Moss/Sharepoint [显示名]呈现为[登陆名]的bug修复
用户名显示为DOMAIN\UserName,也就是登陆名。网络上用英文描述这个问题可以搜到非常多的提问,我阅读了大概一天的英文资料也没有找到相关的解决方案,打400电话去微软给的答复是此问题现不能修复,请等待下一个版本。sharepoint update上面有一个补丁描述为可以修复此问题(KB 983497),但实际很不给力,而且安装此补丁会给你增加一些问题。
Sharepoint 2010 所建立的网站中,以非管理员身份登陆到网站,在右上角点击自己的用户名,选择链接“我的网站”,您的网站右上角的用户名立马会变成DOMAIN\UserName形式,如果哪个帐户自始至终没有点过他,那这个账户根本就不会发生本文描述的现象。这个问题还有一个棘手的问题就是,即使你已经配置了同步,你会发现,半天过去了,他也同步不到你的网站里面。
1.如何保证事件数量不再增多?这是我第一想法就是查微软的update,一个这么大的bug,微软不可能没有一点行动,在sharepoint update上面找到了我想要的KB 983497,安装之后,定眼一看,什么情况也没有。在一看,好像多出了一个问题,原本配置好的个人网站现在进不了了。这倒好,问题没有解决,又多了一个。嘿嘿,这个问题你可以到管理服务应用程序——User Profile Service Application——设置“我的网站”中配置好路径就解决了。那么这个补丁究竟解决了什么问题呢?你在域上新建一个用户,然后再到你的网站登陆然后点击我的网站,嘿嘿,挺住了。信息是对的。这个补丁保证了新注册的用户不再出现这样的情况,但是对已有用户以及已有记录不能很好的解决。
2.解决现有已经用户名变为登陆名用户问题,让坏帐不再增加. 同步可以解决。
UpdatedConcurrencyException: 对象 UserProfileApplication Name=User Profile Service 已经被其他用户更新。请确定这些更改是否冲突,解析所有差异,并重新应用第二次更改。此错误可能还表明,由于在一个线程中获得同一对象的两个副本而导致了编程错误。 以前的更新信息: 用户: CHANGSHA\spsvc 进程: OWSTIMER (1972) 计算机: SHAREPOINT 时间: April 10, 2011 11:14:17.0000 当前的更新信息: 用户: CHANGSHA\spsvc 进程: OWSTIMER (1972)
UpdatedConcurrencyException: The object SPSearchDataAccessServiceInstance
Parent=SPServer Name=EAVDEVWSS01 was updated by another user.
Determine if these changes will conflict, resolve any differences, and
reapply the second change.
This error may also indicate a programming error caused by obtaining two
copies of the same object in a single thread.
Previous update information: User: DOMAIN\account1 Process:OWSTIMER
Machine:EAVDEVWSS01 Time:May 15, 2007 04:05:00.0000
Current update information: User: DOMAIN\account1 Process:OWSTIMER
Machine:EAVDEVWSS01 Time:August 02, 2007 01:50:00.2266
If you experience issues with WSS and MOSS timer jobs failing to complete are receiving errors trying to run psconfig, clearing the configuration cache on the farm is a possible method for resolving the issue. The config cache is where we cache configuration information (stored in the config database) on each server in the farm. Caching the data on each server prevents us from having to make SQL calls to pull this information from the configuration database. Sometime this data can become corrupted and needs to be cleared out and rebuilt. If you only see a single server having issues, only clear the config cache on that server, you do not need to clear the cache on the entire farm. To do a single server, follow the steps below on just the problem server.
To clear the config cache on the farm, follow these steps:
- Stop the OWSTIMER service on ALL of the MOSS servers in the farm.
- On the Index server, navigate to:
Server 2003 location: Drive:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\SharePoint\Config\GUID and delete all the XML files from the directory.
Server 2008 location: Drive:\ProgramData\Microsoft\SharePoint\Config\GUID and delete all the XML files from the directory.- Delete all the XML file in the directory. NOTE: ONLY THE XML FILES, NOT THE .INI FILE.
- Open the cache.ini with Notepad and reset the number to 1. Save and close the file.
- Start the OWSTIMER service on the Index server and wait for XML files to begin to reappear in the directory.
- After you see XML files appearing on the Index server, repeat steps 2, 3 & 4 on each query server, waiting for XML files to appear before moving to subsequent servers.
- After all of the query servers have all been cleared and new .xml files have been generated, proceed to the WFE and Application servers in the farm, following steps 2, 3, 4 and 5 for each remaining server.
此步骤能够让 Forefront Identity Manager Synchronization Service 跑起来
记住:跑服务的账户必须加入本地计算的管理员组和域管理员组,服务器场帐户添加到 Administrators 组
Rational Guide to implementing SharePoint Server 2010 User Profile Synchronization
User Profile Service - 用户配置文件到 SharePoint 快速同步 | 分钟 | |
User Profile Service - 用户配置文件到 SharePoint 完全同步 |