Why is Go PANICking?

A panic should always be a last resort, and even then consider a better option!

  • Logging errors with context (cause and message)
  • Expose errors as metrics
  • Expose errors as events

So after all the long talk, when is it okay to panic?

  • Panics are somewhat okay when the error state needs attention and there’s no going forward from there.

  • An example would be starting an application with a missing environment variable or having an invalid configuration (this could also be hot reloaded).

  • No amount of error handling would fit a case of this, panic as needed and let the user know their attention is needed. A failed write to a store could be worth a panic as the application not writing will lead to a fatal inconsistent state etc.

  • A lot of the time, panics are needed only when you have a fatal end and need to stop to save yourself, rather than shoot yourself in the foot for some fancy stack trace.

To end this, I say:

With great power comes great responsibility, but even Spiderman knew better than to panic unless needed.

The end!


posted @ 2021-03-05 11:27  zhangyu63  阅读(49)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报