Ivy degree – now what? Low-income grads struggle with careers, status


今天的句子来自基督教科学箴言报(Christine Science Monitor)标题是:Ivy degree – now what? Low-income grads struggle with careers, status常青藤名校的学位如今意味着什么?低收入家庭的毕业生(grads)正在苦苦为了职业,为了地位而挣扎。Low-income students who are the first generation in their families to go to college now represent about 15 percent of top college enrollments.低收入家庭的学生,他们是他们家族中第一代上大学的人,现在占到顶级大学招生人数的15%,很多知名大学对这部分学生提供了招生方面的优惠政策,这样可以增加大学的多样性,这样才能维持一个大学的活力和创造力,所以这些大学并不是在做公益,他们也是出于自身发展的考虑,他们需要不同背景的学生。Diversity breeds creativity. 多样性才能培育创造性。Many feel an acute pressure to succeed. 他们中有很多人都感受到了要急迫的成功的压力。Many are struggling to navigate one of the most difficult transitions in a modern, developed society – moving from one socioeconomic class to another. 他们中有很多人都在经历着现代发达社会中最困难的转型,从一个社会经济阶层流动到另外一个阶层。而且校方也确实为这些学生提供了大量的就业方面的指导和帮助。但是找到一份好的工作就真的意味着这种阶层流动完成了吗?


Just because you can land fancy jobs doesn’t change basic things you lack that well-off peers take for granted. Think: money for apartment security deposits and work wardrobes. There’s no access to professional networks and little advice to weigh career options.




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