英文原文:6 Life Habits That Programming Could Teach You Today 成功人生所需要知道的一切重要事情,你都能从计算机编程中学到。不相信我?那就继续往下看。 当我很小开始编程之时,还只是照搬电脑杂志上前瞻性的文字和符号,以便我和哥哥能够让带有一个双软盘驱动器的旧Franklin64 播放一段小巧的数字曲调。当时我们还没有太多生活经验去辨别那... 阅读全文
CHENYILONGBlogthe error about “no such file or directory”when you get the question like thisperhaps you have moved the file named **.pch,you can do like this©chenyilong. Powered byPostach.ioBlog 阅读全文
BlogUnable to Distribute in Xcode5?I have the question, if this screenshot is what you getting. (My case is from XCode 5 Organizer during Distribute…)!I have the same question, if you use Xcode 5,... 阅读全文
CHENYILONGBlog关于 xcode5 的no matching provisioning prof…about the question in xcode5 “no matching provisioning profiles found "(关于xcode5的no matching provisioning profiles found )when I was fitting w... 阅读全文
CHENYILONGBlogARC 之内存转换技术博客http://www.cnblogs.com/ChenYilong/新浪微博http://weibo.com/luohanchenyilongARC之内存转换技术博客http://www.cnblogs.com/ChenYilong/新浪微博http://weibo.com/luohanchenyilongFoundation对象&... 阅读全文