




 1 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
 2 #define debug cout
 3 using namespace std;
 4 const int maxn=1e3+1e2,maxe=64,maxl=32;
 5 typedef bitset<maxe> BitSet;
 7 int in[maxn],n;
 8 BitSet prv[maxn];
10 inline BitSet trans(const BitSet &sou,const int &x) {
11     BitSet ret = sou;
12     for(int i=0;i<maxl;i++) if( sou[i] ) ret[i^x] = 1;
13     return ret;
14 }
16 inline void getprv(int l,int r) {
17     prv[l] &= 0; prv[l][in[l]] = 1;
18     for(int i=l+1;i<=r;i++) prv[i] = trans(prv[i-1],in[i]) , prv[i][in[i]] = 1;
19 }
20 inline bool getans(int l,int r) {
21     if( !in[l] ) return 1;
22     for(int i=l+1;i<=r;i++) if( !in[i] || prv[i-1][in[i]] ) return 1;
23     return 0;
24 }
26 inline void modify(int l,int r,int x,int o) {
27     if( o == 1 ) for(int i=l;i<=r;i++) in[i] &= x;
28     if( o == 2 ) for(int i=l;i<=r;i++) in[i] |= x;
29     if( o == 3 ) for(int i=l;i<=r;i++) in[i] ^= x;
30 }
32 int main() {
33     static int q;
34     scanf("%d",&n);
35     for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) scanf("%d",in+i);
36     scanf("%d",&q);
37     for(int i=1,o,l,r,x;i<=q;i++) {
38         scanf("%d%d%d",&o,&l,&r);
39         if( !o ) {
40             getprv(l,r);
41             puts(getans(l,r)?"Yes":"No");
42         } else {
43             scanf("%d",&x);
44             modify(l,r,x,o);
45         }
46     }
47     return 0;
48 }
View Code


  1 #include<iostream>
  2 #include<cstdio>
  3 #include<cstring>
  4 #include<cctype>
  5 #define debug cerr
  6 using namespace std;
  7 const int maxn=1e5+1e2,maxl=32;
  9 int in[maxn],n;
 10 struct SegmentTree {
 11     int l[maxn<<2],r[maxn<<2],lson[maxn<<2],rson[maxn<<2],cnt;
 12     int lazy[maxn<<2][3]; // 0 xor , 1 and , 2 or .
 14     inline void getpe(int tpe,int &reta,int &retb) {
 15         if( tpe == 0 ) reta = 1 , retb = 2;
 16         else if( tpe == 1 ) reta = 0 , retb = 2;
 17         else if( tpe == 2 ) reta = 0 , retb = 1;
 18     }
 19     inline void apply(int pos,int val,int tpe) {
 20         if( l[pos] == r[pos] ) {
 21             if( tpe == 0 ) in[l[pos]] ^= val;
 22             if( tpe == 1 ) in[l[pos]] &= val;
 23             if( tpe == 2 ) in[l[pos]] |= val;
 24         }
 25         int ta,tb; getpe(tpe,ta,tb);
 26         if( ~lazy[pos][ta] || ~lazy[pos][tb] ) push(pos);
 27         if( !~lazy[pos][tpe] ) lazy[pos][tpe] = val;
 28         else {
 29             if( tpe == 0 ) lazy[pos][tpe] ^= val;
 30             if( tpe == 1 ) lazy[pos][tpe] &= val;
 31             if( tpe == 2 ) lazy[pos][tpe] |= val;
 32         }
 33     }
 34     inline void push(int pos) {
 35         if( l[pos] == r[pos] ) return;
 36         for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
 37             if( ~lazy[pos][i] ) {
 38                 apply(lson[pos],lazy[pos][i],i) ,
 39                 apply(rson[pos],lazy[pos][i],i) ;
 40                 lazy[pos][i] = -1;
 41             }
 42     }
 43     inline void build(int pos,int ll,int rr) {
 44         l[pos] = ll , r[pos] = rr;
 45         if( ll == rr ) return;
 46         const int mid = ( ll + rr ) >> 1;
 47         build(lson[pos]=++cnt,ll,mid) ,
 48         build(rson[pos]=++cnt,mid+1,rr) ;
 49     }
 50     inline void update(int pos,int ll,int rr,int val,int tpe) {
 51         if( ll <= l[pos] && r[pos] <= rr ) return apply(pos,val,tpe);
 52         const int mid = ( l[pos] + r[pos] ) >> 1;
 53         push(pos);
 54         if( rr <= mid ) return update(lson[pos],ll,rr,val,tpe);
 55         if( ll > mid ) return update(rson[pos],ll,rr,val,tpe);
 56         update(lson[pos],ll,rr,val,tpe) , update(rson[pos],ll,rr,val,tpe);
 57     }
 58     inline int query(int pos,int tar) {
 59         if( l[pos] == r[pos] ) return in[l[pos]];
 60         const int mid = ( l[pos] + r[pos] ) >> 1;
 61         push(pos);
 62         if( tar <= mid ) return query(lson[pos],tar);
 63         else return query(rson[pos],tar);
 64     }
 65     SegmentTree() {
 66         memset(lazy,-1,sizeof(lazy));
 67     }
 68 }segt;
 70 struct LinerBase {
 71     int dat[maxl];
 72     inline bool insert(int x) {
 73         for(int i=31;~i;i--)
 74             if( x & ( 1 << i ) ) {
 75                 if( dat[i] ) x ^= dat[i];
 76                 else {
 77                     dat[i] = x;
 78                     return 1;
 79                 }
 80             }
 81         return 0;
 82     }
 83     inline void reset() {
 84         memset(dat,0,sizeof(dat));
 85     }
 86 }lb;
 88 inline bool query(int l,int r) {
 89     if( r - l + 1 > 30 ) return 1;
 90     lb.reset();
 91     for(int i=l,q;i<=r;i++) {
 92         q = segt.query(1,i);
 93         if( !lb.insert(q) ) return 1;
 94     }
 95     return 0;
 96 }
 98 __inline char nxtchar() {
 99     return getchar();
100     static const int BS = 1 << 21;
101     static char buf[BS],*st=buf+BS,*ed=buf+BS;
102     if( st == ed ) ed = buf + fread(st=buf,1,BS,stdin);
103     return st == ed ? -1 : *st++;
104 }
105 __inline int getint() {
106     int ret = 0 , ch;
107     while( !isdigit(ch=nxtchar()) );
108     do ret=ret*10+ch-'0'; while( isdigit(ch=nxtchar()) );
109     return ret;
110 }
113 int main() {
114     static int m;
115     n = getint();
116     for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) in[i] = getint();
117     segt.build(segt.cnt=1,1,n);
118     m = getint();
119     for(int i=1,o,l,r,x;i<=m;i++) {
120         o = getint() , l = getint() , r = getint();
121         if( !o ) puts(query(l,r)?"Yes":"No");
122         else {
123             x = getint() , o %= 3;
124             segt.update(1,l,r,x,o);
125         }
126     }
127     return 0;
128 }
View Code


  1 #pragma GCC optimize(3)
  2 #include<cstdio>
  3 #include<cstring>
  4 #include<cctype>
  5 const int maxn=1e5+1e2,maxl=32;
  7 unsigned in[maxn];
  8 int n;
  9 struct SegmentTree {
 10     int l[maxn<<2],r[maxn<<2],lson[maxn<<2],rson[maxn<<2],cnt;
 11     struct Node {
 12         char dat[maxl];
 13         char& operator [] (const int &x) {
 14             return dat[x];
 15         }
 16         inline bool empty() {
 17             for(int i=0;i<maxl;i++) if( ~dat[i] ) return 0;
 18             return 1;
 19         }
 20         inline void reset() {
 21             memset(dat,-1,sizeof(dat));
 22         }
 23         inline unsigned build() {
 24             unsigned ret = 0;
 25             for(int i=0;i<maxl;i++) {
 26                 //if( !~dat[i] ) throw "You shouldn't build this ."; ???
 27                 ret |= ( (unsigned) dat[i] << i );
 28             }
 29             return ret;
 30         }
 31         inline void fill(unsigned x) {
 32             for(int i=0;i<maxl;i++) dat[i] = ( x >> i ) & 1;
 33         }
 34         Node() {
 35             memset(dat,-1,sizeof(dat));
 36         }
 37     }ns[maxn<<2],lazy[maxn<<2]; // lazy = 1 means fill 1 , lazy = 0 means fill 0 , lazy = 2 means neg , lazy = -1 means nothing to do .
 38     inline void apply(int pos,Node &sou) {
 39         for(int i=0;i<maxl;i++) if( ~sou[i] ) {
 40             if( sou[i] != 2 ) ns[pos][i] = lazy[pos][i] = sou[i];
 41             else {
 42                 ns[pos][i] ^= 1;
 43                 if( !~lazy[pos][i] ) lazy[pos][i] = 2;
 44                 else if( lazy[pos][i] == 2 ) lazy[pos][i] = -1;
 45                 else lazy[pos][i] ^= 1;
 46             }
 47         }
 48     }
 49     inline void push(int pos) {
 50         if( l[pos] == r[pos] || lazy[pos].empty() ) return;
 51         apply(lson[pos],lazy[pos]) ,
 52         apply(rson[pos],lazy[pos]) ;
 53         lazy[pos].reset();
 54     }
 55     inline void build(int pos,int ll,int rr) {
 56         l[pos] = ll , r[pos] = rr;
 57         if( ll == rr ) return ns[pos].fill(in[ll]);
 58         const int mid = ( ll + rr ) >> 1;
 59         build(lson[pos]=++cnt,ll,mid) ,
 60         build(rson[pos]=++cnt,mid+1,rr) ;
 61     }
 62     inline void update(int pos,int ll,int rr,Node &o) {
 63         if( ll <= l[pos] && r[pos] <= rr ) return apply(pos,o);
 64         const int mid = ( l[pos] + r[pos] ) >> 1;
 65         push(pos);
 66         if( rr <= mid ) return update(lson[pos],ll,rr,o);
 67         if( ll > mid ) return update(rson[pos],ll,rr,o);
 68         update(lson[pos],ll,rr,o) , update(rson[pos],ll,rr,o);
 69     }
 70     inline unsigned query(int pos,int tar) {
 71         if( l[pos] == r[pos] ) return ns[pos].build();
 72         const int mid = ( l[pos] + r[pos] ) >> 1;
 73         push(pos);
 74         if( tar <= mid ) return query(lson[pos],tar);
 75         else return query(rson[pos],tar);
 76     }
 77     SegmentTree() {
 78         memset(lazy,-1,sizeof(lazy));
 79     }
 80 }segt;
 82 struct LinerBase {
 83     unsigned dat[maxl];
 84     inline bool insert(unsigned x) {
 85         for(int i=31;~i;i--)
 86             if( x & ( 1 << i ) ) {
 87                 if( dat[i] ) x ^= dat[i];
 88                 else {
 89                     dat[i] = x;
 90                     return 1;
 91                 }
 92             }
 93         return 0;
 94     }
 95     inline void reset() {
 96         memset(dat,0,sizeof(dat));
 97     }
 98 }lb;
100 inline bool query(int l,int r) {
101     if( r - l + 1 > 30 ) return 1;
102     lb.reset();
103     for(int i=l,q;i<=r;i++) {
104         q = segt.query(1,i);
105         if( !lb.insert(q) ) return 1;
106     }
107     return 0;
108 }
110 inline SegmentTree::Node getnode(const unsigned &x,const int o) {
111     SegmentTree::Node ret;
112     if( !o ) {
113         for(int i=0;i<maxl;i++) if( ( x >> i ) & 1 ) ret[i] = 2;
114     } else if( o == 1 ) {
115         for(int i=0;i<maxl;i++) if( ! ( ( x >> i ) & 1 ) ) ret[i] = 0;
116     } else if( o == 2 ) {
117         for(int i=0;i<maxl;i++) if( ( x >> i ) & 1u ) ret[i] = 1;
118     }
119     return ret;
120 }
122 inline char nxtchar() {
123     static const int BS = 1 << 21;
124     static char buf[BS],*st=buf+BS,*ed=buf+BS;
125     if( st == ed ) ed = buf + fread(st=buf,1,BS,stdin);
126     return st == ed ? -1 : *st++;
127 }
128 inline int getint() {
129     int ret = 0 , ch;
130     while( !isdigit(ch=nxtchar()) );
131     do ret=ret*10+ch-'0'; while( isdigit(ch=nxtchar()) );
132     return ret;
133 }
136 int main() {
137     static int m;
138     static unsigned x;
139     static SegmentTree::Node ONode;
140     n = getint();
141     for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) in[i] = getint();
142     segt.build(segt.cnt=1,1,n);
143     m = getint();
144     for(int i=1,o,l,r;i<=m;i++) {
145         o = getint() , l = getint() , r = getint();
146         if( !o ) puts(query(l,r)?"Yes":"No");
147         else {
148             x = getint() , o %= 3;
149             ONode = getnode(x,o);
150             segt.update(1,l,r,ONode);
151         }
152     }
153     return 0;
154 }
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  1 #include<iostream>
  2 #include<cstdio>
  3 #include<cstring>
  4 #include<algorithm>
  5 #include<map>
  6 #include<queue>
  7 #define debug cout
  8 using namespace std;
  9 const int maxn=5e3+1e2;
 10 const int inf=0x3f3f3f3f;
 12 int in[maxn],n,ans;
 14 namespace NetworkFlow {
 15     int s[maxn<<2],t[maxn<<6],nxt[maxn<<6],f[maxn<<6],dep[maxn<<2];
 16     int st,ed;
 17     inline void coredge(int from,int to,int flow) {
 18         static int cnt = 1;
 19         t[++cnt] = to , f[cnt] = flow ,
 20         nxt[cnt] = s[from] , s[from] = cnt;
 21     }
 22     inline void singledge(int from,int to,int flow) {
 23         coredge(from,to,flow) , coredge(to,from,0);
 24     }
 25     inline bool bfs() {
 26         memset(dep,-1,sizeof(dep)) , dep[st] = 0;
 27         queue<int> q; q.push(st);
 28         while( q.size() ) {
 29             const int pos = q.front(); q.pop();
 30             for(int at=s[pos];at;at=nxt[at])
 31                 if( f[at] && !~dep[t[at]] )
 32                     dep[t[at]] = dep[pos] + 1 , q.push(t[at]);
 33         }
 34         return ~dep[ed];
 35     }
 36     inline int dfs(int pos,int flow) {
 37         if( pos == ed ) return flow;
 38         int ret = 0 , now = 0;
 39         for(int at=s[pos];at;at=nxt[at])
 40             if( f[at] && dep[t[at]] > dep[pos] ) {
 41                 now = dfs(t[at],min(flow,f[at])) ,
 42                 ret += now , flow -= now ,
 43                 f[at] -= now , f[at^1] += now;
 44                 if( !flow ) return ret;
 45             }
 46         if( !ret ) dep[pos] = -1;
 47         return ret;
 48     }
 49     inline int dinic() {
 50         int ret = 0 , now = 0;
 51         while( bfs() ) {
 52             while( ( now = dfs(st,inf) ) )
 53                 ret += now;
 54         }
 55         return ret;
 56     }
 57 }
 59 namespace SAM {
 60     map<int,int> ch[maxn<<1];
 61     int fa[maxn<<1],len[maxn<<1],root,last,cnt;
 63     inline int NewNode(int ll) {
 64         len[++cnt] = ll;
 65         return cnt;
 66     }
 67     inline void extend(int x) {
 68         int p = last;
 69         int np = NewNode(len[p]+1);
 70         while( p && ch[p].find(x) == ch[p].end() ) ch[p][x] = np , p = fa[p];
 71         if( !p ) fa[np] = root;
 72         else {
 73             int q = ch[p][x];
 74             if( len[q] == len[p] + 1 ) fa[np] = q;
 75             else {
 76                 int nq = NewNode(len[p]+1);
 77                 ch[nq] = ch[q] , fa[nq] = fa[q];
 78                 fa[np] = fa[q] = nq;
 79                 while( p && ch[p][x] == q ) ch[p][x] = nq , p = fa[p];
 80             }
 81         }
 82         last = np;
 83     }
 84     inline void Ex_extend(int* sou,int li) {
 85         last = root;
 86         for(int i=1;i<=li;i++) {
 87             if( ch[last].find(sou[i]) != ch[last].end() ) last = ch[last][sou[i]];
 88             else extend(sou[i]);
 89         }
 90     }
 91 }
 93 inline void build() {
 94     using SAM::ch;using SAM::cnt;
 95     using NetworkFlow::singledge; using NetworkFlow::st; using NetworkFlow::ed;
 96     st = cnt * 2 + 1 , ed = st + 1;
 97     #define cov(x) (x+cnt)
 98     for(int i=1;i<=cnt;i++) {
 99         singledge(st,i,1) , singledge(cov(i),ed,1);
100         for(map<int,int>::iterator it=ch[i].begin();it!=ch[i].end();++it)
101             singledge(i,cov(it->second),1);
102     }
103     ans = cnt;
104 }
106 int main() {
107     static int k,m;
108     SAM::root = SAM::NewNode(0);
109     scanf("%d%d",&k,&m);
110     if( k == 1 ) return puts("1"),0;
111     while(m--) {
112         scanf("%d",&n);
113         for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) scanf("%d",in+i);
114         SAM::Ex_extend(in,n);
115     }
116     build();
117     ans -= NetworkFlow::dinic();
118     printf("%d\n",ans);
119     return 0;
120 }
View Code


  1 #include<iostream>
  2 #include<cstdio>
  3 #include<cstring>
  4 #include<algorithm>
  5 #include<map>
  6 #include<queue>
  7 #define debug cout
  8 using namespace std;
  9 const int maxn=5e3+1e2;
 10 const int inf=0x3f3f3f3f;
 12 int in[maxn],n,ans,sum;
 14 namespace NetworkFlow {
 15     int s[maxn<<2],t[maxn<<6],nxt[maxn<<6],f[maxn<<6],dep[maxn<<2],deg[maxn<<2],cnt=1;
 16     int bak[maxn<<2],bcnt;
 17     int st,ed,_s,_t;
 18     inline void coredge(int from,int to,int flow) {
 19         t[++cnt] = to , f[cnt] = flow ,
 20         nxt[cnt] = s[from] , s[from] = cnt;
 21     }
 22     inline void singledge(int from,int to,int flow) {
 23         coredge(from,to,flow) , coredge(to,from,0);
 24     }
 25     inline bool bfs() {
 26         memset(dep,-1,sizeof(dep)) , dep[st] = 0;
 27         queue<int> q; q.push(st);
 28         while( q.size() ) {
 29             const int pos = q.front(); q.pop();
 30             for(int at=s[pos];at;at=nxt[at])
 31                 if( f[at] && !~dep[t[at]] ) {
 32                     dep[t[at]] = dep[pos] + 1 , q.push(t[at]);
 33                 }
 34         }
 35         return ~dep[ed];
 36     }
 37     inline int dfs(int pos,int flow) {
 38         if( pos == ed ) return flow;
 39         int ret = 0 , now = 0;
 40         for(int at=s[pos];at;at=nxt[at])
 41             if( f[at] && dep[t[at]] > dep[pos] ) {
 42                 now = dfs(t[at],min(flow,f[at])) ,
 43                 ret += now , flow -= now ,
 44                 f[at] -= now , f[at^1] += now;
 45                 if( !flow ) return ret;
 46             }
 47         if( !ret ) dep[pos] = -1;
 48         return ret;
 49     }
 50     inline int dinic() {
 51         int ret = 0 , now = 0;
 52         while( bfs() ) {
 53             while( ( now = dfs(st,inf) ) )
 54                 ret += now;
 55         }
 56         return ret;
 57     }
 58     inline int findflow() {
 59         for(int at=s[_t];at;at=nxt[at])
 60             if( t[at] = _s ) return f[at^1];
 61         throw "It shouldn't be here";
 62     }
 63     inline void backup() {
 64         memcpy(bak,s,sizeof(s)) , bcnt = cnt;
 65     }
 66     inline void restore() {
 67         memcpy(s,bak,sizeof(bak)) , cnt = bcnt;
 68     }
 69 }
 71 namespace SAM {
 72     map<int,int> ch[maxn<<1];
 73     int fa[maxn<<1],len[maxn<<1],root,last,cnt;
 75     inline int NewNode(int ll) {
 76         len[++cnt] = ll;
 77         return cnt;
 78     }
 79     inline void extend(int x) {
 80         int p = last;
 81         int np = NewNode(len[p]+1);
 82         while( p && ch[p].find(x) == ch[p].end() ) ch[p][x] = np , p = fa[p];
 83         if( !p ) fa[np] = root;
 84         else {
 85             int q = ch[p][x];
 86             if( len[q] == len[p] + 1 ) fa[np] = q;
 87             else {
 88                 int nq = NewNode(len[p]+1);
 89                 ch[nq] = ch[q] , fa[nq] = fa[q];
 90                 fa[np] = fa[q] = nq;
 91                 while( p && ch[p][x] == q ) ch[p][x] = nq , p = fa[p];
 92             }
 93         }
 94         last = np;
 95     }
 96     inline void Ex_extend(int* sou,int li) {
 97         last = root;
 98         for(int i=1;i<=li;i++) {
 99             if( ch[last].find(sou[i]) != ch[last].end() ) last = ch[last][sou[i]];
100             else extend(sou[i]);
101         }
102     }
103 }
105 inline void build() {
106     using SAM::ch;using SAM::cnt;
107     using namespace NetworkFlow;
108     _s = cnt * 2 + 1 , _t = _s + 1 , st = _t + 1 , ed = st + 1;
109     #define cov(x) (x+cnt)
110     for(int i=1;i<=cnt;i++) {
111         if( i != 1 ) ++deg[i] , --deg[cov(i)];
112         for(map<int,int>::iterator it=ch[i].begin();it!=ch[i].end();it++) {
113             const int tar = it->second;
114             if( i == 1 ) singledge(_s,tar,1);
115             else singledge(cov(i),tar,1);
116         }
117         if( i != 1 ) singledge(cov(i),_t,1);
118     }
119     backup();
120     for(int i=1;i<=_t;i++) {
121         if( !deg[i] ) continue;
122         if( deg[i] > 0 ) singledge(i,ed,deg[i]) , sum += deg[i];
123         else singledge(st,i,-deg[i]);
124     }
125     singledge(_t,_s,inf);
126 }
127 inline int getans() {
128     using namespace NetworkFlow;
129     int d = dinic();
130     if( d != sum ) return 0; // No solution .
131     int ret = findflow();
132     restore();
133     st = _t , ed = _s;
134     int dd = dinic();
135     return ret - dd;
136 }
138 int main() {
139     static int k,m;
140     SAM::root = SAM::NewNode(0);
141     scanf("%d%d",&k,&m);
142     if( k == 1 ) return puts("1"),0;
143     while(m--) {
144         scanf("%d",&n);
145         for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) scanf("%d",in+i);
146         SAM::Ex_extend(in,n);
147     }
148     build();
149     ans = getans();
150     printf("%d\n",ans);
151     return 0;
152 }
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求原根这种东西,反正就是把p-1先分解质因数,然后保证x^(p/div[i])在mod p意义下不为1就行了。


 1 #include<iostream>
 2 #include<cstdio>
 3 #include<cstring>
 4 #include<algorithm>
 5 #include"poly.h"
 6 //#define fixed
 7 typedef long long int lli;
 8 using namespace std;
 9 const int maxn=65539;
11 int mod,g,len,n;
12 lli ans[maxn],tp[maxn];
13 int oty[maxn];
15 inline lli fastpow(lli base,int tim) {
16     lli ret = 1;
17     while( tim ) {
18         if( tim & 1 ) ret = ret * base % mod;
19         if( tim >>= 1 ) base = base * base % mod;
20     }
21     return ret % mod;
22 }
23 inline void NTT(lli* dst,int n,int ope) {
24     for(int i=0,j=0;i<n;i++) {
25         if( i < j ) swap( dst[i] , dst[j] );
26         for(int t=n>>1;(j^=t)<t;t>>=1) ;
27     }
28     for(int len=2;len<=n;len<<=1) {
29         const int h = len >> 1;
30         lli per = fastpow(g,mod/(len));
31         if( !~ope ) per = fastpow(per,mod-2);
32         for(int st=0;st<n;st+=len) {
33             lli w = 1;
34             for(int pos=0;pos<h;pos++) {
35                 const lli u = dst[st+pos] , v = dst[st+pos+h] * w % mod;
36                 dst[st+pos] = ( u + v ) % mod ,
37                 dst[st+pos+h] = ( u - v + mod ) % mod ,
38                 w = w * per % mod;
39             }
40         }
41     }
42     if( !~ope ) {
43         const lli mul = fastpow(n,mod-2);
44         for(int i=0;i<n;i++) dst[i] = dst[i] * mul % mod;
45     }
46 }
48 namespace FindRoot {
49     int divs[maxn],cnt;
50     inline void cut(int x) {
51         for(int i=2;(lli)i*i<=x;i++)
52             if( ! ( x % i ) ) {
53                 divs[++cnt] = i;
54                 while( ! ( x % i ) ) x /= i;
55             }
56     }
57     inline bool judge(int x) {
58         for(int i=1;i<=cnt;i++)
59             if( fastpow(x,mod/divs[i]) == 1 ) return 0;
60         return 1;
61     }
62     inline int findrt() {
63         cut(mod-1);
64         for(int i=2;i<mod;i++) if( judge(i) ) return i;
65         throw "There is no primary root ! ";
66     }
67 }
69 int init(int l,int r,int _n,int P) {
70     ++_n;
71     for(len=1;len<=_n;len<<=1) ;
72     mod = P , n = _n , g = FindRoot::findrt();
73     return 0;
74 }
75 void solve(int *A,int *B) {
76     for(int i=0;i<len;i++) tp[i] = fastpow(g,(mod/len)*i);
77     //#ifdef fixed
78         for(int i=len;i;i--) tp[i] = tp[i-1];
79         get(len,tp,oty);
80         for(int i=0;i<len;i++) ans[i] = oty[i+1];
81     /*#else
82         for(int i=0;i<len;i++) ans[i] = get(tp[i]);
83     #endif*/
84     NTT(ans,len,-1);
85     for(int i=0;i<n;i++) A[i] = B[i] = ans[i];
86 }
View Code


  1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
  2 using namespace std;
  3 #define rep(i,a,b) for (int i = a, _ = b; i <= _; i ++)
  4 #define per(i,a,b) for (int i = a, _ = b; i >= _; i --)
  5 #define For(i,a,b) for (int i = a, _ = b; i <  _; i ++)
  7 #include <ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp>
  8 #include <ext/pb_ds/hash_policy.hpp>
 10 #include "poly.h"
 12 typedef long long ll;
 14 int mod, g;
 16 namespace Interpolation {
 18 #define iter(i, n) for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
 19 #define iter0(i, n) for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
 20 #define forw(i, a, b) for (int i = a; i <= b; ++i)
 21 #define down(i, a, b) for (int i = b; i >= a; --i)
 23 #define reset(a, l, r) forw(i, l, r) a[i] = 0;
 24 #define NR 401000
 26   typedef vector<int> Poly;
 28   inline int pr(int a, int z) {
 29     int s = 1;
 30     while (z > 0) {
 31       if (z % 2 == 1) s = 1ll * s * a % mod;
 32       a = 1ll * a * a % mod;
 33       z /= 2;
 34     }
 35     return s;
 36   }
 38   inline int mod_inv(int a) { return pr(a, mod - 2); }
 40   void fft(int *a, int n, int ty) {
 41     for (int i = n >> 1, j = 1, k; j < n - 1; ++j) {
 42       if (i > j) swap(a[i], a[j]);
 43       for (k = n >> 1; k <= i; k >>= 1) i ^= k;
 44       i ^= k;
 45     }
 47     for (int m = 2; m <= n; m <<= 1) {
 48       int h = m >> 1, wm = pr(g, (mod - 1) / m * (ty == +1 ? 1 : (m - 1)));
 50       for (register int i = 0; i < n; i += m) {
 51     register int w = 1;
 52     for (int j = i; j < i + h; ++j) {
 53       register int u = a[j], v = 1ll * w * a[j + h] % mod;
 55       a[j] = (u + v) % mod;
 56       a[j + h] = (u - v + mod) % mod;
 57       w = 1ll * w * wm % mod;
 58     }
 59       }
 60     }
 62     if (ty == -1) {
 63       int iv = mod_inv(n);
 64       iter0(i, n) a[i] = 1ll * a[i] * iv % mod;
 65     }
 66   }
 68   ostream& operator<<(ostream &output, const Poly &a){  
 69     output << "[";
 70     int la = a.size();
 71     iter0(i, la)
 72       output << a[i] << (i + 1 == la ? ']' : ',');
 73     return output;
 74   }
 76   void upd(Poly &a) { while (!a.empty() && a.back() == 0) a.pop_back(); }
 78   inline Poly operator+(const Poly &a, const Poly &b) {
 79     int la = a.size(), lb = b.size();
 80     int lc = max(la, lb);
 81     Poly c(lc);
 82     iter0(i, lc) c[i] = ((i < la ? a[i] : 0) + (i < lb ? b[i] : 0)) % mod;
 83     return upd(c), c;
 84   }
 85   inline void poly_multo(int a[], int b[], int N) {
 86     fft(a, N, +1), fft(b, N, +1);
 87     iter0(i, N) a[i] = 1ll * a[i] * b[i] % mod;
 88     fft(a, N, -1);
 89   }
 91   int ta[NR], tb[NR];
 93   Poly operator*(const Poly &a, const Poly &b) {
 94     int la = a.size(), lb = b.size();
 96     Poly c(la + lb - 1);
 98     if (la + lb <= 100) {
 99       iter0(i, la) iter0(j, lb) c[i + j] = (c[i + j] + 1ll * a[i] * b[j]) % mod;
100     } else {
101       int N;
102       for (N = 1; N < la + lb; N <<= 1);
103       iter0(i, N) {
104     ta[i] = (i < la ? a[i] : 0);
105     tb[i] = (i < lb ? b[i] : 0);
106       }
107       poly_multo(ta, tb, N);
108       iter0(i, la + lb - 1) c[i] = ta[i];
109     }
110     return upd(c), c;
111   }
112   int ccc = 0;
113   int ti[NR];
115   void poly_inv(int *f, int *inv, int n) {
116     if (n == 0) {
117       inv[0] = mod_inv(f[0]);
118       return;
119     }
120     poly_inv(f, inv, n / 2);
121     static int t[140000];
122     int N = 1;
123     for (; N <= n * 2; N <<= 1);
124     iter0(i, N) t[i] = i <= n ? f[i] : 0; reset(inv, n / 2 + 1, N);
125     fft(inv, N, +1); fft(t, N, +1);
126     iter0(i, N) inv[i] = (2 + mod - 1ll * inv[i] * t[i] % mod) * inv[i] % mod;
127     fft(inv, N, -1);
128   }
130   void poly_mod(int *a, int *b, int *c, int n, int m) {
131     if (n < m) {
132       iter0(i, m) c[i] = i <= n ? a[i] : 0;
133       return;
134     }
135     static int f[140000], g[140000];
136     if (n < 100) {
137       int invb = mod_inv(b[m]);
138       memcpy(f, a, sizeof(int) * (n + 1));
139       down(i, n, m) {
140     int t = 1ll * f[i] * invb % mod;
141     forw(j, 0, m) (f[i - j] += mod - 1ll * t * b[m - j] % mod) %= mod;
142       }
143       memcpy(c, f, sizeof(int) * m);
144       return;
145     }
147     int N;
148     for (N = 1; N <= max(n, 2 * (n - m)) + 10; N <<= 1);
149     reset(g, 0, N);
151     forw(i, 0, n - m) f[i] = i <= m ? b[m - i] : 0; reset(f, n - m + 1, N);
152     poly_inv(f, g, n - m); reset(g, n - m + 1, N);
153     forw(i, 0, n - m) f[i] = a[n - i];
154     poly_multo(g, f, N);
155     reset(g, n - m + 1, N);
156     reverse(g, g + n - m + 1);
157     forw(i, 0, m) f[i] = b[i]; reset(f, m + 1, N);
158     poly_multo(f, g, N);
159     iter0(i, m) c[i] = (a[i] + mod - f[i]) % mod;
160   }
161   int tr[NR];
163   Poly operator%(const Poly &a, const Poly &b) {
165     int la = a.size(), lb = b.size(), N;
166     Poly c(lb);
167     for (N = 1; N < la + lb; N <<= 1);
168     iter0(i, N) {
169       ta[i] = (i < la ? a[i] : 0);
170       tb[i] = (i < lb ? b[i] : 0);
171     }
172     poly_mod(ta, tb, tr, la - 1, lb - 1);
174     iter0(i, lb) c[i] = tr[i];
175     iter0(i, N) tr[i] = 0;
176     upd(c);
178     return c;
179   }
180   Poly t[NR], tt[NR];
181   int tsz, lc[NR], rc[NR];
184   void init(int &x, int l, int r, int *a) {
185     x = ++tsz;
186     if (l == r) {
187       t[x] = { (mod - a[l]) % mod, 1 };
188       return;
189     }
190     int mid = (l + r) / 2;
191     init(lc[x], l, mid, a);
192     init(rc[x], mid + 1, r, a);
193     t[x] = t[lc[x]] * t[rc[x]];
194   }
196   int eval(const Poly &A, int x) {
197     int p = 1, res = 0;
198     for (auto it = A.begin(); it != A.end(); ++it) {
199       res = (res + 1ll * p * *it) % mod;
200       p = 1ll * p * x % mod;
201     }
202     return res;
203   }
205   int pp[NR];
207   Poly D(const Poly &a) {
208     int la = a.size();
209     Poly c(la - 1);
210     iter(i, la - 1) c[i - 1] = 1ll * i * a[i] % mod;
211     return c;
212   }
214   void s2(int x, int l, int r, const Poly &f, int qX[], int ans[]) {
215     if (f.size() < 1000 || r - l + 1 <= 200) {
216       forw(i, l, r) pp[i] = 1;
217       for (auto it = f.begin(); it != f.end(); ++it) {
218     forw(i, l, r) {
219       ans[i] = (ans[i] + 1ll * pp[i] * *it) % mod;
220       pp[i] = 1ll * pp[i] * qX[i] % mod;
221     }
222       }
223       return;
224     }
226     int mid = (l + r) / 2;
227     s2(lc[x], l, mid, f % t[lc[x]], qX, ans);
228     s2(rc[x], mid + 1, r, f % t[rc[x]], qX, ans);
229   }
230   int root;
234   void evaluation(const Poly &f, bool inited, int qX[], int ans[], int m) {
235     if (!inited) {
236       tsz = 0;
237       init(root, 1, m, qX);
238     }
239     s2(root, 1, m, f, qX, ans);
241   }
243   int px[NR], py[NR], qx[NR], qy[NR], Q[NR], n, m;
245   Poly s1(int x, int l, int r) {
246     if (l == r) {
247       Poly tmp = { (int) (1ll * py[l] * mod_inv(Q[l]) % mod) };
248       return tmp;
249     }
250     int mid = (l + r) / 2;
251     Poly L = s1(lc[x], l, mid), R = s1(rc[x], mid + 1, r);
252     return L * t[rc[x]] + R * t[lc[x]];
253   }
255   Poly interpolation(int m, long long *x, int *y) {
256     n = m;
257     for (int i = 1; i <= n; i ++)
258       px[i] = x[i] % mod, py[i] = y[i];
259     init(root, 1, n, px);
260     evaluation(D(t[1]), true, px, Q, n);
261     return s1(root, 1, n);
262   }
264 }
266 inline int rnd() {
267   if (RAND_MAX < mod)
268     return rand() << 15 | rand();
269   else
270     return rand();
271 }
273 inline int Pow(ll a, ll b, int p = mod) {
274   int t = 1;
275   //b %= p - 1;
276   a %= p;
277   while (b) {
278     if (b & 1) t = 1ll * t * a % p;
279     a = 1ll * a * a % p, b >>= 1;
280   }
281   return t;
282 }
284 inline bool check(int x, int k) {
285   return (mod - 1) % k == 0 && k != mod - 1 && Pow(x, k) == 1;
286 }
288 inline int get_root() {
289   for (int r = 2;; r ++) {
290     int flag = 1;
291     for (int k = 1; 1ll * k * k <= mod; k ++) {
292       if (check(r, k) || check(r, (mod - 1) / k)) {
293     flag = 0;
294     break;
295       }
296     }
297     if (flag) return r;
298   }
299 }
301 inline int get_log(int a, int x) {
302   static __gnu_pbds::gp_hash_table<int, int> ms;
303   ms.clear();
304   int m = int(sqrt(mod) + 0.5);
305   int t = 1, xx = Pow(a, m);
306   rep (i , 0 , mod / m + 1) {
307     if (ms.find(t) == ms.end()) ms[t] = i;
308     t = 1ll * t * xx % mod;
309   }
310   //cerr << ms.size() << endl;
311   t = Pow(a, mod - 2);
312   //assert(1ll * a * t % mod == 1);
313   rep (i , 0 , m) {
314     if (ms.find(x) != ms.end())
315       return ms[x] * m + i;
316     x = 1ll * x * t % mod;
317   }
318   assert(0);
319   return -1;
320 }
322 const int maxn = 100007;
324 int n, m;
325 ll x[maxn];
326 int y[maxn];
328 int init(int l, int r, int _n, int P) {
329   //auto st = clock();
330   srand(time(0));
331   n = _n;
332   mod = P;
333   g = get_root();
334   for (;;) {
335     m = rnd() % (r - l + 1) + l;
336     int z = get_log(g, m);
337     if (z & 1) {
338       //cerr << "init time: " << (clock() - st) / 1000.0 << endl;
339       return m;
340     }
341   }
342 }
344 void solve(int *A, int *B) {
345   //auto st = clock();
347   int k2 = 1, k1 = mod - 1;
348   while (k1 % 2 == 0) k1 >>= 1, k2 <<= 1;
349   int N = n + 1 + (((n + 1) & 1) ^ 1);
350   int a = get_log(g, m), c = N % (mod - 1);
351   assert(Pow(g, a) == m);
352   int _a = Pow(a % k2, k2 / 2 - 1, k2);
353   assert(1ll * _a * a % k2 == 1);
354   for (int d = 1, i = 1; i <= n + N + 1; d += 2, i ++) {
355     int b = 1ll * c * d % k2 * _a % k2;
356     //int _d = Pow(g, 1ll * d * k1);
357     ll _d = 1ll * d * k1;
358     ll _b = 1ll * b * k1 % mod;
359     assert(1ll * a * _b % (k1 * k2) == 1ll * c * _d % (k1 * k2));
360     _d = Pow(g, _d);
361     x[i] = 1ll * _b * mod - 1ll * _d * (mod - 1);
362     if (x[i] < 0) x[i] += 1ll * mod * (mod - 1);
363     assert(x[i] % mod == _d);
364     assert(x[i] % (mod - 1) == _b);
365     assert(Pow(x[i], N) == Pow(m, x[i]));
366   }
368   //cerr << "get x time: " << (clock() - st) / 1000.0 << endl;
370   //st = clock();
371   get(n + N + 1, x, y);
372   //get(n, x, y);
373   //get(N + 1, x + n, y + n);
374   //cerr << "get y time: " << (clock() - st) / 1000.0 << endl;
376   //st = clock();
377   auto F = Interpolation::interpolation(n + N + 1, x, y);
378   //cerr << "get F time: " << (clock() - st) / 1000.0 << endl;
380   rep (i , 0 , n) A[i] = F[i];
381   rep (i , N , N + n) B[i - N] = F[i];
382 }
View Code


  1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
  3 #include "poly.h"
  5 using namespace std;
  7 #define ER_TOKEN "WA"
  8 #define WA_TOKEN "WA"
  9 #define HF_TOKEN "HF"
 10 #define AC_TOKEN "AC"
 11 #define ED_TOKEN "ED"
 13 inline static void halt(int value = 0)
 14 {
 15     printf(ED_TOKEN);
 16     exit(value);
 17 }
 19 namespace Variants {
 21     const char fin [] = "poly.in";
 22     const char fout[] = "poly.out";
 24     const int maxN = 100000 + 7;
 26     static int mod = 998244353, g = 3;
 28     static int n, L, R, m;
 29     static int A[maxN], B[maxN], resA[maxN], resB[maxN];
 31     inline static int Pow(int a, long long b)
 32     {
 33         int t = 1;
 34         for (/*b %= mod - 1*/; b; b >>= 1, a = 1ll * a * a % mod)
 35             if (b & 1)
 36                 t = 1ll * t * a % mod;
 37         return t;
 38     }
 40     inline static bool check(int x, int k)
 41     {
 42         return (mod - 1) % k == 0 && k != mod - 1 && Pow(x, k) == 1;
 43     }
 45     inline static void get_root()
 46     {
 47         for (g = 2;; g ++)
 48         {
 49             int flag = 1;
 50             for (int k = 1; 1ll * k * k <= mod; k ++)
 51                 if (check(g, k) || check(g, (mod - 1) / k))
 52                 {
 53                     flag = 0;
 54                     break;
 55                 }
 56             if (flag)
 57                 return;
 58         }
 59     }
 61     inline static void check(long long x)
 62     {
 63         static map<int, int> ms1, ms2;
 65         if (ms1[x % mod])
 66         {
 67             puts(ER_TOKEN);
 68             printf("%d mod P exists twice.\n", int(x % mod));
 69             halt(1);
 70         }
 71         ms1[x % mod] = 1;
 72         if (ms2[x % (mod - 1)])
 73         {
 74             puts(ER_TOKEN);
 75             printf("%d mod P-1 exists twice.\n", int(x % (mod-1)));
 76             halt(1);
 77         }
 78         ms2[x % (mod - 1)] = 1;
 79     }
 81 }
 83 using namespace Variants;
 85 namespace Interpol {
 87     #define iter(i, n) for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
 88     #define iter0(i, n) for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
 89     #define forw(i, a, b) for (int i = a; i <= b; ++i)
 90     #define down(i, a, b) for (int i = b; i >= a; --i)
 92     #define reset(a, l, r) forw(i, l, r) a[i] = 0;
 93     #define NR 401000
 95     typedef vector<int> Poly;
 97     inline int pr(int a, int z) {
 98         int s = 1;
 99         while (z > 0) {
100             if (z % 2 == 1) s = 1ll * s * a % mod;
101             a = 1ll * a * a % mod;
102             z /= 2;
103         }
104         return s;
105     }
107     inline int mod_inv(int a) { return pr(a, mod - 2); }
109     void fft(int *a, int n, int ty) {
110         for (int i = n >> 1, j = 1, k; j < n - 1; ++j) {
111             if (i > j) swap(a[i], a[j]);
112             for (k = n >> 1; k <= i; k >>= 1) i ^= k;
113             i ^= k;
114         }
116         for (int m = 2; m <= n; m <<= 1) {
117             int h = m >> 1, wm = pr(g, (mod - 1) / m * (ty == +1 ? 1 : (m - 1)));
119             for (register int i = 0; i < n; i += m) {
120                 register int w = 1;
121                 for (int j = i; j < i + h; ++j) {
122                     register int u = a[j], v = 1ll * w * a[j + h] % mod;
124                     a[j] = (u + v) % mod;
125                     a[j + h] = (u - v + mod) % mod;
126                     w = 1ll * w * wm % mod;
127                 }
128             }
129         }
131         if (ty == -1) {
132             int iv = mod_inv(n);
133             iter0(i, n) a[i] = 1ll * a[i] * iv % mod;
134         }
135     }
137     ostream& operator<<(ostream &output, const Poly &a){  
138         output << "[";
139         int la = a.size();
140         iter0(i, la)
141             output << a[i] << (i + 1 == la ? ']' : ',');
142         return output;
143     }
145     void upd(Poly &a) { while (!a.empty() && a.back() == 0) a.pop_back(); }
147     inline Poly operator+(const Poly &a, const Poly &b) {
148         int la = a.size(), lb = b.size();
149         int lc = max(la, lb);
150         Poly c(lc);
151         iter0(i, lc) c[i] = ((i < la ? a[i] : 0) + (i < lb ? b[i] : 0)) % mod;
152         return upd(c), c;
153     }
154     inline void poly_multo(int a[], int b[], int N) {
155         fft(a, N, +1), fft(b, N, +1);
156         iter0(i, N) a[i] = 1ll * a[i] * b[i] % mod;
157         fft(a, N, -1);
158     }
160     int ta[NR], tb[NR];
162     Poly operator*(const Poly &a, const Poly &b) {
163         int la = a.size(), lb = b.size();
165         Poly c(la + lb - 1);
167         if (la + lb <= 100) {
168             iter0(i, la) iter0(j, lb) c[i + j] = (c[i + j] + 1ll * a[i] * b[j]) % mod;
169         } else {
170             int N;
171             for (N = 1; N < la + lb; N <<= 1);
172             iter0(i, N) {
173                 ta[i] = (i < la ? a[i] : 0);
174                 tb[i] = (i < lb ? b[i] : 0);
175             }
176             poly_multo(ta, tb, N);
177             iter0(i, la + lb - 1) c[i] = ta[i];
178         }
179         return upd(c), c;
180     }
181     int ccc = 0;
182     int ti[NR];
184     void poly_inv(int *f, int *inv, int n) {
185         if (n == 0) {
186             inv[0] = mod_inv(f[0]);
187             return;
188         }
189         poly_inv(f, inv, n / 2);
190         static int t[140000];
191         int N = 1;
192         for (; N <= n * 2; N <<= 1);
193         iter0(i, N) t[i] = i <= n ? f[i] : 0; reset(inv, n / 2 + 1, N);
194         fft(inv, N, +1); fft(t, N, +1);
195         iter0(i, N) inv[i] = (2 + mod - 1ll * inv[i] * t[i] % mod) * inv[i] % mod;
196         fft(inv, N, -1);
197     }
199     void poly_mod(int *a, int *b, int *c, int n, int m) {
200         if (n < m) {
201             iter0(i, m) c[i] = i <= n ? a[i] : 0;
202             return;
203         }
204         static int f[140000], g[140000];
205         if (n < 100) {
206             int invb = mod_inv(b[m]);
207             memcpy(f, a, sizeof(int) * (n + 1));
208             down(i, n, m) {
209                 int t = 1ll * f[i] * invb % mod;
210                 forw(j, 0, m) (f[i - j] += mod - 1ll * t * b[m - j] % mod) %= mod;
211             }
212             memcpy(c, f, sizeof(int) * m);
213             return;
214         }
216         int N;
217         for (N = 1; N <= max(n, 2 * (n - m)) + 10; N <<= 1);
218         reset(g, 0, N);
220         forw(i, 0, n - m) f[i] = i <= m ? b[m - i] : 0; reset(f, n - m + 1, N);
221         poly_inv(f, g, n - m); reset(g, n - m + 1, N);
222         forw(i, 0, n - m) f[i] = a[n - i];
223         poly_multo(g, f, N);
224         reset(g, n - m + 1, N);
225         reverse(g, g + n - m + 1);
226         forw(i, 0, m) f[i] = b[i]; reset(f, m + 1, N);
227         poly_multo(f, g, N);
228         iter0(i, m) c[i] = (a[i] + mod - f[i]) % mod;
229     }
230     int tr[NR];
232     Poly operator%(const Poly &a, const Poly &b) {
234         int la = a.size(), lb = b.size(), N;
235         Poly c(lb);
236         for (N = 1; N < la + lb; N <<= 1);
237         iter0(i, N) {
238             ta[i] = (i < la ? a[i] : 0);
239             tb[i] = (i < lb ? b[i] : 0);
240         }
241         poly_mod(ta, tb, tr, la - 1, lb - 1);
243         iter0(i, lb) c[i] = tr[i];
244         iter0(i, N) tr[i] = 0;
245         upd(c);
247         return c;
248     }
249     Poly t[NR], tt[NR];
250     int tsz, lc[NR], rc[NR];
253     void init(int &x, int l, int r, int *a) {
254         x = ++tsz;
255         if (l == r) {
256             t[x] = { (mod - a[l]) % mod, 1 };
257             return;
258         }
259         int mid = (l + r) / 2;
260         init(lc[x], l, mid, a);
261         init(rc[x], mid + 1, r, a);
262         t[x] = t[lc[x]] * t[rc[x]];
263     }
265     int eval(const Poly &A, int x) {
266         int p = 1, res = 0;
267         for (auto it = A.begin(); it != A.end(); ++it) {
268             res = (res + 1ll * p * *it) % mod;
269             p = 1ll * p * x % mod;
270         }
271         return res;
272     }
274     int pp[NR];
276     Poly D(const Poly &a) {
277         int la = a.size();
278         Poly c(la - 1);
279         iter(i, la - 1) c[i - 1] = 1ll * i * a[i] % mod;
280         return c;
281     }
283     void s2(int x, int l, int r, const Poly &f, int qX[], int ans[]) {
284         if (f.size() < 1000 || r - l + 1 <= 200) {
285             forw(i, l, r) pp[i] = 1;
286             for (auto it = f.begin(); it != f.end(); ++it) {
287                 forw(i, l, r) {
288                     ans[i] = (ans[i] + 1ll * pp[i] * *it) % mod;
289                     pp[i] = 1ll * pp[i] * qX[i] % mod;
290                 }
291             }
292             return;
293         }
295         int mid = (l + r) / 2;
296         s2(lc[x], l, mid, f % t[lc[x]], qX, ans);
297         s2(rc[x], mid + 1, r, f % t[rc[x]], qX, ans);
298     }
299     int root;
301     void evaluation(const Poly &f, bool inited, int qX[], int ans[], int m) {
302         if (!inited) {
303             tsz = 0;
304             init(root, 1, m, qX);
305         }
306         s2(root, 1, m, f, qX, ans);
308     }
310     int px[NR], py[NR], qx[NR], qy[NR], Q[NR], n, m;
312     Poly s1(int x, int l, int r) {
313         if (l == r) {
314             Poly tmp = { (int) (1ll * py[l] * mod_inv(Q[l]) % mod) };
315             return tmp;
316         }
317         int mid = (l + r) / 2;
318         Poly L = s1(lc[x], l, mid), R = s1(rc[x], mid + 1, r);
319         return L * t[rc[x]] + R * t[lc[x]];
320     }
322 }
324 int get(long long x)
325 {
326     check(x);
327     int res = 0, t = 1, m = Pow(Variants::m, x);
328     x %= mod;
329     for (int i = 0; i <= n; i ++)
330         {
331             (res += (1ll * m * B[i] % mod + A[i]) * t % mod) %= mod;
332             t = 1ll * t * x % mod;
333         }
334     return res;
335 }
337 void get(int m, long long *X, int *Y)
338 {
339     static int x[maxN], ya[maxN], yb[maxN];
341     //auto st = clock();
343     for (int i = 1; i <= m; i ++)
344     {
345         check(X[i]);
346         x[i] = X[i] % mod;
347     }
349     Interpol::Poly a;
350     a.resize(n + 1);
352     for (int i = 0; i <= n; i ++)
353         a[i] = A[i];
354     Interpol::evaluation(a, false, x, ya, m);
356     for (int i = 0; i <= n; i ++)
357         a[i] = B[i];
358     Interpol::evaluation(a, false, x, yb, m);
360     //cerr << "evaluate time: " << (clock() - st) / 1000.0 << endl;
362     //st = clock();
363     for (int i = 1; i <= m; i ++)
364         Y[i] = (1ll * Pow(Variants::m, X[i]) * yb[i] % mod + ya[i]) % mod;
365     //cerr << "get Y[] time: " << (clock() - st) / 1000.0 << endl;
366 }
368 int main()
369 {
370     using namespace Variants;
371     freopen(fin , "r", stdin);
372     freopen(fout, "w", stdout);
374     scanf("%d%d%d%d", &n, &L, &R, &mod);
375     for (int i = 0; i <= n; i ++)
376         scanf("%d", &A[i]);
377     for (int i = 0; i <= n; i ++)
378         scanf("%d", &B[i]);
379     get_root();
381     m = init(L, R, n, mod);
382     if (!(L <= m && m <= R))
383     {
384         puts(WA_TOKEN);
385         printf("m=%d is not in [%d,%d]\n", m, L, R);
386         return 1;
387     }
388     solve(resA, resB);
390     int cntA = 0, cntB = 0;
391     for (int i = 0; i <= n; i ++)
392     {
393         cntA += (A[i] != resA[i] % mod);
394         cntB += (B[i] != resB[i] % mod);
395     }
397 /*
398     for (int i = 0; i <= n; i ++)
399         cerr << resA[i] << " "; cerr << endl;
400     for (int i = 0; i <= n; i ++)
401         cerr << resB[i] << " "; cerr << endl;
402 */
404     if (cntA == 0 && cntB == 0)
405         puts(AC_TOKEN);
406     else if (cntA == 0 || cntB == 0)
407     {
408         puts(HF_TOKEN);
409         char c = cntA ? 'B' : 'A';
410         printf("You answer polynomial %c correctly, the other one has %d different coefficients.\n", c, cntA + cntB);
411         halt(1);
412     }
413     else
414     {
415         puts(WA_TOKEN);
416         printf("Your polynomial A and B has %d and %d different coefficients.\n", cntA, cntB);
417         halt(1);
418     }
420     halt();
421     return 0;
422 }
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