// GetControllerAndAction gets the executing controller name and action name.
func (c *Controller) GetControllerAndAction() (string, string) {
return c.controllerName, c.actionName
// Controller defines some basic http request handler operations, such as
// http context, template and view, session and xsrf.
type Controller struct {
// context data
Ctx *context.Context
Data map[interface{}]interface{}
// route controller info
controllerName string
actionName string
methodMapping map[string]func() //method:routertree
AppController interface{}
// template data
TplName string
ViewPath string
Layout string
LayoutSections map[string]string // the key is the section name and the value is the template name
TplPrefix string
TplExt string
EnableRender bool
// xsrf data
_xsrfToken string
XSRFExpire int
EnableXSRF bool
// session
CruSession session.Store