Crazy.Coder --- have more fun in coding

世界上唯有两样东西能使我们的心灵受到深深的震撼,一是我们头顶上璀灿的星空,另一个便是人们内心深处的道德法则。 -- 康德


Tip: cannot open hyperlink from outlook/excel in Windows Vista RC1

摘要: Windows Vista RC1 is really faster and more stable than previous versions. Though I got an annoying problem in Outlook 2007 Beta 2. The problem was every time when I tried to open a hyperlink in Outlo... 阅读全文

posted @ 2006-09-06 11:44 CrazyCoder 阅读(66403) 评论(20) 推荐(0) 编辑