freak out用法

 我们经常遇到freak out这个词组,口语中经常用到,小编们结合平时的用法和美国俚语词典中的解释来做一个总结,彻底把这个俚语弄明白。

  下面我们来看freak out的几种解释与用法:

  1. 吓坏了,吓人,使......震惊。


  You freak me out! 你吓死我了!

  I didn't mean to freak out everybody with the bad news. 我不是故意用坏消息吓唬大家的。

  There was a bomb scare at the school, and parents were freaking out about their kids' safety. 学校里发生了炸弹恐慌,家长们很担心孩子的安全。



  Woah, don't freak out, it's not the end of the world. 喔,别害怕,还没到世界末日呢。

  It's not the cops dude, don't freak out. 不是警察,别怕,兄弟。

  3. 失去控制,发疯。


  If I don't get this thing done I'm going to freak out! 如果我不把事情做完,我会疯掉的。

  This ordinary quiet guy just freaked out and shot ten people. 这个平时安静的家伙简直发疯了,,开枪打死了十个人。

  4. 变的很兴奋或很情绪化(to become very excited or emotional)。


  Her latest album just freaked me out.  她的上张专辑把我折服了。

  5. freak out over/at someone or something,意思是对某人或某事很生气,或者发脾气


  I absolutely freaked out over the whole business! 我对整件事很生气!

  Don't freak out at me! 别对我发脾气!

posted @ 2010-06-22 15:19  Ethan Shan  阅读(1124)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报