English trip V2-B 15 Presentation at Work or School 在工作或学校的演讲 Teacher:GABRIELE

In this lesson you will learn to give a presentation.



                                                   1. give a speech  做演讲 

Public  speaking  公众演讲   <   2. make a toast  致辞  #

                                                   3. give a presentation  发表演说

  #  the act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an audience  听众进行正式的口头交流的行为



gestures  /'dʒɛstʃɚ   ges.tu.res  手势  # move hands and arms around 

body movement  肢体动作     # walk aound and speak 

facial expressions   /'feʃl/  /ɪk'sprɛʃən/  fa.cial      exp.res.sions      表情   

eye contacr    眼神交会

use visual aids  使用直观教具,例如:PPT


The eyes are the mirror of the soul   眼睛是心灵的镜子




词汇(Key Word )


tanned  v. (肤色或皮肤)晒成棕褐色;(使)晒成褐色;鞣革;(非正式)鞭打(tan 的过去式及过去分词)  # my skin tanned  我的皮肤晒黑

vision   n. 视力;美景;眼力;幻象;想象力;幻视(漫威漫画旗下超级英雄)     vt. 想象;显现;梦见

to aid sb = to help sb.

projector  n. [仪] 投影仪;放映机;探照灯;设计者


humid  adj. 潮湿的;湿润的;多湿气的        The weather is humid today

awkward  adj. 尴尬的;笨拙的;棘手的;不合适的

respectful  adj. 恭敬的;有礼貌的     

confident adj. 自信的;确信的   


involve  包含

equipment 设备;装备;素材

discussion  议论


aid  n.帮助;援助

arrange  vt. 排列;安排;整理

checklist  n.清单;一览表

equipment  n.设备,装备;器材

involve  vt.包含;牵涉

laptop  n.笔记本电脑

memorize  vt.记住,熟记

plug  n.插头;vt 插上插头

visual  adj.视觉的,视力的








put tea cups on the table  把茶杯放在桌子上

arrange chairs for people  为人们安排椅子

make short notes  做简短笔记

prepare a story or joke  准备一个故事或笑话

memorize the first two lines of your speech  记住演讲的前两行

set up the screen  设置屏幕

plug in a laptop  插入笔记本电脑


Have you plugged in the laptop yet?  你把笔记本插上电源了吗?  Yes, I have already plugged in the laptop.

Have you prepared a story or joke yet?  你准备好故事或笑话了吗? No, I haven't prepared a story or joke yet.

Have you memorized the first two lines of your speech yet?  的演讲的头两行记下来了吗?  Yes, I have already memorized the first two lines of my speech.

Have you made short notes yet? 你做短笔记了吗?  No, I haven't made short notes yet.

Have you written "Welcome" to the board?  你写“欢迎”到董事会了吗?  Yes ,I have already written "Welcome" to the board.

Have you arranged seats for 8 people yet? 你们为8个人安排好座位了吗?  Yes, I have already arranged seats for 8 people .


Do you want to see the movie? 你想看这部电影?

No, I've already seen it three times. 不用了,我已经看过三次了

Have you finished your homework yet? 你做完家庭作业了吗?

Think about what you will need for a presentation.  考虑一下你的报告需要准备些什么。


a. Other necessary documents are stated on this checklist.  其他必要的文件列在这个清单上。

b. Her designs have a strong visual appeal  她的设计具有很强的视觉感染力

c. She is so independent that she refused all finahcial aid.   她很独立,拒绝了所有的经济资助。

d. Can you arrange the taxi to get here at 3:30 pm? 

e. How should me involve ourselves in school life?

f. An actor must be able to memorize his lines.


Have you had lunch yet?

Peter has not called yet?

I already made my bed

You already broke two plates today

Have you tided your room yet?







do sth  in public

           in private


Have you finished your homework yet?

Use " yet + the present perfect"(现在完成(时))  in a question to ask if something that you think is going to happen has happened.


A: Do you want to see this movie?

B: No, I 've already seen it three times.

Use "already" in positive sentences to say that something already happened before now, or earlier than expected.


I have already had my breakfast, but I haven't had lucnch yet.


Use Yet in questions and negative sentences.  否定句

Use already in positive sentences.  肯定句

If the other person thinks you haven't done something. use already to say that you have done it.

Use yet if you haven't done something, but you plan to do it.


posted @ 2019-08-14 11:21  Cong0ks  阅读(301)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报