Hash Table Implementation in C++

  • 对于字符串,所用的hash函数为:

    size_t _Hash_bytes(const void* ptr, size_t len, size_t seed) {

    static const size_t mul = (((size_t) 0xc6a4a793UL) << 32UL)

    + (size_t) 0x5bd1e995UL;

    const char* const buf = static_cast<const char*>(ptr);


    // Remove the bytes not divisible by the sizeof(size_t). This

    // allows the main loop to process the data as 64-bit integers.

    const int len_aligned = len & ~0x7;

    const char* const end = buf + len_aligned;

    size_t hash = seed ^ (len * mul);

    for (const char* p = buf; p != end; p += 8)


    const size_t data = shift_mix(unaligned_load(p) * mul) * mul;

    hash ^= data;

    hash *= mul;


    if ((len & 0x7) != 0)


    const size_t data = load_bytes(end, len & 0x7);

    hash ^= data;

    hash *= mul;


    hash = shift_mix(hash) * mul;

    hash = shift_mix(hash);

    return hash;



  • 默认的hash表桶数为11。
  • unordered_set的实现,在insert调用栈中,会最终调用到:

    __node_type* __n = _M_find_node(__bkt, __k, __code),如果__k是首次插入,__n会等于nullptr,此时会转入__n = __node_gen(std::forward<_Arg>(__v)),即生成新的_Hash_node。如果__n不为nullptr,说明之前已有同样元素存在。

  • 如果hash表元素是int,那么会生成一个为其特化的hashtable,其hash值不需要计算,而是直接用value % 11得到其__bkt值,进而插入hash表。



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