
#define MAXSIZE 10

typedef struct
    int r[MAXSIZE + 1];
    int length;

void swap(SqList *L,int i, int j)
    int temp = L->r[i];
    L->r[i] = L->r[j];
    L->r[j] = temp;


 1 void BubbleSort(SqList *L)
 2 {
 3 //    int i, j;
 4     bool flag = TRUE;
 5     for (int i = 1; i < L->length && flag; ++i)
 6     {
 7         flag = FALSE;
 8         for(int j = L->length-1;j >= i; j--)
 9         {
10             if(L->r[j] > L->r[j+1])
11                 swap(L,j,j+!);
12                 flag = TRUE;
13         }
14     }
15 }
Bubble Sort



 1 template<class T>
 2 void BubbleSort(T a[], int n)
 3 {
 4     int i, j, k;
 5     T t;
 7     for (i = n-1; i > 0; i = k) //将i设置为被交换的最后一对元素中较小的下标
 8     {
 9         for(j = k = 0; j < i; j++)
10         {
11             if(a[j] < a[j+1])
12             {
13                 t = a[j];
14                 a[j] = a[j+1];
15                 a[j+1] = t;
17                 k = j;           //如有交换发生,记录较小元素的下标
18             }
19         }
20     }
21 }



void InsertSort(SqList *L)
    int i, j;
            L->r[0] = L->r[i];
                L->r[j+1] = L->r[j];
            L->r[j+1] = L->r[0];


//j = i-1只在首次进入for循环时才使用

//L->r[0] use to be sentry


//i=3;判断r[3]<r[2]成立进入if语句;先将r[3]赋给sentry r[0],保存下来













 1 #include <iostream>
 2 using namespace std;
 4 template <class T>
 5 void InsertionSort(T A[], int n)
 6 {
 7     int i, j;
 8     T temp;
10     for(i=1; i<n;i++)
11     {
12         temp = A[i];
13         j = i;
14         while(j>0 && A[j-1]>temp)
15         {
16             A[j] = A[j-1];
17             j--;
18         }
19         A[j] = temp;
21         for(int k=0; k<n; k++)
22         {
23             cout << A[k] << " ";
25         }
26         cout << endl;
27     }
28 }
30 int main()
31 {
32     int i;
33     int data[] = {1,3,5,7,9,13,15,17,2,4,6,8,14,16};
35     cout << "Before sort:" << endl;
36     for(i=0;i<14;i++)
37     {
38         cout << data[i] << " ";
39     }
40     cout << endl;
42     cout << "Sorting..." << endl;
43     InsertionSort(data, 14);
45     cout << "After sort..." << endl;
46     for(i=0;i<14;i++)
47     {
48         cout << data[i] << " ";
49     }
50     cout << endl;
52 }

核心算法即line 10 --- line 19



//Shell Sort:Improvement in Select Sort






//2、但插入排序一般来说是低效的, 因为插入排序每次只能将数据移动一位


 1 void SellSort(Sqlist *L)
 2 {
 3     int i, j;
 4     int increment = L->length;
 5     do
 6     {
 7         increment = increment/3+1;//保证最后一次循环增量为1,即采用选择排序
 8         for(i = increment+1;i<=L->length;i++)
 9         {
10             if(L->r[i]<L->r[i-increment])
11             {
12                 L->r[0] = L-<r[i];
13                 for(j=i-increment;j>0&&L->r[0]<L->r[j];j-=increment)
14                     L->r[j+increment] = L->r[j];
15                 L->r[j+increment] = L->r[0];
16             }
17         }
18     }
19     while(increment>1);
20 }
Shell Sort




 1 input: an array a of length n with array elements numbered 0 to n − 1
 2 inc ← round(n/2)
 3 while inc > 0 do:    
 4     for i = inc .. n − 1 do:        
 5         temp ← a[i]        
 6         j ← i        
 7         while j ≥ inc and a[j − inc] > temp do:            
 8             a[j] ← a[j − inc]            
 9             j ← j − inc        
10         a[j] ← temp    
11     inc ← round(inc / 2.2)






 1 template <class>
 2 void ShellSort(T a[], int n)
 3 {
 4     int i, j, k;
 5     T t;
 7     k = n/2;      //起始增量
 8     while(k > 0)  //循环至增量为1时结束
 9     {
10         for(i = k; i < n; i++)
11         {
12             t = a[i];
13             for(j = j - k; j >= 0; j -= k)
14             {
15                 a[j+k] = a[j];
16             }
18             a[j+k] = t;
19         }
21         k /= 2;           //缩小增量
22     }
23 }

 从上述算法实现中可以明显看出希尔排序是对插入排序的升级版,line 13--line 16的内部for循环实质就是插入排序的改动版



      第一次增量的取法为: d=count/2;

      第二次增量的取法为:  d=(count/2)/2;

      最后一直到: d=1;












 1 /*对顺序表L进行堆排序*/
 2 void HeapSort(SqList *L)
 3 {
 4     int i;
 5     for(i=L->length/2;i>0;i--)
 6     {
 7         HeapAdjust(L,i,L->length);
 8     }
 9     for(i=L->length;i>1;i--)
10     {
11         swap(L,1,i);//将堆顶记录与当前未经排序子序列的最后一个记录想交换
12         HeapAdjust(L,1,i-1);//将L[1...i-1]重新调整为大项堆
13     }
14 }



 1 void HeapAdjust(SqList *L, int s, int m)
 2 {
 3 int temp, j;
 4 temp = L->r[s];
 5 for(j=2*s;j<=m;j*=2)
 6 {
 7 if(j<m && L->r[j]<L->r[j+1])
 8 ++j;
 9 if(temp>=L->r[j])
10 break;
11 L->r[s] = L->r[j];
12 s = j;
13 }
14 L->r[s] = temp;
15 }













下面是Keith Schwarz的代码实现:

  1 /****************************************************************
  2  * File: Heapsort.hh
  3  * Author: Keith Schwarz (htiek@cs.stanford.edu)
  4  *
  5  * Implementation of the Heapsort algorithm, a @(n lg n) sort
  6  * algorithm (here, @ is the ASCII stand-in for big theta).
  7  * Heapsort works by rearranging the elements of the input array
  8  * into a binary max-heap, then continuously dequeueing the max
  9  * element and placing it at the back of the array.  It is one
 10  * of the fastest and most reliable sorting algorithms, and is
 11  * a key building block of various hybrid sorts such as
 12  * introsort.
 13  *
 14  * The algorithm runs in two phases.  In the first phase, in
 15  * O(n) time, the algorithm rearranges the elements in the
 16  * range to put them into a max-heap.  In the second phase,
 17  * the algorithm continuously removes the maximum element
 18  * from the heap, places it at the last spot in the array,
 19  * then repeats.  This step takes @(n lg n) and accounts
 20  * for the majority of the runtime.
 21  *
 22  * Note that this could be done using the STL make_heap
 23  * and sort_heap algorithms.  However, in the interests
 24  * of explaining this algorithm in more detail, I've
 25  * avoided doing so here.
 26  *
 27  * The key algorithm in Heapsort is the heap join algorithm.
 28  * Heap join takes as input two max-heaps and a new value,
 29  * then produces a single max-heap from the elements.  For
 30  * example, given the singleton max-heaps 1 and 5 and the
 31  * new element 3, the heap join algorithm would begin by
 32  * constructing the tree
 33  *
 34  *                3
 35  *               / \
 36  *              1   5
 37  *
 38  * Then balancing it to form
 39  *
 40  *                5
 41  *               / \
 42  *              1   3
 43  *
 44  * This algorithm is useful for two reasons.  First, it allows
 45  * for an O(n) algorithm for constructing a max-heap from a
 46  * collection of data.  This algorithm works by taking n/2 of
 47  * the elements and creating singleton binary heaps from them.
 48  * Next, half of the remaining elements (n/4 of the original
 49  * elements) are used to join these singleton heaps together 
 50  * into n/4 max-heaps.  A remaining half of the remaining 
 51  * elements (n/8 of the original elements) are then used to
 52  * join these trees together, etc.  At the end, all of the
 53  * elements are joined together into a single max-heap of
 54  * all the data.
 55  *
 56  * Second, this algorithm also provides an efficient means for
 57  * rebalancing a heap after removing the max element.  When the
 58  * max element is removed, the heap is split into two different
 59  * max heaps.  An arbitrary leaf of the tree (chosen specifically
 60  * so that the resulting tree is complete) is then removed from
 61  * one of these two heaps, then used in the join step to
 62  * rebalance the heaps.
 63  *
 64  * The implementation of this algorithm is simple.  Given two
 65  * max-heaps and a new element, if the new element is bigger than
 66  * the roots of both max-heaps, then by transitivity it is bigger
 67  * than all of the elements of both heaps, and so the max-heap
 68  * formed by putting the new element as the root is a max-heap.
 69  * Otherwise, the larger of the roots of the two trees is
 70  * removed, splitting its tree in two, and that element is
 71  * placed as the root of the new heap.  The element used to
 72  * join the trees is then used to recursively join together the
 73  * two new disjoint trees.  In a sense, this element is
 74  * "bubbled down" through the tree until it comes to rest.
 75  *
 76  * The main complexity of the code is that all of these trees
 77  * are represented implicitly in the elements of the range to
 78  * be sorted.  The range of elements is structured so that
 79  * the first element is the root of a max-heap whose children
 80  * are in the second and third positions.  In general, the
 81  * elements are sorted so that the range is a max-heap where
 82  * node i has children at positions 2 * i + i and 2 * i + 2.
 83  * In the first step of this algorithm, this heap is built
 84  * up from right-to-left by constructing the leaves of the
 85  * max-heap using the latter elements of the array.  In
 86  * the second stage, the max-heap is deconstructed, putting
 87  * the maximum element at the end of the sequence and
 88  * rebalancing the tree.
 89  */
 90 #ifndef Heapsort_Included
 91 #define Heapsort_Included
 93 #include <iterator>
 94 #include <functional>
 95 #include <algorithm>
 97 /**
 98  * Function: Heapsort(RandomIterator begin, RandomIterator end);
 99  * Usage: HeapSort(v.begin(), v.end());
100  * -------------------------------------------------------------
101  * Sorts the elements in the range [begin, end) into ascending
102  * order using the heapsort algorithm.
103  */
104 template <typename RandomIterator>
105 void Heapsort(RandomIterator begin, RandomIterator end);
107 /**
108  * Function: Heapsort(RandomIterator begin, RandomIterator end,
109  *                    Comparator comp);
110  * Usage: HeapSort(v.begin(), v.end(), comp);
111  * -------------------------------------------------------------
112  * Sorts the elements in the range [begin, end) into ascending
113  * order using the heapsort algorithm.  The elements are compared
114  * using the comparator comp, which should be a strict weak
115  * ordering.
116  */
117 template <typename RandomIterator, typename Comparator>
118 void Heapsort(RandomIterator begin, RandomIterator end,
119               Comparator comp);
121 /* * * * * Implementation Below This Point * * * * */
122 namespace heapsort_detail {
124   /**
125    * Function: HeapJoin(RandomIterator begin, RandomIterator heapStart,
126    *                    RandomIterator end, Comparator comp);
127    * -----------------------------------------------------------------
128    * Given a range of elements [begin, end) and a suffix [heapStart, end)
129    * that represents two max-heaps with the element to join them at the
130    * top, applies the heap join algorithm to rearrange the elements of
131    * [heapStart, end) such that the result is a max-heap according to
132    * comp.  The reason for also passing in the argument begin defining
133    * the beginning of the heap is so that it is possible to compute
134    * the positions of the children of each node in the sequence by
135    * using the absolute position in the sequence.
136    */
137   template <typename RandomIterator, typename Comparator>
138   void HeapJoin(RandomIterator begin, RandomIterator heapStart,
139                 RandomIterator end, Comparator comp) {
140     /* Utility typedef.  This type represents "the distance between two 
141      * RandomIterators."
142      */
143     typedef typename std::iterator_traits<RandomIterator>::difference_type diff_t;
145     /* Cache the number of elements in the range. */
146     const diff_t kNumElems = distance(begin, end);
148     /* The initial position of the max element is at the top of the
149      * heap, which is at the index given by the offset of heapStart
150      * into the range starting at begin.
151      */
152     diff_t position = distance(begin, heapStart);
154     /* Iterate until we have no children.  The first child of node i
155      * is at position 2 * (i + 1) - 1 = 2 * i + 1, and the second
156      * at 2 * (i + 1) + 1 - 1 = 2 * i + 2.
157      */
158     while (2 * position + 1 < kNumElems) {
159       /* Get the index of the child we will compare to.  This defaults to
160        * the first child, but if there are two children becomes the bigger
161        * of the two.
162        */
163       diff_t compareIndex = 2 * position + 1;
165       /* If two children exist, we only change the compare index if the 
166        * second child is bigger.
167        */
168       if (2 * position + 2 < kNumElems &&
169           comp(begin[2 * position + 1], begin[2 * position + 2]))
170         compareIndex = 2 * position + 2;
172       /* If we're bigger than the bigger child, we're done. */
173       if (comp(begin[compareIndex], begin[position]))
174         break;
176       /* Otherwise, swap with the child and continue. */
177       std::swap(begin[compareIndex], begin[position]);
178       position = compareIndex;
179     }
180   }
181 }
183 /* The actual Heapsort implementation is rather straightforward - we just keep
184  * HeapInserting until we get everything, then repeatedly HeapRemove the
185  * max element.
186  */
187 template <typename RandomIterator, typename Comparator>
188 void Heapsort(RandomIterator begin, RandomIterator end, Comparator comp) {
189   /* If the range is empty or a singleton, there is nothing to do. */
190   if (begin == end || begin + 1 == end)
191     return;
193   /* Heapify the range.  This works by building a forest of singleton
194    * max-heaps out of the final elements of the range, then joining
195    * them together with more and more elements.  Alternatively, this
196    * can be viewed as calling HeapJoin on all suffixes of the range.
197    */
198   for (RandomIterator itr = end; itr != begin; --itr)
199     heapsort_detail::HeapJoin(begin, itr - 1, end, comp);
201   /* Now, break down the heap.  We continuously move the last element
202    * of the heap into the last open position, then restore the heap
203    * balance by bubbling down the last element of the heap.
204    */
205   for (RandomIterator itr = end - 1; itr != begin; --itr) {
206     std::iter_swap(begin, itr);
207     heapsort_detail::HeapJoin(begin, begin, itr, comp);
208   }
209 }
211 /* The default comparator version of Heapsort just uses the default
212  * comparator on elements.  The hackery with std::iterator_traits
213  * is necessary to recover the underlying iterator type.
214  */
215 template <typename RandomIterator>
216 void Heapsort(RandomIterator begin, RandomIterator end) {
217   Heapsort(begin, end,
218            std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<RandomIterator>::value_type>());
219 }
221 #endif


 1 #include <stdio.h>
 2 #include <stdlib.h>
 3 #include <conio.h>
 4 void AdjustUp(int a[], int k)//采用上浮的方式进行堆有序化
 5 {
 6     while(k > 1 && a[k/2] < a[k])
 7     {
 8         int temp = a[k/2];
 9         a[k/2] = a[k];
10         a[k] = temp;
12         k = k/2;
13     }
15 /*    a[0] = a[k];
16     int i  = k/2;
17     while(i > 0 && a[i] < a[0])
18     {
19         a[k] = a[i];
20         k = i;
21         i = k/2;
22     }
23     a[k] = a[0];*/
24 }
25 void BuildMaxHeap(int a[], int n)//创建大项堆
26 {
27     int i = 0;
28     for(i = n; i > n/2; i--)
29     {
30         AdjustUp(a, i);
31     }
32 }
33 void AdjustDown(int a[], int k, int len)
34 {
35     int temp; int i;
36     temp = a[k];
38     for(i = 2*k; i <= len; i = i*2)
39     {
40         if(i < len && a[i] < a[i+1])
41         {
42             i++;
43         }
44         if(temp > a[i])
45         {
46             break;
47         }
48         else{
49             a[k] = a[i];
50             k = i;
51         }
52     }
53     a[k] = temp;
54 }
55 void main()
56 {
57     int a[] = {2, 87, 45, 78, 32, 17, 65, 53, 9, 63};
58     int i = 0, j = 0;
59     BuildMaxHeap(a, 9);//构建好大项堆,堆顶元素为最大
60     for(j =1; j <= 9; j++)
61     {
62         printf("%d ", a[j]);
63     }
64     printf("\n");
66     for(i = 9; i > 1; i--)
67     {
68         int tmp = a[1];
69         a[1] = a[i];
70         a[i] = tmp;       //将堆顶的最大元素与最后一个元素交换,此时堆的最后一个元素最大
71         AdjustDown(a, 1, i-1);//对剩下1~8个元素重新由上而下进行堆有序化,使得堆顶元素为最大,下次循环时交换到该堆的倒数第二位,然后依此类推
72     }
73     for(j =1; j <= 9; j++)
74     {
75         printf("%d ", a[j]);
76     }
77     getch();
78 }





  1. 申请空间,使其大小为两个已经排序序列之和,该空间用来存放合并后的序列
  2. 设定两个指针,最初位置分别为两个已经排序序列的起始位置
  3. 比较两个指针所指向的元素,选择相对小的元素放入到合并空间,并移动指针到下一位置
  4. 重复步骤3直到某一指针达到序列尾
  5. 将另一序列剩下的所有元素直接复制到合并序列尾

//Merging Sort






 1 void MergeSort(SqList *L)
 2 {
 3     MSort(L->r,L->r,1,L->length);
 4 }
 5 //将SR[s...t]归并排序为TR1[s...t]
 6 void MSort(int SR[], int TR1[], int s, int t)
 7 {
 8     int m;
 9     int TR2[MAXSIZE+1];
10     if(s==t)
11         TR1[s] = sr[s];
12     else
13     {
14         m = (s+t)/2;//将序列平分
15         MSort(SR,TR2,s,m);
16         MSort(SR,TR2,m+1,t);   //递归调用MSort函数将序列不断地分成子序列
17         Merge(TR2,TR1,s,m,t);
18     }
19 }



 1 //将有序的SR[i..m]和SR[m+1..n]归并为有序的TR[i..n]
 2 void Merge(int SR[], int TR[], int i, int m, int n)
 3 {
 4     int j, k, l;
 5     for(j=m+1,k=i;i<=m && j<=n;k++)
 6     {
 7         if(SR[i] < SR[j])
 8             TR[k] = SR[i++];
 9         else
10             TR[k] = SR[j++];
11     }
12     if(i <= m)
13     {
14         for(l=0;l<=m-i;l++)
15         {
16             TR[k+1] = SR[i+l];
17         }
18     }
19     if(j <= n)
20     {
21         for(l=0;l<=n-j;l++)
22         {
23             TR[k+l] = SR[j+l];
24         }
25     }
27 }



static void Main(string[] args)
            int[] x = { 6, 2, 4, 1, 5, 9 };
            int[] sorted = new int[x.Length];
            merge_sort(x, 0, x.Length, sorted);
            for (int i = 0; i < sorted.Length; i++)
                  ptintf (“%d”, sorted[i]);





 1 MERGE(A, p, q, r)
 2     n1<-- q-p+1
 3     n2<--r-q
 4     create arrays L[1...n1+1] and R[1...n2+1]
 5     for i <-- 1 to n1
 6         do L[i] <-- A[p+i-1]
 7     for j <-- 1 to n2
 8         do R[j] <-- A[q+j]
 9     L[n1+1] <-- @
10     R[n2+1] <-- @
11     i <-- 1
12     j <-- 1
13     for k <-- p to r
14         do if L[i] <= R[j]
15             then A[k] <-- L[i]
16                 i <-- i+1
17             else A[k] <-- R[j]
18                 j <-- j+1


 1 def merge(l1,l2):
 2     final=[]
 3     #对l1,l2进行排序
 4     l1 = sorted(l1) 
 5     l2 = sorted(l2)
 6     while l1 and l2:
 7         if l1[0]<=l2[0]:
 8             final.append(l1.pop(0))
 9         else:
10             final.append(l2.pop(0))
11     return final+l1+l2




Counting sort (sometimes referred to as ultra sort or math sort[1]) is a sorting algorithm which (like bucket sort) takes advantage of knowing the range of the numbers in the array to be sorted (array A). It uses this range to create an array C of this length. Each index i in array C is then used to count how many elements in A have the value i; then counts stored in C can then be used to put the elements in A into their right position in the resulting sorted array. The algorithm was created by Harold H. Seward in 1954.

计数排序是一个类似于桶排序的排序算法,其优势是对已知数量范围的数组进行排序。它创建一个长度为这个数据范围的数组C,C中每个元素记录要排序数组中对应记录的出现个数。这个算法于1954年由 Harold H. Seward 提出。


假设要排序的数组为 A = {1,0,3,1,0,1,1}



比如0 的出现次数为2次,则 C[0] = 2;1 的出现次数为4次,则C[1] = 4



由于C 是以A的元素为下标的,所以这样一做,A中的元素在C中自然就成为有序的了,这里我们可以知道 顺序为 0,1,3 (2 的计数为0)


也就是 B[0] 到 B[1] 为0  B[2] 到 B[5] 为1 这样依此类推。

这种排序算法,依靠一个辅助数组来实现,不基于比较,算法复杂度为 O(n) ,但由于要一个辅助数组C,所以空间复杂度要大一些,由于计算机的内存有限,这种算法不适合范围很大的数的排序。

注:基于比较的排序算法的最佳平均时间复杂度为 O(nlogn)


Counting sort
Depends on a key assumption: numbers to be sorted are integers in{0, 1, . . . , k}.
Input: A[1 . . n], where A[ j ] ∈ {0, 1, . . . , k} for j = 1, 2, . . . , n. Array A and
values n and k are given as parameters.
Output: B[1 . . n], sorted. B is assumed to be already allocated and is given as a
Auxiliary storage: C[0 . . k]
8-4 Lecture Notes for Chapter 8: Sorting in Linear Time
for i ← 0 to k
do C[i ] ← 0
for j ← 1 to n
do C[A[ j ]] ← C[A[ j ]] + 1
for i ← 1 to k
do C[i ] ← C[i ] + C[i − 1]
for j ← n downto 1
do B[C[A[ j ]]] ← A[ j ]
C[A[ j ]] ← C[A[ j ]] − 1
Do an example for A = 21, 51, 31, 01, 22, 32, 02, 33
Counting sort is stable (keys with same value appear in same order in output as
they did in input) because of how the last loop works.

void CountingSort( int L[], const int n )
    int i,j;
    const int k =1001;//此处k的大小只要保证大于L[]中的最大值即可
    int tmp[k];
    int *R;
    R = new int[n];
    for(i=0;i<k;i++) tmp[i]= 0; 
    for(j=0;j<n;j++) tmp[L[j]]++; 
        tmp[i]=tmp[i]+tmp[i-1]; //执行完上面的循环后,
    for(j=n-1;j>=0;j--) //这里是逆向遍历,保证了排序的稳定性
        R[tmp[L[j]]-1] = L[j];  
    for(j=0;j<n;j++) L[j] = R[j];










posted @ 2013-07-02 15:53  CoolRandy  阅读(468)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报