bzoj1272 Gate Of Babylon(计数方法+Lucas定理+乘法逆元)











Sample Input

2 1 10 13



Sample Output












 1 program babylon(input,output);
 2 var
 3   t,i:longint;
 4   ans,n,m,j,p:int64;
 5   b:array[0..20]of int64;
 6   a:array[0..100010]of int64;
 7 function pow(x,y:int64):int64;
 8 begin
 9    pow:=1;
10    while y>0 do
11       begin
12          if y mod 2=1 then pow:=pow*x mod p;
13          x:=x*x mod p;
14          y:=y>>1;
15       end;
16 end;
17 function z(n,m:int64):int64;
18 begin
19    if n<m then exit(0);
20    exit(a[n]*pow(a[n-m]*a[m] mod p,p-2) mod p);
21 end;
22 function c(n,m:int64):int64;
23 begin
24    if n<m then exit(0);
25    c:=1;
26    while (n>0) and (m>0) do
27       begin
28          c:=c*z(n mod p,m mod p) mod p;
29          n:=n div p;m:=m div p;
30       end;
31 end;
32 procedure dfs(k:longint;r,s:int64);
33 begin
34    if k=t+1 then
35       begin
36          ans:=(ans+r*c(n+m-s,n)) mod p;
37          exit;
38       end;
39    dfs(k+1,r,s);
40    dfs(k+1,-r,s+b[k]+1);
41 end;
42 begin
43    assign(input,'');assign(output,'babylon.out');reset(input);rewrite(output);
44    readln(n,t,m,p);
45    for i:=1 to t do read(b[i]);
46    a[0]:=1;j:=0;
47    while j<p do begin inc(j);a[j]:=a[j-1]*j mod p; end;
48    ans:=0;
49    dfs(1,1,0);
50    if ans<0 then ans:=ans+p;write(ans);
51    close(input);close(output);
52 end.


posted @ 2017-03-16 23:42  Klaier  阅读(274)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报