V3 -A Hard Bargain Teacher: GABRIELE

In this lesson you will learn to present a proposal.   在这节课中,你将学习如何提出一个建议。





(be)low an energy

bargain(n.) n. 交易;便宜货;契约


proposal(n.)  n. 提议,建议;求婚

propose(v.)  vi. 建议;求婚;打算

a street vendor 路边小贩

a street snack 街头小吃

host the olympic games  主办奥运会 举办奥运会

negotiate  vi. 谈判,交涉

hand sanitizer  消毒洗手液

provide  vt. 提供;规定;准备;装备


I propose ...

I suggest...

My ideais is to ...


Parts of speech  词类;词性

noun  名词

verb  动词

adjective  形容词

adverb  副词

pronoun  n. 代词

preposition   介词

conjunction  连接词

interjection  感叹词



                 v. Show st.

Present  < n. now

                  n. a gift


词汇(Key Word )

potential adj. 潜在的,有可能的

vendor  n. 卖主;小贩;供应商;[贸易] 自动售货机

bid  v. 出价;叫牌;向……表示问候;(诗、文)命令;邀请;努力争取,企图获得;告诉,吩咐

associate  v. 联想,联系;(使)关联;与(不被认同的人)交往;将……和……联系起来;表示同意

sector  n. 部门;扇形,扇区;象限仪;函数尺

term  n. 术语;学期;期限;条款;(代数式等的)项

tender n.投标

prospective adj.预期的,未来的

qualification  n. 资格;条件;限制;赋予资格

budget n.预算

quote vt.报价

framework n. 框架,骨架;结构,构架

dispute n.争执,争端

arise vi. 升起,发生

infrastructure n.基础设施

be subject to 从属于,受...支配




The term RFP is used most often in the tech industry.  # 这里的used 是形容词



An RFP is required when there is more than just price involved in a deal.




# Proposal tips

Who: who will do the work, who will manage the work. who the customer calls if there is a problem,who is responsible for what



What: what needs to be done/delivered.what will be required to do it, what the customer can expect what it will cost



Where: where the work will be done, where it will be delivered.



How: how the work will be done. how it will be deployed,how you will achieve quality assurance and customer satisfaction, how long it will take, how the work will benefit the customer.



When: when you will start, when the project will be completed, when payment is due  



Why: why you have chosen the approaches and alternatives you have selected, why the customer should select you



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