《The Passionate Programmer——我编程,我快乐》读书笔记

      The Passionate Programmer是著名的软件开发工程师、音乐家Chad Fowler的作品,作者在本书中分享了有效的探索式方法、经验和态度,激发自己对于工作的热情和信心,fly away…… 本书共分为5章内容,分别是选择市场、在产品上投资、执行、推销、保持技术领先,在阅读本书的过程中,作者对于自己热爱的东西的追求和执着溢于言表,而且他指导我们用科学的办法指定计划,有针对的进行练习,make a progress step by step !

      Some Words
1 Exploiet market imbalances.
2 Now is the time to think about business domains you invest your time in.
3 Be the worst guy in every band you are in.
4 The people around you affect your own performance. Choose your crowd wisely.
5 I haven't been given the opportunity……? Seize the opportunity!
6 Generalists are rare…… and, therefore, precious.
7 Your skills should transcend technology platforms.
8 Too many of us seem to believe that specializing in something simply means not knowing about things.
9 Vendor-centric views are typically myopic.
10 Work beacause you could not stop work.
11 Do not wait to be told , ask!
12 You can't creatively help a business until you know how it works.
13 It's OK to depend on someone, just make sure it's the right one.
14 To find out whether you really know something, try teaching it to someone else.
15 Mentors tend not to get laid off.
16 Practice at your limits.
17 If you want to feel you own a process , help implement it.
18 Mine existing code for insights.
19 use existing code to reflect on your own capabilities.
20 The mind-reading trick , if done well , leads to people depending on you.
21 Have an accomplishment to report every day.
22 Your managess' successes are your successes.
23 Be ambitious , but don't wear it on your sleeve.
24 How much fun could you make you job ?
25 Ask, " Was I worth it today? "
16 Beware of being blinded by your own success.
17 Maintenance can be a place of freedom and creativity.
18 Projects are marathons, not sprints.
29 Every wrong note is but one step away from a right one.
30 stressful times offer the best opportunities to build loyalty.
31 Saying "yes" to avoid disappointment is just lying.
32 Heros never panic.
33 Status reports can help you market yourself.
34 Performance appraisals are never objective.
35 Your customers are afraid of you.
36 You are what you can explain.
37 Learn about your colleagues.
38 Market your accomplishments in the languange of your business.
39 Have a mission. Make sure people learn it.
40 Your name is your brand.
41 Google never forgets.
42 Anyone can use Rails . Few can say Rails contributor.
43 Demo or die!
44 Fear gets between us and the pros.
45 Your shiny new skills are already obsolete.
46 You are not your job.
47 Focus on doing , not being done.
48 Watch the alpha geeks.
49 Developer, review thyself.
50 Rigid values make you fragile.

    OK! Be a happy developer and live a healthy life! From the words above, I think you have known the shortness of staying up !!
    Enjoy the rainbow ^_^

posted @ 2012-03-17 06:18  cloud_fish  阅读(358)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报