V3 -Order of Business Teacher: Cleanven

In this lesson you will learn to chair a meeting.  主持开会





词汇(Key Word)

waste vt.浪费

fair adj.公平合理的

clarify vt.使清楚;澄清

focus vi./vt. (使)集中,(使)聚集

vote n.投票,表决

assessment n.评价

squeeze vi./vt. 挤,榨

fare n.费用;票

extra adj.额外的,外加的

revenue n.收入,收益

extra  adj. 额外的;另外收费的;特大的

revenue n.收入,收益

reduce vt.减少

therfore adv.因此

minutes n.会议记录

interjection n.叹词,感叹词




Let's not get off the subject.  我们别跑题了。

Thank you everyone for coming today. The purpose of this meeting is to...  谢谢各位今天的光临。这次会议的目的是……


One of the keys to having more effective meetings is differentiating between the need...   召开更有效会议的关键之一是区分需求……

To disseminate information you can use a variety of other communication media.  为了传播信息,你可以使用各种其他的传播媒体。

The more concrete your meeting objectives are, the more focused your agenda will be. 你的会议目标越具体,你的议程就越集中。

Set objectives for the meeting 为会议设定目标

 ...have generated three ideas for increasing our sales... …我提出了三个增加销售的想法……

...ask a trivial question related to the meeting topic and give the correct answer...…问一个与会议主题相关的小问题,然后给出正确答案。





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