通过MapEdit源程序的学习MAP文件 3, 改编程序,没有编辑功能,只显示MAP

unit showmap; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, WIL, ComCtrls; const UNITX = 48; UNITY = 32; type TMapInfo = packed record //这个好像不需要PACKED BkImg: Word; MidImg: Word; FrImg: Word; DoorIndex: byte; DoorOffset: byte; AniFrame: byte; AniTick: byte; Area: byte; Light: byte; end; TMapHeader = packed record // MPA的头文件,需要PACKED,否则错误 Width: Word; Height: word; Title: string[15]; UpdateDate: TDateTime; Reserved: array[0..23] of Char; end; TForm1 = class(TForm) scrlbx1: TScrollBox; pnl1: TPanel; btnOpenMap: TButton; pb1: TPaintBox; dlgOpen1: TOpenDialog; lbl1: TLabel; lbl2: TLabel; chkTiles: TCheckBox; chkSmTiles: TCheckBox; chkObjects: TCheckBox; btnSaveTobmp: TButton; lbl3: TLabel; lbl4: TLabel; lbl5: TLabel; lbl6: TLabel; trckbr1: TTrackBar; lbl7: TLabel; pbar1: TProgressBar; lbl8: TLabel; btnRefresh: TButton; lbloj1: TLabel; lbloj2: TLabel; lbloj3: TLabel; lbloj4: TLabel; lbloj5: TLabel; lbloj6: TLabel; lbloj7: TLabel; lbloj8: TLabel; lbloj9: TLabel; lbloj10: TLabel; lbloj11: TLabel; lbloj12: TLabel; lbloj13: TLabel; lbloj14: TLabel; lbloj15: TLabel; lbloj16: TLabel; lbloj17: TLabel; lblTil: TLabel; lblSmT: TLabel; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure btnOpenMapClick(Sender: TObject); procedure pb1Paint(Sender: TObject); procedure btnSaveTobmpClick(Sender: TObject); procedure trckbr1Change(Sender: TObject); procedure btnRefreshClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); private { Private declarations } function LoadMapFile(flname: string): Boolean; procedure ShowTiles(Canvas: TCanvas; x, y: Integer); procedure ShowSmTiles(Canvas: TCanvas; x, y: Integer); procedure ShowObjects(Canvas: TCanvas; x, y: Integer); procedure clslbloj; public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; MArr : array[0..1000, 0..1000] of TMapInfo; MapWidth, MapHeight : Integer; BaseDir: string; Zoom: Real; wilTiles, wilSmTiles: TWMImages; wil1, wil2, wil3, wil4, wil5, wil6,wil7, wil8, wil9, wil10 : TWMImages; wil13, wil14, wil15: TWMImages; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin MapWidth := 1; MapHeight := 1; trckbr1Change(Sender); BaseDir := GetCurrentDir + '\'; form1.Caption := BaseDir; clslbloj; if FileExists(BaseDir + 'Tiles.wil') then begin wilTiles := TWMImages.Create(Self); wilTiles.FileName :=BaseDir + 'Tiles.wil'; wilTiles.Initialize; lblTil.Caption := 'Tiles'; lblTil.Color := clGreen; end; if FileExists(BaseDir + 'SmTiles.wil') then begin wilSmTiles := TWMImages.Create(Self); wilSmTiles.FileName :=BaseDir + 'SmTiles.wil'; wilSmTiles.Initialize; lblSmT.Caption := 'SmTiles'; lblSmT.Color := clGreen; end; if FileExists(BaseDir + 'objects.wil') then begin wil1 := TWMImages.Create(Self); wil1.FileName :=BaseDir + 'objects.wil'; wil1.Initialize; lbloj1.Color := clGreen; end; if FileExists(BaseDir + 'objects2.wil') then begin wil2 := TWMImages.Create(Self); wil2.FileName :=BaseDir + 'objects2.wil'; wil2.Initialize; lbloj2.Color := clGreen; end; if FileExists(BaseDir + 'objects3.wil') then begin wil3 := TWMImages.Create(Self); wil3.FileName :=BaseDir + 'objects3.wil'; wil3.Initialize; lbloj3.Color := clGreen; end; if FileExists(BaseDir + 'objects4.wil') then begin wil4 := TWMImages.Create(Self); wil4.FileName :=BaseDir + 'objects4.wil'; wil4.Initialize; lbloj4.Color := clGreen; end; if FileExists(BaseDir + 'objects5.wil') then begin wil5 := TWMImages.Create(Self); wil5.FileName :=BaseDir + 'objects5.wil'; wil5.Initialize; lbloj5.Color := clGreen; end; if FileExists(BaseDir + 'objects6.wil') then begin wil6 := TWMImages.Create(Self); wil6.FileName :=BaseDir + 'objects6.wil'; wil6.Initialize; lbloj6.Color := clGreen; end; if FileExists(BaseDir + 'objects7.wil') then begin wil7 := TWMImages.Create(Self); wil7.FileName :=BaseDir + 'objects7.wil'; wil7.Initialize; lbloj7.Color := clGreen; end; if FileExists(BaseDir + 'objects8.wil') then begin wil8 := TWMImages.Create(Self); wil8.FileName :=BaseDir + 'objects8.wil'; wil8.Initialize; lbloj8.Color := clGreen; end; if FileExists(BaseDir + 'objects9.wil') then begin wil9 := TWMImages.Create(Self); wil9.FileName :=BaseDir + 'objects9.wil'; wil9.Initialize; lbloj9.Color := clGreen; end; if FileExists(BaseDir + 'objects10.wil') then begin wil10 := TWMImages.Create(Self); wil10.FileName :=BaseDir + 'objects.wil'; wil10.Initialize; lbloj10.Color := clGreen; end; if FileExists(BaseDir + 'objects13.wil') then begin wil13 := TWMImages.Create(Self); wil13.FileName :=BaseDir + 'objects13.wil'; wil13.Initialize; lbloj13.Color := clGreen; end; if FileExists(BaseDir + 'objects14.wil') then begin wil14 := TWMImages.Create(Self); wil14.FileName :=BaseDir + 'objects14.wil'; wil14.Initialize; lbloj14.Color := clGreen; end; if FileExists(BaseDir + 'objects15.wil') then begin wil15 := TWMImages.Create(Self); wil15.FileName :=BaseDir + 'objects15.wil'; wil15.Initialize; lbloj15.Color := clGreen; end; end; function TForm1.LoadMapFile(flname: string): Boolean; var i, fhandle: Integer; header: TMapHeader; begin Result := False; if not FileExists(flname) then Exit; fhandle := FileOpen(flname, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone); if fhandle > 0 then begin FillChar(MArr, SizeOf(MArr), #0); FileRead(fhandle, header, SizeOf(TMapHeader)); lbl2.Caption := IntToStr(header.Width) + ' * ' + IntToStr(header.Height); lbl3.Caption := header.Title; lbl4.Caption := DateTimeToStr(header.UpdateDate); lbl5.Caption := header.Reserved; if (header.Width > 0) and (header.Height > 0) then begin MapWidth := header.Width; MapHeight := header.Height; for i := 0 to header.Width - 1 do FileRead(fhandle, MArr[i, 0], SizeOf(TMapInfo) * MapHeight); Result := True; end; FileClose(fhandle); end; end; procedure TForm1.btnOpenMapClick(Sender: TObject); begin with dlgOpen1 do begin if Execute then begin if LoadMapFile(FileName) then begin lbl1.Caption := ExtractFileName(FileName); lbl6.Caption := 'Img not draw.'; clslbloj; trckbr1.Position := 9; pb1.Refresh; end; end; end; end; procedure TForm1.pb1Paint(Sender: TObject); var i, j, lcorner, tcorner: Integer; begin pb1.Width := Round(MapWidth * UNITX * Zoom); pb1.Height := Round(MapHeight * UNITY * Zoom); lbl8.Caption := IntToStr(pb1.Width) + ' * ' + IntToStr(pb1.Height); //ShowBackgroundTile lcorner := Trunc(scrlbx1.HorzScrollBar.Position div UNITX / Zoom) ; //水平线 tcorner := Trunc(scrlbx1.VertScrollBar.Position div UNITY / Zoom); //垂直线 for j := 0 to MapHeight - 1 do for i := 0 to MapWidth - 1 do begin Application.ProcessMessages; if (i >= lcorner - 1) and (i <= lcorner + Round(scrlbx1.Width div UNITX / Zoom) + 2) and (j >= tcorner - 1) and (j <= tcorner + Round(scrlbx1.Height div UNITY / Zoom) + 10) then begin if chkTiles.Checked then ShowTiles(pb1.Canvas, i, j); if chkSmTiles.Checked then ShowSmTiles(pb1.Canvas, i, j); if chkObjects.Checked then ShowObjects(pb1.Canvas, i, j); end; end; end; // 大瓦片tiles 96 * 64 procedure TForm1.ShowTiles(Canvas: TCanvas; x, y: Integer); var idx, xx, yy: Integer; begin if (x mod 2 = 0) and (y mod 2 = 0) then begin idx := (MArr[x, y].BkImg and $7fff ) - 1; if idx >= 0 then begin lblTil.Caption := 'useTiles'; xx := Round(x * UNITX * Zoom); yy := Round(y * UNITY * Zoom); wilTiles.DrawZoom(Canvas, xx, yy, idx, Zoom); end; end; end; procedure TForm1.ShowSmTiles(Canvas: TCanvas; x, y: Integer); var idx, xx, yy : Integer; begin idx := (MArr[x, y].MidImg and $7fff) - 1; if idx >= 0 then begin lblSmT.Caption := 'useSmTil'; xx := Round(x * UNITX * Zoom); yy := Round(y * UNITY * Zoom); wilSmTiles.DrawZoomEx(Canvas, xx, yy, idx, Zoom, True); end; end; procedure TForm1.ShowObjects(Canvas: TCanvas; x, y: Integer); var idx, xx, yy: Integer; begin idx := (MArr[x, y].FrImg and $7fff) - 1 ; // objects 48 * n //需要 +1位置放置 if idx > 0 then begin xx := Round(x* UNITX * Zoom); yy := Round((y + 1) * UNITY * Zoom); case (MArr[x, y].Area) of 0: begin lbloj1.Caption := 'use01'; wil1.DrawZoomEx(Canvas, xx, yy, idx, Zoom, False); end; 1: begin lbloj2.Caption := 'use02'; wil2.DrawZoomEx(Canvas, xx, yy, idx, Zoom, False); end; 2: begin lbloj3.Caption := 'use03'; wil3.DrawZoomEx(Canvas, xx, yy, idx, Zoom, False); end; 3: begin lbloj4.Caption := 'use04'; wil4.DrawZoomEx(Canvas, xx, yy, idx, Zoom, False); end; 4: begin lbloj5.Caption := 'use05'; wil5.DrawZoomEx(Canvas, xx, yy, idx, Zoom, False); end; 5: begin lbloj6.Caption := 'use06'; wil6.DrawZoomEx(Canvas, xx, yy, idx, Zoom, False); end; 6: begin lbloj7.Caption := 'use07'; wil7.DrawZoomEx(Canvas, xx, yy, idx, Zoom, False); end; 7: begin lbloj8.Caption := 'use08'; wil8.DrawZoomEx(Canvas, xx, yy, idx, Zoom, False); end; 8: begin lbloj9.Caption := 'use09'; wil9.DrawZoomEx(Canvas, xx, yy, idx, Zoom, False); end; 9: begin lbloj10.Caption := 'use10'; wil10.DrawZoomEx(Canvas, xx, yy, idx, Zoom, False); end; 10: begin lbloj11.Caption := 'use*11'; end; 11: begin lbloj12.Caption := 'use*12'; end; 12: begin lbloj13.Caption := 'use13'; wil13.DrawZoomEx(Canvas, xx, yy, idx, Zoom, False); end; 13: begin lbloj14.Caption := 'use14'; wil14.DrawZoomEx(Canvas, xx, yy, idx, Zoom, False); end; 14: begin lbloj15.Caption := 'use15'; wil15.DrawZoomEx(Canvas, xx, yy, idx, Zoom, False); end; 15: begin lbloj16.Caption := 'use*16'; end; 16..255: begin lbloj17.Caption :='use*' + IntToStr(MArr[x, y].Area); end; end; end; end; procedure TForm1.btnSaveTobmpClick(Sender: TObject); var i, j: Integer; str: string; Bitmap: TBitmap; begin if dlgOpen1.FileName <> '' then begin str := dlgOpen1.FileName + '.bmp'; i := Round(MapWidth * UNITX * Zoom); j := Round(MapHeight * UNITY * Zoom); if (i <= 3000) and (j <= 3000) then begin Bitmap := TBitmap.Create; Bitmap.Width := i; Bitmap.Height := j; pbar1.Position := 0; pbar1.Max := MapHeight; for j := 0 to MapHeight - 1 do begin for i := 0 to MapWidth - 1 do begin Application.ProcessMessages; if chkTiles.Checked then ShowTiles(Bitmap.Canvas, i, j); if chkSmTiles.Checked then ShowSmTiles(Bitmap.Canvas, i, j); if chkObjects.Checked then ShowObjects(Bitmap.Canvas, i, j); end; pbar1.StepIt; end; Bitmap.SaveToFile(str); lbl6.Caption := 'Bmp have drawed.'; pbar1.Position := 0; Bitmap.Free; end else lbl6.Caption := 'Bmp is to large.'; end; end; procedure TForm1.trckbr1Change(Sender: TObject); begin case trckbr1.Position of 1: Zoom := 0.015625; 2: Zoom := 0.03125; 3: Zoom := 0.0625; 4: Zoom := 0.09375; 5: Zoom := 0.125; 6: Zoom := 0.25; 7: Zoom := 0.5; 8: Zoom := 0.75; 9: Zoom := 1.0; end; lbl7.Caption := FloatToStr(Zoom); end; procedure TForm1.btnRefreshClick(Sender: TObject); begin pb1.Refresh; end; procedure TForm1.clslbloj; begin lblTil.Caption := 'Tiles'; lblSmT.Caption := 'smTiles'; lbloj1.Caption := '1'; lbloj2.Caption := '2'; lbloj3.Caption := '3'; lbloj4.Caption := '4'; lbloj5.Caption := '5'; lbloj6.Caption := '6'; lbloj7.Caption := '7'; lbloj8.Caption := '8'; lbloj9.Caption := '9'; lbloj10.Caption := '10'; lbloj11.Caption := '*11'; lbloj12.Caption := '*12'; lbloj13.Caption := '13'; lbloj14.Caption := '14'; lbloj15.Caption := '15'; lbloj16.Caption := '*16'; lbloj17.Caption := '*17-255'; end; procedure TForm1.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin if wilTiles <> nil then wilTiles.Free; if wilSmTiles <> nil then wilSmTiles.Free; if wil1 <> nil then wil1.Free; if wil2 <> nil then wil2.Free; if wil3 <> nil then wil3.Free; if wil4 <> nil then wil4.Free; if wil5 <> nil then wil5.Free; if wil6 <> nil then wil6.Free; if wil7 <> nil then wil7.Free; if wil8 <> nil then wil8.Free; if wil9 <> nil then wil9.Free; if wil10 <> nil then wil10.Free; if wil13 <> nil then wil13.Free; if wil14 <> nil then wil14.Free; if wil15 <> nil then wil15.Free; end; end.
TMapHeader = packed record
Width: Word;
Height: word;
Title: string[15];
UpdateDate: TDateTime;
Reserved: array[0..23] of Char;
TMapInfo = packed record
BkImg: Word;
MidImg: Word;
FrImg: Word;
DoorIndex: byte;
DoorOffset: byte;
AniFrame: byte;
AniTick: byte;
Area: byte;
Light: byte;
控件 WIL,
TMapHeader = packed record
Width: Word;
Height: word;
Title: string[15];
UpdateDate: TDateTime;
Reserved: array[0..23] of Char;
这个GDI+ 用了下,看起来并不是封装好的控件,也并不是图像控件。
测试得BITMAP的WIDTH HEIGHT 在3060 再大了就错误了
用IMAGE的CANVAS 画布可以装的下,
要保存到文件还是得进过BITMAP 于是又到了BITMAP大小限制的地方。
用了JPEG 不行, 其根子 是读取的图片文件的。
可以扫描CANVAS 写流数据直接到图片文件中,
delphi 常用函数(数学函数)round、trunc、ceil和floor
delphi 常用函数(数学)
放大缩小功能成功,发现按照2的倍数 不会出现白线,于是设置固定 倍数。
4, 显示使用的objects 文件序号。
1.5 ,1.76 : OBJECTS 2-7
1.8 , OBJECTS 2- 10
sf,ip ,通用版 2-10, 13-15;
上午 8:50:26
1,只用1个objects wil.
对于大地图需要多达几万次的对 WMIMAGEL类构建,析构,结果程序就崩掉了
还有些想法,比如使用自己编辑的MYWIL 单元,
按理说可以,但是发现自己编写的 MYWIL 单元里面的DRAWZOOM 函数是被彻底的改编了,需要的参数都不一样,
感觉继续深入下去还是会放弃 DXD7这个控件,
会重新编写WIL单元,直接上 DX 的API 了。
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