Lesson 4 The double life of Alfred Bloggs

There are two type of people in the society. People who do manual works can higher payment than people who work in the office. We usually called the later people as white-collar, which means they wear the suit and tie to go to work. The majority of people would to white-collar work with less salary, since their status can be repected by others. It is undoubted that Mr. Bloggs is such person. After he married, he was too embarrassed to say his job to his wife. He simple said her that he was in a corporation. Every morning, he left his home dressed in the black suit. Then, he arrived his corporation and changed back his overalls and worked as a dustman. Before returning home, he took a shower and dressed his suit. He and his fellow kept this secret. Thus, his wife had known that she married a dustman. Recently, this man obtained a new job, which he worked in a office. He felt vrey happy, even through lossing half as much as he used to be, since his status was improved, and people addressed his as Mr. Bloggs. 


manual (adj)体力的

sacrifice (v)牺牲=give up

privilege (n)好处

dustman 清洁工

corporation 公司

overall (adj,adv)全部的,整体地 (n)overalls 工作服

secret 秘密

status 地位=social position

compensate for 补偿

be addressed as 被称为。。。


in every respect 在各个方面


1 gain 收益

2 fee 费用

3 payment 偿付的钱

4 wage 工钱


honor 荣幸,荣誉,(an honor)

pleasure (n)快乐,希望,令人高兴的事 (v)使高兴,使满意

posted @ 2019-07-04 10:51  轩窗尘清  阅读(557)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报