COMP9517 Week7 Tracking


Tracking :


1. Bayesian inference Using probabilistic models to perform tracking

  1). • A moving object has a state which evolves over time; Random variable Xi can contain any quantities of interest (position, velocity, acceleration, shape, intensity, colour, …)

  2)   The state is measured at each time point ; Random variable Yi  measurements are typical features computed from the images

  3)  贝叶斯预测三步


    (1)Prediction 基于前i-1步的measurements预测第i步的state 




    (2)Assiciation:如果有不同的objects 则需要选择不同的 object-related measurements (这里预测单个object 没有这一步)

      (3)   Correction: 用正确的Yi更新之前的预测







   4) Current state only depends on the immediate past; Measurements depend only on the current state








2.• Kalman filtering Using linear model assumptions for tracking












3.• Particle filtering Using nonlinear models for tracking





posted @ 2020-07-19 20:13  ChevisZhang  阅读(148)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报