

例如,my package,com.example.mypackage or com.example.my_package ?


Package names are written in all lower case to avoid conflict with the names of classes or interfaces.







Companies use their reversed Internet domain name to begin their package names—for example, com.example.mypackage for a package named mypackage created by a programmer at

公司使用他们的反向域名开始他们的包名-例如  域名 需要一个mypackage包,完整包名应该是 com.example.mypackage 

但是有些情况下,域名可能不是一个有效的包名。例如包含-、包含java 关键字、数字开头等。这种情况下,官方建议我们使用下划线作为包名前缀(Package Name Prefix),但仅限于域名部分(Domain Name)。

Naming a Package (The Java™ Tutorials > Learning the Java Language > Packages)

Naming a Package


With programmers worldwide writing classes and interfaces using the Java programming language, it is likely that many programmers will use the same name for different types. In fact, the previous example does just that: It defines a Rectangle class when there is already a Rectangle class in the java.awt package. Still, the compiler allows both classes to have the same name if they are in different packages. The fully qualified name of each Rectangle class includes the package name. That is, the fully qualified name of the Rectangle class in the graphics package is graphics.Rectangle, and the fully qualified name of the Rectangle class in the java.awt package is java.awt.Rectangle.

随着全世界的程序员都在使用 Java 编程语言编写类和接口,很多程序员可能会对不同的类型使用相同的名称。实际上,前面的示例就是这样做的: 当 java.awt 包中已经有一个 Rectangle 类时,它定义了一个 Rectangle 类。尽管如此,如果两个类位于不同的包中,编译器允许它们具有相同的名称。每个 Rectangle 类的完全限定名都包含包名。也就是说,图形包中的 Rectangle 类的完全限定名称是 graphics。Rectangle,而 java.awt 包中 Rectangle 类的完全限定名是 java.awt。长方形。

This works well unless two independent programmers use the same name for their packages. What prevents this problem? Convention.


Naming Conventions


Package names are written in all lower case to avoid conflict with the names of classes or interfaces.


Companies use their reversed Internet domain name to begin their package names—for example, com.example.mypackage for a package named mypackage created by a programmer at

公司使用他们反向的互联网域名来开始他们的包名称ー例如,com.example.mypackage 用于一个名为 mypackage 的包,这个包是由 example. com 的一个程序员创建的。

Name collisions that occur within a single company need to be handled by convention within that company, perhaps by including the region or the project name after the company name (for example, com.example.region.mypackage).


Packages in the Java language itself begin with java. or javax.

Java 语言本身中的包以 Java.or javax 开头。

In some cases, the internet domain name may not be a valid package name. This can occur if the domain name contains a hyphen or other special character, if the package name begins with a digit or other character that is illegal to use as the beginning of a Java name, or if the package name contains a reserved Java keyword, such as "int". In this event, the suggested convention is to add an underscore. For example:

在某些情况下,internet 域名可能不是有效的包名。如果域名包含连字符或其他特殊字符,如果包名以非法用作 Java 名称开头的数字或其他字符开头,或者如果包名包含保留的 Java 关键字,如“ int”,则可能发生这种情况。在这种情况下,建议的约定是添加一个下划线。例如:

Legalizing Package Names 软件包名称合法化
Domain Name 域名Package Name Prefix 包名称前缀 org.example.hyphenated_name int_.example com.example._123name


posted @ 2022-01-18 11:06  CharyGao  阅读(2448)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报