




2.从项目管理的角度,我们主要从 时间、质量、成本 三个方面判断一个项目是否成功。

  Three aspects of IT project success: on Time; on Quality; on Budget

3.States of Project

  Succeeded: The project excuted on time, on budget, on quality. The project products can works well as expected.

  Challenged: Partial success, the products of the project can still be used by making up in some ways.

  Failed: The project products can't work at all. The project is abandoned.

4.Success/Failure profiles: TOP 3

  Project Success Factors:

    User Involvement; Executive Management Support; Clear Statement of Requirements;

  Project challenged Factors:

    Lack of User Input; Incomplete Requirements & Specifications; Changing Requirements & Specifications;

  Project Impaired Factors:

    Incomplete Requirements; Lack of User Involvement; Lack of Resources;

5.Problems Related to Sys. Req.

  The requirements doesn't reflect the real needs of the customer of the system.

  The requirements is inconsistent or incomplete.

  There are misunderstandings between customers, system requirements analysts, and engineers in the development or maintenance system.

  The cost of changing requirement after confirming requirements is expensive.

6. The best way to solve the requirement problem: 

  Master, continuous improvement and effective control the process of finding, understanding, negotiation, description, confirmation and management fo software requirements.

7.What is software?

  Software is the carrier of advanced ideas and thoughts.

  Software is the embodiment of advanced technology and methods.

  Excellent software is the perfect combination of science, technology, management and Politics.

8.What is software Enginnering?



  Features:software engineering is a cross discipline.

9.Main factors for success:

  For a software project: 

    User participation

    The support of the Executive

    Clear expression of Requirements

  For a software practitioner:

    Grasp and control ability of requirements

    Good communication skills

    Responsibility and ability to take responsibility

10.Product life cycle cost statistics

  Life Cycle Cost (LCC)

  Boeing 波音公司; General Motors 通用汽车;


  Karl Wiegers, Joy Beatty, Software Requirement(Third Edition) 2013


Course Evaluation



50% final examination scores

50% Normal scores 

  Classroom attendance 10%

  Team Project assignments 40%

    阅读并报告英语论文1篇 5%

    编写项目远景与范围文档 5%

    编写用例文档 5%

    编写数据字典文档 5%

    编写需求规格说明书文档 5%

    编写测试用例文档 5%

    开发系统原型 10%


posted @ 2020-02-17 08:52  Comet_Fei  阅读(107)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报