English trip V2-B 18 What's Your Job? 你是什么工作 Teacher: Russell

In this lesson you will learn how to describe jobs.



I'm manager in my company.

I lead I mange a team of 64 people.

I have 64 people working under me


skill -->   swimming     driving car  etc..




write a weekly report about working condition  每周写一份关于工作状况的报告

attend a weekly meeting  参加每周例会

a responsibility   n. 责任,职责;义务  ;  a duty  n. 责任;


architect   /'ɑrkɪtɛkt/  ar.chi.tect   建筑师

design build


accountant  会计

to calculate 计算  ; to count  计算


mechanic  技工;修理工

a factory  工厂


real estate agent  房地产经纪人

talkative  adj. 饶舌的;多话的;多嘴的;爱说话的

to convince 说服 ; to persuade sb  使某人确信


talent and genius 区别

genius 多用于指人;  天才;天赋;精神

talent  多用于指某件事; 天才;才能;天资


词汇(Key Word )

# teacher extend

sink  水槽   n. 洗涤槽,水槽;洼地;污水坑;

tap  水龙头  / faucet n. 旋塞;插口;水龙头

pipe  n. 管;烟斗;笛

punctual  adj. 准时的,守时的;精确的

modest  adj. 谦虚的,谦逊的;适度的;端庄的;羞怯的

humble  adj. 谦逊的;简陋的;(级别或地位)低下的;不大的


interest  兴趣

ability  能力

talented  多才

successful  成功

Billy has a interest in books and reading. He is a talented writer and hopes to one day become a successful author.His teacher thinks he has the ability to do this.


# Archer  /'ɑrtʃɚ/  弓箭手         Author   /'ɔθɚ/   作家

shoot arrow


manual job  体力劳动工作

mechanic  机械师

carpenter  木工

electrican  电工

builder  n. 建筑者

miner  n. 矿工


Non-manual job  非体力劳动工作

doctor 医生

flight attendan  空乘人员

lawyer 律师

secretary  秘书

nurse  护士


# Word list

accountant   n.会计师

architect  n.建筑师

attendant  n.服务员,侍者

author  n.作者

carpenter  n.木匠,木工

determined  adj.坚决的

electrician  n.电工;电气技师

estate n.财产;庄园

excellent  adj.卓越的,极好的

extremely  adv.非常,极其;极端地

lawyer  n.律师

lucky  adj.幸运的

manual   /'mænjuəl/ adj.体力的;手工的

mechanic  n.技工,机修工

miner /'maɪnɚ/   n.矿工,采矿者

profession  n.职业,同行

real estate  n. 不动产, 房地产

secretary  n.秘书

special  adj.特别的;专门的

succeed  vi.成功;继承

talented  adj.有才能的,天才的








astronaut   /'æstrəˌnɔt/  n. 宇航员,航天员;太空旅行者


babysitter  /'bebɪsɪtɚ/  n. 临时照顾幼儿者         nanny  n. 保姆;母山羊





You would call this person if you had trouble with your toilet or a burst pipe. plumber
If you had a sore tooth, you would go to his person. dentist
This person serves you in a restaurant. waiter / waitress

This person makes the food in a restaurant.  cook / chef

This person drives a car and takes people where they want to go.  taxi driver / cab driver


I think having good contacts is necessary in business.

It is important to be hard-working if you want to succeed.

if you want to get good results you need to study hard.

Does to having rich parents help you become more successful?

To become rich, you sometimes need to be lucky

I think in life it is necessary to have a dream.


Work done by machines has replaced manual  labour.

She is a talented musician as well as a photographer.

His ability carried him to the top of his profession

One cannot succeed unless he tries hard.

This magazine published excellent stories.

The government is determined to bring down inflation   /ɪn'fleʃən/   通货膨胀                # government  n. 政府;政体;管辖            determined  v. 决定;断定


Eating fruit every day is a good way to stay healthy.  每天吃水果是保持健康的好方法。

it's unhealthy to smoke, so you'd better quit.  吸烟有害健康,所以你最好戒烟。

It's no use arguing with him.  和他争论是没有用的。

His to be elected as a leader of our country was not a surprise to us.  他被选为我们国家的领导人对我们来说并不意外。

--You were brave to raise objections at the meeting. --Well, now I regret to doing that.  你在会上勇敢地提出反对意见。好吧,现在我后悔那样做了。

One learns a language by making mistakes and correcting them  一个人通过犯错误和纠正错误来学习一门语言

She looks forward every spring to walking in the flower garden.  她盼望着每年春天都能在花园里散步。

He is proud of his son's winning the first prize. 他为儿子赢得一等奖而自豪。

He finished to reading the book yesterday.  他昨天看完了这本书。



 be fed up with...   # 受够了;极厌恶;对……厌倦

I am fed up with my work.

I am fed up with Loki.


# argot    slang       俚 语

We are in the same boat  我们的处境相同;同病相怜          


You would call this person if you had trouble with your toilet or a burst pipe.   plumber 
If you had a sore tooth, you would go to his person.  dentist  

This person serves you in a restaurant.  waiter / waitress

This person makes the food in a restaurant.

This person drives a car and takes people where they want to go.


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2018-08-23 English trip -- VC(情景课)5 D