- //author:sy1206321
- #include <iostream>
- using std::endl;
- using std::cin;
- using std::cout;
- unsigned int iNodeCount;//结点的个数
- unsigned int** lpDpArray;//动态规划时的数组
- unsigned int** lpGraph;//存储图的数据
- bool ** bHasCaculate;//存储一条路径是否访问过
- unsigned int** lpPath;//存储最短的路径
- bool FreeResource();//free memory
- bool InitData();//init graph data
- void Search();//搜索最短的路径
- unsigned int GetMinPath(unsigned int iNode, unsigned int iNodeSet);
- void ShowPath();//显示其中一个路径
- int main(){
- InitData();
- Search();
- cout<<lpDpArray[1][(1<<iNodeCount)-2]<<endl;
- ShowPath();
- FreeResource();
- system("PAUSE");
- }
- bool FreeResource(){//free memory
- for(int iIndex= 0; iIndex<= iNodeCount; ++iIndex){
- delete[] lpDpArray[iIndex];
- delete[] bHasCaculate[iIndex];
- delete[] lpGraph[iIndex];
- delete[] lpPath[iIndex];
- }
- delete[] lpDpArray;
- delete[] bHasCaculate;
- delete[] lpGraph;
- delete[] lpPath;
- return true;
- }
- bool InitData(){//allocate memory and init data
- cout<<"请输入结点个数:"<<endl;
- cin>>iNodeCount;
- lpDpArray = new unsigned int*[iNodeCount+ 1];
- lpDpArray[0] = NULL;
- bHasCaculate = new bool*[iNodeCount+ 1];
- bHasCaculate[0]= NULL;
- lpGraph = new unsigned int*[iNodeCount+ 1];
- lpGraph[0] = NULL;
- lpPath = new unsigned int*[iNodeCount+ 1];
- lpPath[0] = NULL;
- for(int iIndex= 1; iIndex<= iNodeCount; ++iIndex){
- lpDpArray[iIndex] = new unsigned int[1<<iNodeCount];
- bHasCaculate[iIndex] = new bool[1<<iNodeCount];
- lpGraph[iIndex] = new unsigned int[iNodeCount+1];
- lpPath[iIndex] = new unsigned int[1<<iNodeCount];
- }
- cout<<"请输入图的数据,如果不存在就输入0"<<endl;
- //读入图的数据,不存在则用无穷表示(static_cast<int>(-1))
- for(unsigned int iRow= 1; iRow<= iNodeCount; ++iRow){
- for(unsigned int iCol= 1; iCol<= iNodeCount; ++iCol){
- cin>>lpGraph[iRow][iCol];
- if(!lpGraph[iRow][iCol]){
- lpGraph[iRow][iCol] = static_cast<unsigned int>(-1);
- }
- }
- }
- //把bHasCaculate, lpDpArray, lpPath数组全部清零
- for(unsigned int iRow=1; iRow<= iNodeCount; ++iRow){
- for(unsigned int iCol= 1; iCol< (1<<iNodeCount); ++iCol){
- bHasCaculate[iRow][iCol] = false;
- lpDpArray[iRow][iCol] = static_cast<unsigned int>(-1);
- lpPath [iRow][iCol] = 0;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- //=========================================================================
- //lpDpArray[iNode][iNodeSet]表示从Node(1)到Node(iNode)经过iNodeSet集合中的点的
- //最小值
- //=========================================================================
- void Search(){
- //显然当iNodeSet为0是,表示空集
- for(int iNode= 1; iNode<= iNodeCount; ++iNode){
- lpDpArray[iNode][0] = lpGraph[1][iNode];
- lpPath [iNode][0] = 1;
- bHasCaculate[iNode][0] = true;
- }
- lpDpArray[1][(1<<iNodeCount)-2] = GetMinPath(1, (1<<iNodeCount)-2);
- }
- unsigned int GetMinPath(unsigned int iNode, unsigned int iNodeSet){
- if(bHasCaculate[iNode][iNodeSet]){
- return lpDpArray[iNode][iNodeSet];
- }
- unsigned int iMinValue = static_cast<int>(-1);
- for(int iPreNode= 1; iPreNode<= iNodeCount; ++iPreNode){
- if(((1<<(iPreNode-1)) & iNodeSet) && (lpGraph[iPreNode][iNode]!= -1)){//iPreNode is a elem of iNodeSet
- unsigned int iPreValue = GetMinPath(iPreNode, iNodeSet&(~(1<<(iPreNode-1))));
- if((iPreValue!= -1) && iPreValue+ lpGraph[iPreNode][iNode]< iMinValue){//update value
- lpPath[iNode][iNodeSet] = iPreNode;
- iMinValue = iPreValue+ lpGraph[iPreNode][iNode];
- }
- }
- }
- lpDpArray[iNode][iNodeSet] = iMinValue;
- bHasCaculate[iNode][iNodeSet] = true;
- return lpDpArray[iNode][iNodeSet];
- }
- void ShowPath(){
- int * path= new int[iNodeCount+ 1];
- int ivalue= (1<<iNodeCount)-1;
- int iPreNode = 1;
- int iNodeIndex = 0;
- while(ivalue){
- ivalue-= (1<<(iPreNode-1));
- path[iNodeCount-iNodeIndex] = iPreNode;
- ++iNodeIndex;
- iPreNode = lpPath[iPreNode][ivalue];
- }
- path[0]= 1;
- for(iNodeIndex= 0; iNodeIndex<= iNodeCount; ++iNodeIndex){
- cout<<path[iNodeIndex]<<(iNodeIndex== iNodeCount ? "\n":"->");
- }
- delete[] path;
- }
0 10 20 30 40 50
12 0 18 30 25 21
23 19 0 5 10 15
34 32 4 0 8 16
45 27 11 10 0 18
56 22 16 20 12 0