TWinHTTPTimeouts = class(TPersistent)
    FConnectTimeout, FReceiveTimeout, FSendTimeout: DWord;
    procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;  
    property ConnectTimeout: DWord read FConnectTimeout write FConnectTimeout default 0;
    property ReceiveTimeout: DWord read FReceiveTimeout write FReceiveTimeout default 0;
    property SendTimeout: DWord read FSendTimeout write FSendTimeout default 0;







Applies to 

  WinHTTP component.  


  property WaitTimeout: Integer;  


  The WaitTimeout property specifies the time interval (limit), in milliseconds unit, which application able to wait until the HTTP request will be completed.  
  For example, if the maximum time which you can allow to complete HTTP request is 5 seconds, set this value to 5000 (milliseconds). If application can wait infinitely, set WaitTimeout to 0.  
  iiinfo When the timeout is expired, the component automatically terminates the HTTP request. To be notified when the WaitTimeout is expired — write OnWaitTimeoutExpired event handler.  


  The WaitTimeout only works together with WaitThread property, only when it set to True.  

See also 

  WaitThreadThreadThreadPriority and Suspended properties;  
  Read and Abort methods;  

  OnWaitTimeoutExpired event.  
 posted on 2016-10-16 10:30  宝兰  阅读(148)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报