SQL Server 作业的备份
DECLARE @jobname VARCHAR(30),@category_calss_i INT ,@category_calss VARCHAR(50),@category_name VARCHAR(50) ,@category_type VARCHAR(30),@category_id int ,@category_type_i int SELECT @jobname = 'powershell',@category_calss = '',@category_name='',@category_type = '' SELECT @category_calss = CASE WHEN tshc.category_class = 1 THEN 'JOB' WHEN tshc.category_class = 2 THEN 'ALERT' else 'OPERATOR' END , @category_type = CASE WHEN tshc.category_type = 1 THEN 'LOCAL' WHEN tshc.category_type = 2 THEN 'MULTI-SERVER' else 'NONE' END ,@category_name = tshc.name ,@category_type_i = category_type ,@category_calss_i = tshc.category_class ,@category_id = tshc.category_id FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs_view AS sv INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.syscategories AS tshc ON sv.category_id = tshc.category_id WHERE (sv.name=@jobname AND tshc.category_class = 1) PRINT ' BEGIN TRANSACTION' PRINT 'DECLARE @ReturnCode INT' PRINT 'IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT name FROM msdb.dbo.syscategories WHERE name=N''' + @category_name +'''AND category_class=' +rtrim(@category_calss_i)+')' PRINT 'BEGIN' PRINT 'EXEC @ReturnCode = msdb.dbo.sp_add_category @class=N'''+ @category_calss+''', @type=N'''+@category_type+''', @name=N'''+@category_name+'''' PRINT 'IF (@@ERROR <> 0 OR @ReturnCode <> 0) GOTO QuitWithRollback' PRINT 'end' DECLARE @EventLogLevel INT,@EmailLevel INT,@NetSendLevel INT,@PageLevel INT DECLARE @EmailLeveloprid NVARCHAR(256),@NetSendLeveloprid NVARCHAR(256),@PageLeveloprid NVARCHAR(256) DECLARE @isenable INT , @description NVARCHAR(1024),@owner_log_name Nvarchar(512),@delete_level INT DECLARE @jobId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER,@start_step_id INT,@server NVARCHAR(512) SELECT @EventLogLevel=sv.notify_level_eventlog ,@EmailLevel=sv.notify_level_email ,@NetSendLevel=sv.notify_level_netsend ,@PageLevel=sv.notify_level_page ,@EmailLeveloprid = ISNULL((SELECT TOP 1 name FROM msdb..sysoperators WHERE id = sv.notify_email_operator_id),'') ,@NetSendLeveloprid = ISNULL((SELECT TOP 1 name FROM msdb..sysoperators WHERE id = sv.notify_netsend_operator_id),'') ,@PageLeveloprid = ISNULL((SELECT TOP 1 name FROM msdb..sysoperators WHERE id = sv.notify_page_operator_id),'') ,@isenable = sv.enabled ,@description = sv.description ,@owner_log_name = ISNULL(suser_sname(sv.owner_sid), N'''') ,@delete_level = sv.delete_level ,@jobId = sv.job_id ,@start_step_id = start_step_id ,@server = originating_server FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs_view AS sv WHERE (sv.name=@jobname and sv.category_id=0) PRINT 'DECLARE @jobId BINARY(16)' PRINT 'EXEC @ReturnCode = msdb.dbo.sp_add_job @job_name=N'''+@jobname+''',' PRINT ' @enabled='+RTRIM(@isenable)+', ' PRINT ' @notify_level_eventlog='+RTRIM(@EventLogLevel)+', ' PRINT ' @notify_level_email='+RTRIM(@EmailLevel)+', ' PRINT ' @notify_level_netsend='+RTRIM(@NetSendLevel)+', ' PRINT ' @notify_level_page='+RTRIM(@PageLevel)+', ' PRINT ' @notify_email_operator_name ='''+RTRIM(@EmailLeveloprid)+''', ' PRINT ' @notify_netsend_operator_name='''+RTRIM(@NetSendLeveloprid)+''', ' PRINT ' @notify_page_operator_name='''+RTRIM(@PageLeveloprid)+''', ' PRINT ' @delete_level='+RTRIM(@delete_level)+', ' PRINT ' @description=N'''+@description+''', ' PRINT ' @category_name=N'''+@category_name+''', ' PRINT ' @owner_login_name=N'''+@owner_log_name+''', ' PRINT ' @job_id = @jobId OUTPUT' PRINT 'IF (@@ERROR <> 0 OR @ReturnCode <> 0) GOTO QuitWithRollback' --SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.syscategories DECLARE @step_id INT declare @step_name nvarchar(512) ,@cmdexec_success_code INT,@on_success_action INT,@on_success_step_id INT ,@on_fail_action INT,@on_fail_step_id INT,@retry_attempts INT,@retry_interval INT,@os_run_priority INT ,@subsystem NVARCHAR(512),@database_name NVARCHAR(512),@flags INT,@command NVARCHAR(max) DECLARE jbcur CURSOR FOR SELECT step_id FROM msdb..sysjobsteps WHERE job_id = @jobid ORDER BY step_id ; OPEN jbcur; FETCH NEXT FROM jbcur INTO @step_id WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SELECT @step_name = step_name ,@cmdexec_success_code= cmdexec_success_code ,@on_success_action = on_success_action ,@on_success_step_id = on_success_step_id ,@on_fail_action = on_fail_action ,@on_fail_step_id = on_fail_step_id ,@retry_attempts = retry_attempts ,@retry_interval = retry_interval ,@os_run_priority = os_run_priority ,@subsystem = subsystem ,@database_name = database_name ,@command = command ,@flags = flags FROM msdb..sysjobsteps a WHERE job_id = @jobid and step_id = @step_id PRINT ' EXEC @ReturnCode = msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep @job_id=@jobId, ' PRINT ' @step_name=N'''+@step_name+''', ' PRINT ' @step_id='+RTRIM(@step_id)+', ' PRINT ' @cmdexec_success_code='+RTRIM(@cmdexec_success_code)+', ' PRINT ' @on_success_action='+RTRIM(@on_success_action)+', ' PRINT ' @on_success_step_id='+RTRIM(@on_success_step_id)+', ' PRINT ' @on_fail_action='+RTRIM(@on_fail_action)+', ' PRINT ' @on_fail_step_id='+RTRIM(@on_fail_step_id)+', ' PRINT ' @retry_attempts='+RTRIM(@retry_attempts)+', ' PRINT ' @retry_interval='+RTRIM(@retry_interval)+', ' PRINT ' @os_run_priority='+RTRIM(@os_run_priority)+', @subsystem=N'''+@subsystem+''', ' PRINT ' @database_name=N'''+@database_name+''',' PRINT ' @flags='+RTRIM(@flags)+' ,' PRINT ' @command=N'''+REPLACE(@command,'''','''''')+'''' PRINT ' IF (@@ERROR <> 0 OR @ReturnCode <> 0) GOTO QuitWithRollback' FETCH NEXT FROM jbcur INTO @step_id END CLOSE jbcur DEALLOCATE jbcur PRINT ' EXEC @ReturnCode = msdb.dbo.sp_update_job @job_id = @jobId, @start_step_id = '+rtrim(@start_step_id) PRINT ' IF (@@ERROR <> 0 OR @ReturnCode <> 0) GOTO QuitWithRollback ' DECLARE @enabled INT,@freq_type INT,@freq_interval INT,@freq_subday_type INT,@freq_subday_interval INT ,@freq_relative_interval INT,@freq_recurrence_factor INT,@active_start_date INT,@active_end_date INT ,@active_start_time INT,@active_end_time INT,@name VARCHAR(512) SELECT @name = a.name ,@enabled = enabled ,@freq_interval = freq_interval ,@freq_type = freq_type ,@freq_subday_type=freq_subday_type ,@freq_subday_interval=freq_subday_interval ,@freq_relative_interval=freq_relative_interval ,@freq_recurrence_factor=freq_recurrence_factor ,@active_start_date=active_start_date ,@active_end_date=active_end_date ,@active_start_time=active_start_time ,@active_end_time=active_end_time FROM msdb..sysschedules a INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules b ON a.schedule_id = b.schedule_id WHERE job_id = @jobId IF(@name IS not null) begin PRINT ' EXEC @ReturnCode = msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobschedule @job_id=@jobId, @name=N'''+@name+''', ' PRINT ' @enabled='+RTRIM(@enabled)+', ' PRINT ' @freq_type='+RTRIM(@freq_type)+', ' PRINT ' @freq_interval='+RTRIM(@freq_interval)+', ' PRINT ' @freq_subday_type='+RTRIM(@freq_subday_type)+', ' PRINT ' @freq_subday_interval='+RTRIM(@freq_subday_interval)+', ' PRINT ' @freq_relative_interval='+RTRIM(@freq_relative_interval)+', ' PRINT ' @freq_recurrence_factor='+RTRIM(@freq_recurrence_factor)+', ' PRINT ' @active_start_date='+RTRIM(@active_start_date)+', ' PRINT ' @active_end_date='+RTRIM(@active_end_date)+', ' PRINT ' @active_start_time='+RTRIM(@active_start_time)+', ' PRINT ' @active_end_time='+RTRIM(@active_end_time)+', ' PRINT ' @schedule_uid=N'''+RTRIM(NEWID())+'''' PRINT ' IF (@@ERROR <> 0 OR @ReturnCode <> 0) GOTO QuitWithRollback' END PRINT ' EXEC @ReturnCode = msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobserver @job_id = @jobId, @server_name = N'''+@server+'''' PRINT ' IF (@@ERROR <> 0 OR @ReturnCode <> 0) GOTO QuitWithRollback' PRINT 'COMMIT TRANSACTION' PRINT 'GOTO EndSave' PRINT 'QuitWithRollback:' PRINT ' IF(@@TRANCOUNT>0)ROLLBACK TRANSACTION' PRINT 'EndSave:' PRINT ' ' PRINT 'GO'