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[翻译]ADO.NET Entity Framework Beta2(七)/快速入门(实体框架)(2)/创建ClassSchedule窗体应用程序

In this task, you will create the Class Schedule Windows application by using Visual Studio 2008.

在这一任务中,你将使用Visual Studio 2008 创建ClassSchedule窗体应用程序

To create the Class Schedule application by using Visual Studio

使用Visual Studio创建ClassSchedule应用程序

  1. On the File menu, point to New, and click Project.
    文件菜单点击新建项目。(我用的VS2008Bata2 Team Suite中文版和帮助上的步骤略有不同)

  2. Choose either Visual Basic or Visual C# in the Project Types pane.
    项目类型面板中选择Visual BasicVisual C#。

  3. Select Windows Forms Application in the Templates pane.

  4. Enter ClassSchedule for the project name, and then click OK.

To create the Class Schedule form/创建ClassSchedule窗体

  1. In the ClassSchedule project, select the default form (Form1), change the Name property to StudentSchedule, and change the Text property to Student Schedule.
    在ClassSchedule项目中选择默认窗体(Form1),修改窗体的Name属性为StudentSchedule,再修改Text属性为Student Schedule

  2. In the Solution Explorer, double-click the StudentSchedule form.

    This opens the form designer.

  3. In the Toolbox, expand Common Controls, drag the ComboBox control to the form, and change the name of the control to studentsList. 在左侧的工具箱里,展开公共控件面板,向窗体上拖放一个组合框控件,将该控件的Name属性修改成studentsList

  4. In the Toolbox, drag the Button control to the form, change the name of the control to closeForm, and change the Text value to Close.

  5. In the Toolbox, expand Data, drag the DataGridView control to the form, and change the name of the control to studentClasses.

  6. Double-click the closeForm button control.

    This opens the code page for the form and creates the closeForm_Click event handler method.

  7. In the closeForm_Click event handler method, type the following code that closes the form:

    Visual Basic
    ' Close the form.
    // Close the form.

Next Steps/下一步

You have successfully created the class scheduling application. Next you will generate the mapping files that describe an Entity Data Model (EDM) based on a 1:1 mapping against the School database that you created in the first task:


Generating the School Entity Data Model/生成学校实体数据模型

See Also/请参考


Quickstart (Entity Framework)/快速入门(实体框架)

Other Resources/其它资源

Feature Reference (Entity Framework)/功能参考(实体框架)


posted @ 2007-09-21 15:23  徐少侠  阅读(1615)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报
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