Crazy.Coder --- have more fun in coding

世界上唯有两样东西能使我们的心灵受到深深的震撼,一是我们头顶上璀灿的星空,另一个便是人们内心深处的道德法则。 -- 康德
Tip: cannot open hyperlink from outlook/excel in Windows Vista RC1

Windows Vista RC1 is really faster and more stable than previous versions. Though I got an annoying problem in Outlook 2007 Beta 2. The problem was every time when I tried to open a hyperlink in Outlook by clicking on a link in my email, I got this error message:

This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator.

 I tried to find a way to solve this but failed. But I found some people like Rick Strahl is suffering the same problem. Then I decided to solve this by myself. After few times trying, I've got a solution for myself and want to share it here with everyone.


Trying set IE as the default won't work. Instead I open the "Default Programs" windows from the start menu.


Click on the "Set program access and computer defaults", the you will see a window as blow


Check on the "Internet Explorer" option in "Choose a default web browser" of the "Custom" and click the OK button. Now close your IE and Outlook if they are open. Then fire the Outlook and it will be okay to click on links in your emails.


To me it looks like the Mozilla Firefox installation modified the value of this registry key "computer\HKey_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\.htm". But manully update the registry is a dangurous thing if you do not know the exactly values of the keys you are going to modify.


Have fun with Vista!


posted on 2006-09-06 11:44  CrazyCoder  阅读(66403)  评论(20编辑  收藏  举报