- //author:1025679612@qq.com
- //csdn:<a href="http://blog.csdn.net/wind_2008_06_29/article/details/7706531">http://blog.csdn.net/wind_2008_06_29/article/details/7706531</a>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <list>
- using std::cout;
- using std::endl;
- using std::cin;
- using std::list;
- bool bVisitTag[387420489]= {false}; //9^9用来表示其中的一种状态是否被访问过
- //=========================================================================
- //begin class Point define
- //=========================================================================
- class Point{
- public:
- Point();
- Point(const Point& rhs);
- public:
- bool operator==(const Point& rhs);
- bool operator!=(const Point& rhs);
- Point& operator= (const Point& rhs);
- public:
- int m_iRow; //
- int m_iCol;
- };
- Point::Point(){}
- Point::Point(const Point& rhs){
- m_iRow =rhs.m_iRow;
- m_iCol =rhs.m_iCol;
- }
- bool Point::operator!=(const Point& rhs){
- return !operator==(rhs);
- }
- bool Point::operator==(const Point& rhs){
- return (m_iRow== rhs.m_iRow)&&(m_iCol== rhs.m_iCol);
- }
- Point& Point::operator= (const Point& rhs){
- m_iRow = rhs.m_iRow;
- m_iCol = rhs.m_iCol;
- return *this;
- }
- //=========================================================================
- //end of class Point define
- //=========================================================================
- //=========================================================================
- //begin class CState define
- //=========================================================================
- class CState{ //存储9宫的状态
- public:
- CState(const CState& rhs);
- CState();
- public:
- CState& operator=(const CState& rhs);
- bool operator==(const CState& rhs);
- public:
- int vValue[3][3];
- Point m_Center; //我们设0的位置是Center
- };
- CState::CState(const CState& rhs):m_Center(rhs.m_Center){
- for(int iRow= 0; iRow< 3; ++iRow){
- for(int iCol= 0; iCol< 3; ++iCol)
- vValue[iRow][iCol] = rhs.vValue[iRow][iCol];
- }
- }
- CState::CState(){}
- CState& CState::operator= (const CState& rhs){
- m_Center = rhs.m_Center;
- for(int iRow= 0; iRow< 3; ++iRow){
- for(int iCol= 0; iCol< 3; ++iCol)
- vValue[iRow][iCol] = rhs.vValue[iRow][iCol];
- }
- return *this;
- }
- bool CState::operator==(const CState& rhs){
- if(m_Center != rhs.m_Center)
- return false;
- for(int iRow= 0; iRow< 3; ++iRow){
- for(int iCol= 0; iCol< 3; ++iCol)
- if(vValue[iRow][iCol] != rhs.vValue[iRow][iCol])
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- //=========================================================================
- //end of class CState define
- //=========================================================================
- CState StateBegin, StateEnd; //开始和结束状态
- int Search();
- int StateToInt(const CState& state);//编码
- CState IntToState(int iState); //解码
- int main(){
- for(int iRow= 0; iRow< 3; ++iRow){
- for(int iCol= 0; iCol< 3; ++iCol){
- cin>>StateBegin.vValue[iRow][iCol];
- if(StateBegin.vValue[iRow][iCol]== 0){
- StateBegin.m_Center.m_iRow= iRow;
- StateBegin.m_Center.m_iCol= iCol;
- }
- }
- }
- for(int iRow= 0; iRow< 3; ++iRow){
- for(int iCol= 0; iCol< 3; ++iCol){
- cin>>StateEnd.vValue[iRow][iCol];
- if(StateEnd.vValue[iRow][iCol]== 0){
- StateEnd.m_Center.m_iRow= iRow;
- StateEnd.m_Center.m_iCol= iCol;
- }
- }
- }
- cout<<Search()<<endl;
- }
- int StateToInt(const CState& state){//编码
- int iValue = 0;
- for(int iRow= 2; iRow>= 0; --iRow){
- for(int iCol=2; iCol>= 0; --iCol){
- iValue*= 9;
- iValue+= state.vValue[iRow][iCol];
- }
- }
- return iValue;
- }
- CState IntToState(int iState){ //解码
- CState state;
- for(int iRow= 0; iRow< 3; ++iRow){
- for(int iCol= 0; iCol< 3; ++iCol){
- state.vValue[iRow][iCol] = iState%9;
- iState/= 9;
- if(state.vValue[iRow][iCol]== 0){
- state.m_Center.m_iRow = iRow;
- state.m_Center.m_iCol = iCol;
- }
- }
- }
- return state;
- }
- //=========================================================================
- //BFS search
- //=========================================================================
- int Search(){
- list<CState> buffer1, buffer2;
- int iStep= 0;
- list<CState> *lpListUsed; //存放当前这一步
- list<CState> *lpListNextStep; //存放下一步
- if(StateBegin== StateEnd)
- return 0; //直接到达的话就是0了
- lpListUsed = &buffer1;
- lpListNextStep = &buffer2;
- lpListUsed->push_back(StateBegin);
- int iPosition = StateToInt(StateBegin);
- bVisitTag[iPosition] = true;
- //bVisitTag[StateToInt(StateBegin)]= true; //打标记
- while(!lpListUsed->empty()){
- CState StateNow;
- CState StateNext;
- ++iStep;
- while(!lpListUsed->empty()){
- StateNow= lpListUsed->front();
- lpListUsed->pop_front();
- if(StateNow== StateEnd){
- return iStep-1;
- }
- if(StateNow.m_Center.m_iRow-1>= 0){
- StateNext = StateNow;
- --StateNext.m_Center.m_iRow;
- StateNext.vValue[StateNow.m_Center.m_iRow][StateNow.m_Center.m_iCol] =StateNow.vValue[StateNext.m_Center.m_iRow][StateNext.m_Center.m_iCol];
- StateNext.vValue[StateNext.m_Center.m_iRow][StateNext.m_Center.m_iCol] = 0;
- int iPosition = StateToInt(StateNext);
- if(!bVisitTag[iPosition]){
- bVisitTag[iPosition]= true;
- lpListNextStep->push_back(StateNext);
- }
- }
- if(StateNow.m_Center.m_iRow+1< 3){
- StateNext = StateNow;
- ++StateNext.m_Center.m_iRow;
- StateNext.vValue[StateNow.m_Center.m_iRow][StateNow.m_Center.m_iCol] =StateNow.vValue[StateNext.m_Center.m_iRow][StateNext.m_Center.m_iCol];
- StateNext.vValue[StateNext.m_Center.m_iRow][StateNext.m_Center.m_iCol] = 0;
- int iPosition = StateToInt(StateNext);
- if(!bVisitTag[iPosition]){
- bVisitTag[iPosition]= true;
- lpListNextStep->push_back(StateNext);
- }
- }
- if(StateNow.m_Center.m_iCol-1>= 0){
- StateNext = StateNow;
- --StateNext.m_Center.m_iCol;
- StateNext.vValue[StateNow.m_Center.m_iRow][StateNow.m_Center.m_iCol] =StateNow.vValue[StateNext.m_Center.m_iRow][StateNext.m_Center.m_iCol];
- StateNext.vValue[StateNext.m_Center.m_iRow][StateNext.m_Center.m_iCol] = 0;
- int iPosition = StateToInt(StateNext);
- if(!bVisitTag[iPosition]){
- bVisitTag[iPosition]= true;
- lpListNextStep->push_back(StateNext);
- }
- }
- if(StateNow.m_Center.m_iCol+1< 3){
- StateNext = StateNow;
- ++StateNext.m_Center.m_iCol;
- StateNext.vValue[StateNow.m_Center.m_iRow][StateNow.m_Center.m_iCol] =StateNow.vValue[StateNext.m_Center.m_iRow][StateNext.m_Center.m_iCol];
- StateNext.vValue[StateNext.m_Center.m_iRow][StateNext.m_Center.m_iCol] = 0;
- int iPosition = StateToInt(StateNext);
- if(!bVisitTag[iPosition]){
- bVisitTag[iPosition]= true;
- lpListNextStep->push_back(StateNext);
- }
- }
- }
- std::swap(lpListUsed, lpListNextStep);
- }
- return -1;
- }