GAMES 201 Lecture 2&3 Lagrangian View

Lecture 2&3 Lagrangian View


  • 上节课的几个小问题:
  1. 使用 yapf + PEP8 格式化代码
    yapf ... .py
  2. 输出.gif或是mp4文件(后续会讲)
  3. Faster compilation:
    ti.core.toggle_advanced optimization(False) //关闭一些advanced的运算优化以提升速度

Lecture 2 Part

Lagrangian Simulation Approaches

  • ——>Mass-Spring Systems and smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics

Mass-Spring Sytems

  • 原理:

  • Time Integration

  1. Forward Euler (explicit)
    \(v_{t+1} = v_t+\Delta tm^{-1}f_{t}\)
    \(x_{t+1}=x_t+\Delta tv_t\)
    main characters about explicit methods (like Forward Euler, Symplectic Euler, RK...):
    • Future depends only on past.
    • Easy to implement.
    • Easy to explode : \(\Delta t <= c \sqrt{\frac{m}{k}}\) (c~1) <- 对"硬度"的考量,避免爆炸
    • Bad for stiff materials.
  2. Semi-Implicit Euler(a.k.a. symplectic Euler, actually explicit)
    \(v_{t+1}=v_t+\Delta tm^{-1}f_t\)
    \(x_{t+1}=x_t+\Delta tv_{t+1}\)
  3. Backward Euler (often with Newton's method, actually implicit)
    main characters about implicit methods (like Backward Euler, middle-point...):
    • Future depends on both future and past.
    • Chicken-egg problem: need to solve a system of linear equations.
    • In general harder to implement.
    • Each step is more expensive but time stpes larger.
    • Nmerical damping and locking.
  • Mass-Spring System using implicit method:
    • \(x_{t+1}=x_t+\Delta tv_{t+1}\) ......(1)
    • \(v_{t+1}=v_t+\Delta tM^{-1}f(x_{t+1})\) ......(2)
      Eliminate \(x_{t+1}\) :
    • \(v_{t+1}=v_t+\Delta tM^{-1}f(x_t+\Delta tv_{t+1})\) ......(3)
      Linearize (one step of Newton's method):->使用泰勒展开
    • \(v_{t+1}=v_t+\Delta tM^{-1}[f(x_t)+\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}(x_t)\Delta tv_{t+1}]\) ......(4)
      Clean up(移项):
    • \([I-\Delta t^2M^{-1}\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}(x_t)]v_{t+1}=v_t+\Delta tM^{-1}f(x_t)\) ......(5)

      A=\([I-\Delta t^2M^{-1}\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}(x_t)]\)
      b=\(v_t+\Delta tM^{-1}f(x_t)\)
      \(Av_{t+1}=b\) (-> a system of linear equations)
      Solve it ! :
      • Jacobi/Gauss-Seidel iterations (easy to implement)
      • Conjugate gradients (共轭梯度法 以后会讲)
  • \([I-\beta \Delta t^2M^{-1}\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}(x_t)]v_{t+1}=v_t+\Delta tM^{-1}f(x_t)\)
    • \(\beta =0\) -> Forward / Semi-implicit Euler
    • \(\beta =\frac{1}{2}\) -> Middle-point (implicit)
    • \(\beta = 1\) -> Backward Euler(implicit)
  • What if we have millions of mass point and springs?
    • Sparse matrices
    • Conjugate gradients
    • Preconditioning
    • Use position-based dynamics
      A different (yet much faster) approach:
      Fast mass_spring system
      ——————————————Lecture 2 施工中————————————————

Lecture 3 Basics of deformation, elasticity & finite elements

Deformation & Elasticity

  • Deformation map \(\phi\) : a (vector to vector) function that relates rest material position and deformed material position. (将rest状态的位置映射到deformed状态的函数)
    • \(x_{deformed}=\phi(x_{rest})\)
  • Deformation gradient F :
    • F:=\(\frac{\partial x_{deformed}}{\partial x_{rest}}\)
      ※:Deformed gradients are translational invariant,\(\phi_1=\phi(x_{rest})\) and \(\phi_2=\phi(x_{rest})+c\) have the same deformation gradient.
  • Deform/rest volume ratio J=det(F) -> (J=\(\frac{Deform Volume}{Rest Volume}\))
  • Hyperelastic materials:
    materials whose stress-strain relationship is defined by a strain energy density function.
    • \(\psi=\psi(F)\)
    • Intutive understanding:
      • \(\psi\) is a potential function that penalizes deformation.
      • "Stress"(应力):the material's internal elastic forces.
      • "Strain"(应变):just replace it with deformation gradients F for now.
    • Be careful: We use \(\psi\) as the strain energy density function and \(\phi\) as the deformation map. They are completely different.
  • Stress tensor. -> 二阶张量.(3x3矩阵)
    • Stress stands for internal forces that infinitesimal material components exert on their neighborhood.
    • The First Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor (PK1):
      \(P(F)=\frac{\partial \psi(F)}{\partial F}\)
    • Kirchhoff stress:\(\tau\)
    • Cauchy stress tensor: \(\sigma\) (symmetirc, because of conservation of angular momentum).
      • \(\tau = J\sigma=PF^T\)
      • \(P=J\sigma F^{-T}\)
        (J compensates for material compression expansion,
        \(F^{-T}\) compensates for material deformation.)
      • Traction: \(t = \sigma ^Tn\)
  • Elastic moduli (isotropic materials)
    • Young's modulus \(E=\frac{\sigma }{\epsilon }\)
    • Bulk modulus \(K=-V\frac{\mathrm{d}p}{\mathrm{d}V}\) ->常用于可压缩液体
    • Poisson's ratio \(v\in[0.0 , 0.5)\) ->横向正应变与轴向正应变比值
      (Auxetics have negative Poissson's ratio)
  • Lamé Parameters:
    • Lamé's first parameter \(\mu\)
    • Lamé's second parameter \(\lambda\) (a.k.a. shear modulus, denot by G)
    • Useful conversion formula:
      • \(K=\frac{E}{3(1-2v)}\)



  • Lecture 2 :

  • Lecture 3 :

posted @ 2022-10-21 23:33  Cheess_nut  阅读(42)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报