English trip V2-B 1 What's on the Menu? 菜单上有什么? Teacher:Tom

In this lesson you will learn to order food in a restaurant.



My teacher is comes from  between UK and Island. There are 60.0000  people of the here and The specialty of their hometown is milk.

He likes Zhajiang noodle and durian. There are 4 people in his family.they are his monther, his father, his older sister and him. his sister got married.

He lives in near Chunxi road of Chengdu.


词汇(Key Word )

# fruits and vegetables 

lychee   n. [园艺] 荔枝(等于litchi)

cabbage  n. 卷心菜,甘蓝菜,洋白菜;(俚)脑袋;(非正式、侮辱)植物人(常用于英式英语);(俚)钱,尤指纸币(常用于美式俚语)

carrot  /'kærət/  n. 胡萝卜

cucumber  cu.cum.ber    n. 黄瓜;胡瓜

orange  n. 橙,柑橘;橙汁,橘汁饮料;橙树,橘树;橙色,橘黄色;橙黄色蝴蝶


# meat and fish

hot dog  热狗

sausage   香肠

腊肉  preserved meat

牛肉  beef

猪肉  pork

鸡肉  chicken

鸭肉  duck

鹿肉 venison


# dairy products  乳制品,奶制品;乳酪产品

cheese  n. [食品] 奶酪;干酪;要人


# grains and cereals  谷粒(面粉) 和 [作物] 谷类;谷类食品



# measure word   量词

a bottle of mike

a bag of chips

a box of chocolates

a pieces of bread

a bunch of grape  # 这里的“葡萄”和“grep”     n. UNIX工具程序;可做文件内的字符串查找

a basket of apple


focused  adj. 聚焦的;专心的

review  n. 回顾;复习;评论;检讨;检阅

discussed  v. 讨论(discuss的过去分词);商讨

brainstorm  n. 集思广益;头脑风暴;灵机一动

actively   积极地;活跃地

participating  v. 参加(participate的ing形式)  adj. 由多人一起参加的;(股票等)持有人有权分享利益的




Ricky = R

Michael = M

Waiter = W

R: Hey, Let's grab some lunch                #  /ɡræb/  n. 攫取;霸占;夺取之物

M: What a good idea!

R: Do you like dim sum?                       # dim sum  =  dessert  /dɪ'zɝt/  点心

M: I love chinese food!


R: Do you have black tea?

W: Sorry, we don't have any black tea.

R: Can we have some dim sum, please.

W: Here's the menu.


M: Can I have some more tea?

W: Here's some more tea, Anything else?

M: Yes, I'd like some...


Do you have any yellow fruit? 

Yes, here you are

I'll have a medium rar steak

Can I have green eggs and ham?

We'd like soft ice-cream.

Angthing else?               

Sorry , we don't have any green eggs                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       






I'll have sandwich, fries, and a cup of coffee.

We'd like some noodles. I'll have some bread.

Sorry, we don't have any fries. Do you want any fruit?

Can I have a glass of water, please?


Vicky has some candy. 维姬有一些糖果。

Kat doesn't have any money

Marina will give us some information.

There is some milk in the fridge.

There isn't any beer.

There aren't any boys in my family.

Joe won't give me any money.

Hannah is a vegetarian;she doesn't eat any meat

Sue must do some homework tonight.

My brother can't speak any Chinese.

My sister can speak some Spanish.

I can't speak any Chinese or Spanish.

I must study some other languages.

Louis isn't any smarter then Jane.


文字游戏(Words Game)




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