

array是数组指针,sizeof(array)返回指针指向的内存空间的长度 sizeof(int)是每个int类型占的内存空间 sizeof(array)/size(int)就是求出array里有多少个int类型数据,也就是数组的长度
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    int apricot[2][3][5]=


    int (*p)[3][5] = apricot;
    int (*r)[5] = apricot[0];
    int *t = apricot[0][0];
    printf("The addr of apricot is 0x%0x\n", apricot);//数组首地址:0x22fedc
    printf("Size of the apricot in int= %d\n",(sizeof(apricot)/sizeof(int)));
    printf("Size of the apricot in byte = %d\n",(sizeof(apricot)));
    printf("The value of the apricot[0][0] = 0x%0x\n",apricot[0][0]);
    printf("The addr of the apricot[0][0] = 0x%0x\n",&(apricot[0][0]));
    printf("The value of the apricot[0] = 0x%0x\n",apricot[0]);
    printf("The addr of the apricot[0] = 0x%0x\n\n",&(apricot[0]));
    printf("The addr of r is   0x%0x\n", r);//打印r的地址
    printf("The value of *r is %d\n", (*r++)[0]);//打印之前r地址里的值,之后r++,指向有一个元素
    printf("The addr of r++ is 0x%0x\n", r);//打印r++之后的地址。
    printf("The value of *r++ is %d\n", (*r)[0]);//打印r++之后的地址里的值
    printf("The value of (*r)[1] is %d\n\n", (*r)[1]);//打印后一个元素的值
    printf("The addr of t is 0x%0x\n", t);//打印t的地址
    printf("The value of *t is %d\n", (*t++));
    /*打印之前t地址里的值,之后t++,指向有一个元素,此时t的地址为0x22fedc+4 = 0x22fee0*/
    printf("The addr of t++ is 0x%0x\n", t);//打印:0x22fee0
    printf("The value of *t++ is %d\n", (*t));//打印0x22fee0地址里的值
    printf("The value of (*++t) is %d\n\n", (*++t));//打印0x22fee0+4地址里的值
    printf("The addr of p is  0x%0x\n", p++);
    printf("The addr of *p is 0x%0x\n\n", *p);//其差值是60=15(3*5)*4

    return 0;
Size of the apricot in int= 30
Size of the apricot in byte = 120
The value of the apricot[0][0] = 0x22fedc
The addr of the apricot[0][0] = 0x22fedc
The value of the apricot[0] = 0x22fedc
The addr of the apricot[0] = 0x22fedc

The addr of r is 0x22fedc
The value of *r is 1
The addr of r++ is 0x22fef0
The value of *r++ is 6
The value of (*r)[1] is 5

The addr of t is 0x22fedc
The value of *t is 1
The addr of t++ is 0x22fee0
The value of *t++ is 2
The value of (*++t) is 3

The addr of p is 0x22fedc
The addr of *p is 0x22ff18


The addr of r is   0x22fedc
The addr of r++ is 0x22fef0
r指向的是数组的首地址:0x22fedc,但是r++后的值f0-dc=14(hex)= 20(D),就是5*4(int)= 20个字节,说明r本身是一个指针,指向的是一个包含5个元素的数组。
(*r)[5] = apricot[0];这句话的意思就是把apricot[0]的地址赋给指针r

*t = apricot[0][0];意在把apricot[0][0]的地址值赋给指针t
The addr of t is   0x22fedc
The addr of t++ is 0x22fee0

The value of *t++ is 2
The value of (*++t) is 3




TriArray.c:30: error: lvalue required as increment operand



posted @ 2012-04-20 11:03  wdliming  阅读(3653)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报