.NET 3.0和Vista刚刚发布不久,不过微软的脚步并没有因此放慢,为了让更多的开发人员能够使用更好的IDE给新的系统和框架开发软件,微软也在加紧下一个版本VS.NET,代号为Orcas的开发工作。这里列出一些Orcas的新特性,其中第一个我认为最有使用价值。
News via:http://fredrik.nsquared2.com/viewpost.aspx?PostID=386
Here is a list of some of the new feature we will see in the next version of Visual Studio with the code name “Orcas”:
- Multiversioning, we can create project target different version of the framework, for example 2.0, 3.0 or 3.5. The IDE and controls etc will be limited to the kind of feature we select.
- Edit & Continue in web projects
- Much better WYSIWYG
- Better manipulation of CSS
- In design view we can see anchoring lines like in Windows Forms today based on the styles on controls etc.
- Make editing of server controls
- Rendering and styles for controls will be more transparent (make it easier to control the markup)
- New design surface called “Sapphire”
- CSS property window
- Nested masterpage support in the design view
- Splitview, to both see the code and design in different windows at the same time.
- New ListView control (is a new DataList with better markup support)
- LinqToSqlDataSource (The name is not set yet), will make it easy for developer to use LINQ to get data and bind the data to a data-source control.
~ Crazy ~
Update: 这里有微软官方的消息
posted on 2006-11-25 00:20 CrazyCoder 阅读(414) 评论(1) 编辑 收藏 举报