
Note for IAR 8 users:
(Libraries for IAR 8 require wchar_t to be of size 32 bits while IAR 7 requires 16 bits).

To run a project using IAR 8, follow these intructions:
- Open the IAR project in IAR 8. The IAR workbench will automatically generate an IAR 8 compatible project file.
- If the project contains one of the precompiled libraries listed below, replace it with the IAR 8 compatible alternative
(there are no projects targeting nRF51 in this SDK).
- Save the project.
- When building the project, you might get the warning: "The header file 'cmsis_iar.h' is obsolete and should not be used. [...]".
- The problem is described in DevZone post: https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/f/nordic-q-a/31123/iar-ewarm-8-22-1-complains-about-cmsis_iar-h
The solution is to remove all occurrences of #include <cmsis_iar.h>.

The affected libraries are:
- micro-ecc crypto:
- IAR7: Includes library located in the folder named “…_iar\…”.
- IAR8: Switch to using the library from the folder named “…_armgcc\…”.
- nrf_cc310, nrf_cc310_bl, and nrf_oberon:
- IAR7: Includes the library where “_short_wchar_” is part of the file name.
- IAR8: Switch to using the library with similar naming, but where the “short_wchar” is removed.
- Gazell, NFC Tag, and 802.15.4:
- IAR7: Includes the library where the file name ends with “_iar”.
- IAR8: Switch to using the library with similar file name that ends with “_gcc”.
,The following toolchains/devices have been used for testing and verification:
- ARM: MDK-ARM version 5.18a
- GCC: GCC ARM Embedded 6.3 2017-q2-update
- IAR: IAR Workbench 7.80.4 (IAR 8 - see note below)
- SES: SES 3.40


posted @ 2019-03-22 14:37  wdliming  阅读(828)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报