: application<com.xxx.xxx>:356 exhausted real (wall clock) time allowance of 20.00 seconds">

1、先前往Unity-iPhone / Build Phases / Link Binary with Libraries build section 添加 UnityFramework.framework(下图)
2、若Unity-iPhone / Build Phases / Link Binary with Libraries build section 添加 UnityFramework.framework后,报错了把Enable Bitcode设为No就好了

posted @ 2021-08-04 15:35  Thanks_up  阅读(493)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报