
package DataStructures.Lists;

public class CircleLinkedList<E> {
    private static class Node<E> {
        Node<E> next;
        E value;

        private Node(E value, Node<E> next) {
            this.value = value;
            this.next = next;

    //For better O.O design this should be private allows for better black box design
    private int size;
    //this will point to dummy node;
    private Node<E> head;

    //constructer for class.. here we will make a dummy node for circly linked list implementation with reduced error catching as our list will never be empty;
    public CircleLinkedList() {
        //creation of the dummy node
        head = new Node<E>(null, head);
        size = 0;

    // getter for the size... needed because size is private.
    public int getSize() {
        return size;

    // for the sake of simplistiy this class will only contain the append function or addLast other add functions can be implemented however this is the basses of them all really.
    public void append(E value) {
        if (value == null) {
            // we do not want to add null elements to the list.
            throw new NullPointerException("Cannot add null element to the list");
        //head.next points to the last element;
        head.next = new Node<E>(value, head);

    public E remove(int pos) {
        if (pos > size || pos < 0) {
            //catching errors
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("position cannot be greater than size or negative");
        //we need to keep track of the element before the element we want to remove we can see why bellow.
        Node<E> before = head;
        for (int i = 1; i <= pos; i++) {
            before = before.next;
        Node<E> destroy = before.next;
        E saved = destroy.value;
        // assigning the next reference to the the element following the element we want to remove... the last element will be assigned to the head.
        before.next = before.next.next;
        // scrubbing
        destroy = null;
        return saved;




package DataStructures.Lists;

 * This class implements a DoublyLinkedList. This is done using the classes
 * LinkedList and Link.
 * <p>
 * A linked list is similar to an array, it holds values. However,
 * links in a linked list do not have indexes. With a linked list
 * you do not need to predetermine it's size as it grows and shrinks
 * as it is edited. This is an example of a double ended, doubly
 * linked list. Each link references the next link and the previous
 * one.
 * @author Unknown

public class DoublyLinkedList {
     * Head refers to the front of the list
    private Link head;
     * Tail refers to the back of the list
    private Link tail;

     * Default Constructor
    public DoublyLinkedList() {
        head = null;
        tail = null;

     * Constructs a list containing the elements of the array
     * @param array the array whose elements are to be placed into this list
     * @throws NullPointerException if the specified collection is null
    public DoublyLinkedList(int[] array) {
        if (array == null) throw new NullPointerException();
        for (int i : array) {

     * Insert an element at the head
     * @param x Element to be inserted
    public void insertHead(int x) {
        Link newLink = new Link(x); // Create a new link with a value attached to it
        if (isEmpty()) // Set the first element added to be the tail
            tail = newLink;
            head.previous = newLink; // newLink <-- currenthead(head)
        newLink.next = head; // newLink <--> currenthead(head)
        head = newLink; // newLink(head) <--> oldhead

     * Insert an element at the tail
     * @param x Element to be inserted
    public void insertTail(int x) {
        Link newLink = new Link(x);
        newLink.next = null; // currentTail(tail)     newlink -->
        if (isEmpty()) {        // Check if there are no elements in list then it adds first element
            tail = newLink;
            head = tail;
        } else {
            tail.next = newLink; // currentTail(tail) --> newLink -->
            newLink.previous = tail; // currentTail(tail) <--> newLink -->
            tail = newLink; // oldTail <--> newLink(tail) -->

     * Delete the element at the head
     * @return The new head
    public Link deleteHead() {
        Link temp = head;
        head = head.next; // oldHead <--> 2ndElement(head)
        head.previous = null; // oldHead --> 2ndElement(head) nothing pointing at old head so will be removed
        if (head == null)
            tail = null;
        return temp;

     * Delete the element at the tail
     * @return The new tail
    public Link deleteTail() {
        Link temp = tail;
        tail = tail.previous; // 2ndLast(tail) <--> oldTail --> null
        tail.next = null; // 2ndLast(tail) --> null
        if (tail == null) {
            head = null;
        return temp;

     * Delete the element from somewhere in the list
     * @param x element to be deleted
     * @return Link deleted
    public void delete(int x) {
        Link current = head;

        while (current.value != x) {// Find the position to delete
            if (current != tail) {
                current = current.next;
            } else {// If we reach the tail and the element is still not found
                throw new RuntimeException("The element to be deleted does not exist!");

        if (current == head)

        else if (current == tail)

        else { // Before: 1 <--> 2(current) <--> 3
            current.previous.next = current.next;  // 1 --> 3
            current.next.previous = current.previous; // 1 <--> 3

     * Inserts element and reorders
     * @param x Element to be added
    public void insertOrdered(int x) {
        Link newLink = new Link(x);
        Link current = head;
        while (current != null && x > current.value) // Find the position to insert
            current = current.next;

        if (current == head)

        else if (current == null)

        else { // Before: 1 <--> 2(current) <--> 3
            newLink.previous = current.previous; // 1 <-- newLink
            current.previous.next = newLink; // 1 <--> newLink
            newLink.next = current; // 1 <--> newLink --> 2(current) <--> 3
            current.previous = newLink; // 1 <--> newLink <--> 2(current) <--> 3
     * Returns true if list is empty
     * @return true if list is empty
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return (head == null);

     * Prints contents of the list
    public void display() { // Prints contents of the list
        Link current = head;
        while (current != null) {
            current = current.next;

 * This class is used to implement the nodes of the
 * linked list.
 * @author Unknown
class Link {
     * Value of node
    public int value;
     * This points to the link in front of the new link
    public Link next;
     * This points to the link behind the new link
    public Link previous;

     * Constructor
     * @param value Value of node
    public Link(int value) {
        this.value = value;

     * Displays the node
    public void displayLink() {
        System.out.print(value + " ");

     * Main Method
     * @param args Command line arguments
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        DoublyLinkedList myList = new DoublyLinkedList();
        myList.display(); // <-- 10(head) <--> 7 <--> 13(tail) -->

        myList.display(); // <-- 10(head) <--> 7 <--> 13 <--> 11(tail) -->

        myList.display(); // <-- 10(head) <--> 7 <--> 13(tail) -->

        myList.display(); // <-- 10(head) <--> 13(tail) -->

        myList.display(); // <-- 3(head) <--> 10 <--> 13 <--> 23 <--> 67(tail) -->
posted @ 2019-11-24 21:05  zhangyu63  阅读(214)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报