Phonics 自然拼读法 g, o, u, l, f, b Teacher:Lamb


Part I     Warm-up & Video  Food Fashion Fun  19 sets


Lamb asked us:" What's the popular foods in restaurant?"   "hamburger,  fried chicken, steak..." student answered.

"No No Not fast food! Let's watch We watching video together" . In the video,  Hostess Jessica introduced us  "Hummus"  is a very popular Middle Eastern dish.that is usually served with pita bread.Hummus is one of the most popular snack foods in the US right now. Then She showed us  how do you to make this food.


Part II     Warm-up & Video   Real 麦克老师


In this video, Teacher Mike introduced us how to translate some popular Chinese internet slang into English.


carefree    adj. 无忧无虑的;不负责的       # 比较正式的说法

chill  n. 寒冷;寒意;寒心  vt. 冷冻,冷藏;使寒心;使感到冷  adj. 寒冷的;冷漠的;扫兴的  vi. 冷藏;变冷        # chill out 冷静,冷静下来

whatever    conj. 无论什么    adj. 不管什么样的  pron. 无论什么;诸如此类      # 比较美式



co-dependent   adj. 互相依赖的;共存的    

clingy  adj. 紧贴的;粘住的

lost puppy   迷失的小狗 



Young and handsome  年轻和帅    

hunk  n. 大块,大片;厚块;(俚语)强壮    

so man-pretty   花样美男



You son of a biscuit!  

You son of a bi...

What on earth?  # 到底怎么回事儿 究竟是什么 到底是什么

What the heck?   # 源于 What the hell?但事"hell"可能涉及到宗教问题,就改为了heck



Imperessive!  adj. 感人的;令人钦佩的;给人以深刻印象的

That was so cool!  太酷了

Yo dawg, that was so gangsta! 好家伙,那太牛B了!   #gangsta 黑帮;歹徒成员      Yo dawg 好家伙;呦耶



I'm finished  我完成了

That's it, I'm done for  就这样 我完了..

I'm so screwed!    我这次大祸临头了!


Oh dear, I'm so frightened.  哦,天哪,我好恐慌

OMG,I'm so scared!  天啊,我好害怕!

I'm freaking out right now.  我现在吓坏了



Oh,stop being such a prima donna.  哦,你别再做个戏精.

Oh, c'mon, stop being so dramatic.  哦,拜托,别那么戏剧化了

Hey, drama queen, chill alright? 嘿,戏剧女王,冷静点好吗?



Always the contrarian, aren't you?  你总是个叛逆的人,不是吗?    #  做法与一般大众想法相反的投资人(如买冷门股票);(与其他人)持相反意见者

Ughh, you are so stubborn. 啊,你太顽固了         # adj. 顽固的;顽强的;难处理的                     

Why are you being so difficult?  你为什么要这么难人?   # 太困难



No need to brag

C'mon, seriously? 拜托,你是说真的吗?

Sit down and shutup  坐下,闭嘴


Part III     g,o,u,l,f,b 的发音 以及  ai ay ee ea ey ie igh oa ow ui ue  

# 元音字母组合:以首字母发音


PS:    注意 l 有2种发音:分别是语音字母前,元音字母后    e.g.    lick     spell



词汇(Key Word )

recipe  美 /'rɛsəpi/   n. 食谱;[临床] 处方;秘诀;烹饪法



take a chill pill alright? 镇静一点好吗?

Nice work but that's enough.  干得好,不过这就够了

No need to brag  不需要吹嘘

C'mon, seriously?  拜托,你是说真的吗?





# 需要Preview

ar        /a:/

er       /ə/

ir       /ɝ/

ur     /ɜ/

or    /ɔ/



posted @ 2019-04-20 12:46  Cong0ks  阅读(559)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报