hits:=0; for I:=0 to NumberOfIterations-1 do begin {perform some calculations dependent on random number generation to determine a value x} if x>0 then hits:=hits+1; end;{For Loop} FailureProbability:=hits/NumberOfIterations;
program loop; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} const NumberOfIterations = 30000000; type TCalcThread = class(TThread) private FIdx: Integer; FHits: Cardinal; protected procedure Execute; override; public constructor Create(Idx: Integer); reintroduce; property Hits: Cardinal read FHits; end; constructor TCalcThread.Create(Idx: Integer); begin FIdx := Idx; FHits := 0; inherited Create(False); end; procedure TCalcThread.Execute; var i, x, start, finish: Integer; begin start := (NumberOfIterations div 4) * FIdx; finish := start + (NumberOfIterations div 4) - 1; for i := start to finish do begin //do your random calculations here if x > 0 then Inc(FHits); end; end; var thrarr: array[0..3] of TCalcThread; hndarr: array[0..3] of THandle; i: Integer; FailureProbability: Extended; begin for i := 0 to 3 do begin thrarr[i] := TCalcThread.Create(i); hndarr[i] := thrarr[i].Handle; end; WaitForMultipleObjects(4, @hndarr, True, INFINITE); FailureProbability := Extended(thrarr[0].Hits + thrarr[1].Hits + thrarr[2].Hits + thrarr[3].Hits) / NumberOfIterations; for i := 0 to 3 do thrarr[i].Free; end.