删除多表关联数据 |
[ 2008-7-17 14:08:00 | By: 追忆逝水华年 ]
2008.04.15 以下的内容只是针对MySql数据库 1. sql语句删除两个或多个关联中的数据 以前因为对数据库中的数据只是进行简单的操作,通常只是删除一个表中的数据(因为表与表中的关联性比较差,没有外键这样的约束),就像这样 delete
from tableA a where 1=1 and a.id=1; delete后面不用指定表的名称,直到最近要删除两个表中的数据,表A与表B,表B中的内容是附属于表A的,也就是说如果表A中的某一条记录删除了,表B中的记录也要删除,因为如果不删除B中的记录,那就会形成垃圾数据, 表A中的一项为itemid,表B中也一个Column也为itemid,是以外键的形式指向表A. 当我这样写的时候就报错了: delete
from A a, B b where 1=1 and a.itemid=b.itemid and a.id<5 提示你where后的语句有问题(当然问题不在where语句),当from后面的表涉及到多个的时候,这个语句就要有点变化了 这样
delete a,b from A a,B b where 1=1 and a.itemid=b.itemid and a.id<5 或者是这样 delete from a,b using A a,B b where 1=1 and a.itemid=b.itemid and a.id<5 from 中的表的名称没有先后顺序的要求,以下为<Sams - Mysql Tutorial(2003).chm>中的说明: delete 语法:
[WHERE where_definition] [ORDER BY ...] [LIMIT rows] or DELETE [LOW_PRIORITY] [QUICK] table_name[.*] [, table_name[.*] ...] FROM table-references [WHERE where_definition] or DELETE [LOW_PRIORITY] [QUICK] FROM table_name[.*] [, table_name[.*] ...] USING table-references [WHERE where_definition] 示例代码为: 1. 删除一个表中的数据
delete from department where name='Asset Management'; 2. 删除两个表中的数据 delete employee, employeeSkills from employee, employeeSkills, department where employee.employeeID = employeeSkills.employeeID and employee.departmentID = department.departmentID and department.name='Finance'; 3. 删除两个表中的数据,用using语法 delete from employee, employeeSkills using employee, employeeSkills, department where employee.employeeID = employeeSkills.employeeID and employee.departmentID = department.departmentID and department.name='Finance'; |