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Welcome to the new homepage of the GENIA Project!


The GENIA Project was founded by prof. Jun'ichi Tsujii and ran at the Tsujii Laboratory of University of Tokyo from 1998 to 2012. A full list of project members and support can be found on the acknowledgments page.



These pages provide access to resources and tools introduced in the GENIA Project as well as information about the project.


  • The primary annotated resource created in the GENIA Project is the GENIA corpus, which consists of multiple layers of annotation, encompassing both syntactic and semantic annotation
  • .最初在GENIA项目中创建的标注源是GENIA语料库,这个语料库有多层标注构成,包含句法标注和语义标注。
  • The GENIA Project initiated the BioNLP Shared Task series and has organized a number of tasks in three different shared task events. Resources relating to these tasks are found on the shared task resources page.
  • GENIA项目发起BioNLP-ST系列竞赛并在3次不同的st竞赛中组织了一些任务。这些任务的相关资源可以在shared task resources页找到。
  • In addition to the primary GENIA corpus and shared task resources, GENIA Project has also created or coordinated the annotation of multiple other corpus resources, summarized on the other corpora page.
  • 除了原始GENIA语料库以及ST资源,GENIA项目也创建、整合了一些其他语料库资源的标注,总结在other corpora page.页面。
  • Resources not developed by the GENIA Project, but which are related to its efforts. These can be found on the related resources page
  • 与GENIA项目成果相关、却并非由GENIA项目开发的资源,在related resources页面可以找到。

GENIA Project resources include also a rich set of automatic tools for various annotation tasks, most trained on various parts of the GENIA corpus annotations.

GENIA项目资源包含大量的工具,这些工具在tools for various annotation tasks页面,可以用来做不同的标注任务,大多数工具都在GENIA语料库标注的不同部分进行了训练。

You may also be interested in visiting the old GENIA Project homepage.

你可能也会对访问old GENIA Project homepage.感兴趣。

posted @ 2012-10-28 10:05  ZH奶酪  阅读(429)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报