on one's own用法

Give her a break, it's hard being on your own for the first time. ---《老友記》 第一季 第一集


by oneself (用作副词)
(1) 独自一人(= alone),例如:
   She used to sit by herself and read.
(2) 独立地,单独地,自动地,如:
   He finished it by himself.

on one's own - ①独立无助地②独立的;自主的。
(a) 独自: I'm all on my own today. 今天我是独自一人. * She liveson her own. 她独自过日子.
(b) 独力地; 单独地: He can be left to work on his own. 工作可交给他一个人去做. * Although her father is in the firm she got the job on her own. 尽管她父亲在公司里, 但她那份工作却是靠自己得到的.
(c) 出色的; 非凡的; 卓越的: When it comes to craftsmanship, Sally is on her own, ie is better than anyone. 说到手艺, 萨莉是独一无二的

posted @ 2010-07-01 13:27  Ethan Shan  阅读(12661)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报