English trip -- VC(情景课)10 C I like to watch TV. 我爱看电视

Grammar focus 语法点: like to

            do    you     

            do    they

 What  does  he    like to do?

           does  she


Practice 练习

What do they like to do?

They like to play basketball.


What does she like to do?

She likes to swim.


What does he like to do?

He likes to play cards.


What does she like to do?

She likes to fish.


What do they like to do?

They like to dance.


What does he like to do?

He likes to exercise.


What does he like to do?

He likes to cook


What do they like to do?

They like play cards


What does she like to do?

She likes to work in the garden


What does he like to do?

He likes to swim.


What do they like to do?

They are like to play soccer



# 下面单词变成ing 形式

dance  -> dancing

drink  -> drinking

dream -> dreaming

eat  ->  eatting

hop  -> hopping 

jump -> jumping

listen -> listening

look  -> looking

run  -> running 

shout -> shout  呼喊;喊叫;大声说

sing -> singing

sit down -> sitting down

skate -> skating  滑冰  (注意这里的skate 里面的k被浊化)

ski  -> skiing  滑雪  ->滑雪运动;(注意这里的ski 里面的k被浊化)

sleep -> sleeping

swim -> swimming

talk(also:speak or say hi)  -> talking

walk -> walking 

whistle ['wɪsl]  n. 口哨;汽笛;呼啸声  -> whistling

write -> writing  n. 书写;作品;著作;[法] 笔迹


Where are we?  我们在哪?



some people 有些人;一些人
many people 许多人


At the park

We are playing at the park.

Some people are walking at the park.

I am taking photos.

We are having a picnic(野餐).


In a classroom

We are learning in a classroom

Some of us(我们中的一些人having an English class in a classroom

My classmate writing in his book.

I am listening to the teacher.


At a restaurant

We are eatting dinner at a restaurant

Some people are eatting lunch at a restaurant

My friend looking at the menu.

I am ordering food.  # 我正在点菜


At the beach

We are Sunbathing at the beach.

My friends is playing beach ball at the beach.

We are having fun.

I am swiming in the sea.


At a concert  演唱会

We are listening to music at a concert

I am loving  at a concert

I am dancing.

The band singing  乐队唱歌


At home 

We are eatting dinner at home.

My friend is playing games at home.

We are sitting on the sofa.

I am watching TV.


At a nightclub    夜店

We are singing at a nightclub  我们在一家夜总会唱歌

Some people are drinking beer at a nightclub

My friend dancing to the music

I am ordering a drink.  我点了一杯饮料。


At work

We are working at work

My boss is very hardworking at work

My colleague writing a report

I am checking my email.


At the cinema  在电影院

We are watching movie at the cinema.

Some people are sleeping at the cinema

I am eatting popcorn(爆米花).

We are watching a movie.


On holiday

We are going out to play on holiday.

My friend likes to staying at home on holiday.

We are staying in a hotel.

I am going on a tour(n. 旅游,旅行;巡回演出).


posted @ 2018-10-24 22:54  Cong0ks  阅读(660)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报