一个在Firefox 2.0下管理资料的好工具
via: http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=06/10/16/1617218
- Automatic capture of citation information from web pages
- Storage of PDFs, files, images, links, and whole web pages
- Flexible notetaking with autosave
- Fast, as-you-type search through your materials
- Playlist-like library organization, including saved searches (smart collections) and tags
- Platform for new forms of digital research that can be extended with other web tools and services
- Runs right in your web browser
- Formatted citation export (style list to grow rapidly)
- Free and open source
- Shared collections
- Remote library backup
- Integration with Microsoft Word and other word processors
- Access your library from anywhere via the web
- Advanced search and data mining tools
- Recommendation engine and RSS feeds
- Wide variety of import/export options
via: http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=06/10/16/1617218
powered by performancing firefox
posted on 2006-10-30 10:17 CrazyCoder 阅读(508) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报