English trip EM2-MP4 Teacher:Taylor voiceless consonant 清辅音 & voiced consonant 浊辅音


# 区分 voiceless consonant 清辅音 & voiced consonant 浊辅音

清辅音    short   # 轻快

浊辅音    long    # 但是不要太刻意拖长


# 三个建议   Three suggest

1)Speak with your eyes closed  闭着眼睛发音; your ears will be more alert  你的耳朵会更灵敏

2)Speak silently 默读; this will draw your attention to the movement of your mouth and tongue. 这会让你的注意力集中在嘴巴和舌头的运动上

3)Speak in slow motion 放慢动作讲话; this will also allow you to focus on the movement of your mouth. 这也能让你专注于嘴巴的运动。


词汇(Key Word )

# Voiceless                       Voiced

lap                                     lab

seat                                  seed

coa                                 code

rack                                  rag

buck                                 bug


tack           tag

leaf           leave

proof        prove

peace         peas

price        prize








posted @ 2019-04-28 09:42  Cong0ks  阅读(391)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报